Monday, February 1, 2021

Lunatic Americans, vol. 1

Somewhat involuntarily, I joined this email list of what seems to be Trump-supporting Jewish women and man. That is, an email from one of them, Ms. Lewis, landed in my inbox, without me ever giving my email address to anyone. Nu, Shoin, I joined the enlightened conversation, nonetheless.

Here is the first thread. A number of threads on similar topics will follow.


Every Congressional anti-Semite is a Democrat

January 21, 2021, Shirley Lewis <>:

Any Republican counterparts to Jews-kill-Pal Arabs-like-birds-of-prey Warnock?  Any Republican counterparts to Omar and Tlaib.  What about all those Democrats who signed on to HR 2407, the house resolution based on the blood libel that Jews abuse Pal Arab children. Only Democrats sponsored and co-sponsored.

I would like to know if there are any Republican Congressioanl anti-Semitic counterparts to all these anti-Semitic Democrats so I can tell RJC who will make sure the Repub anti-Semites are primary-ed out. Jewish Democratic Council of America is more than happy to have Democratic Party anti-Semites serve in Congress. As a matter of fact, it has a hand in normalizing Congressional anti-Semitism.

So, any names of Republican counterparts to Warnock, Omar, Tlaib, let me know.



I wrote:

The willingness to accept that Arabs are equally human = Anti-Semitism?

Unwillingness to go along with the selfish and criminal policy of the Israeli government = Anti-Semitism?

If so, then there is no Anti-Semitism in this world at all.

And if there is - here is one reason why:


Avner E.



January 29, 2021, Debbie Schlussel <>:


Normally I don't respond to this dumb list I never asked to be on.

But you're so full of shit and you know it and have admitted it to me in e-mails. You admitted to me that you know you're a liar.  I have been the first one to call out Rashida Tlaib years ago before you ever heard of her.  But here are three Republican anti-Semites in Congress (only a lying jackass would say every anti-Semite in Congress is Dem - you are as bad as the dumbass Jewish liberals and a complete fool):  Marjorie Taylor Greene (who says a Jewish Satellite from space started California forest fires and that Zionists are behind illegal alien immigration), Jihad Darrell Issa (who said how sweet Yasser Arafat is that he lets you taste his food and said 9/11 was "just a plane crash," that HAMAS is just a political group of farmers, and that Hezbollah is a mainstream nice group of guys (who he was heard on surveilled phone calls giving US intelligence to), and Thomas Massie (who hates Israel and Jews), plus there used to be Justin Amash (also a Jew-hating Palestinian and Israel-hater).  So just stop with your lies.




I wrote:

Nice, but - you are making the same (wrong) point:

Criticizing the policy of the Israeli government (not criticizing Israel!!) = Anti-Semitism.



Avner E.



January 29, 2021, Debbie Schlussel <>:

Because I don't agree with you and you are wrong.  Almost all critics of Israel in American politics are open antii-Semites who hide behind that baloney reasoning:  that they are only anti-Israel and not anti-Semites.



I wrote:

If they hide their true opinions - then how do YOU know them?...

I admire people who are capable to "judge righteously, and test the heart and mind" (Jeremiah 11:20) - in the Hebrew original, "test the Kidney and Heart".... but whatever.


Avner E.



January 29, 2021, Uri Yosef <>:

Shalom Avner,

Why do you even bother to engage with those morons & racists - it's a waste of time and effort.  I did my shtick before the November elections and shortly thereafter, but once Joe Biden was sworn in as President #46, I stopped.  The Trumplicans are a brain-washed cult that will probably stick with him even if he winds up in prison.

Shabbat Shalom!




I wrote:

Shalom to you as well, dear Uri!

I have many reasons as you said to disconnect and disengaged from these stupid and racist emails.

On the other hand, I have a number of reasons to take action and write my response. One of the reasons is - just to release some steam, anger and frustration. To be able to throw digital mud at people you have never met.... that's not nice, but sometimes feels good, if I want to be perfectly honest.

Anther reason is intellectual or shall I say debate-oriented. We in Israel don't get trained for this important skill, as students in the US do (one of the reasons that Israelis are really terrible debaters). So this is my chance to practice the trade.

Anyway, hoping to change anybody's mind is NOT among the reasons I reply. I don't have the slightest hope to influence anybody. With that I totally agree with you!

In my opinion, this world has become too rational-less and fake-driven to bother about logic any more. That is, until a real disaster strikes (nature-forbid).

I wish you stay safe and healthy, and have a great weekend.


Avner E.



Jan 29, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

Too many Arabs do not behave like humans.

That has been going on for centuries.

    Ishmael is a "wild ass of a man", remember?

Still true today.


Efendowitz, eh?

   Are you the son of an Efendi ?

Turks are not Arabs.

     Myron --- "Shlussel" is all "locked up" in her anger.




I wrote:

"Too many Arabs do not behave like humans. That has been going on for centuries."

"Centuries" - that is correct. It has been like this for a few decades now, so roughly 0.5 of a century.

But 8 centuries ago, the Islam was the most advanced culture, scientifically and philosophically. It was the Catholic church that impeded and censored science for more that a millennium.

Nowadays, in part, it's ultra-orthodox Jews, who represent the Core values of Judaism, such the ones who burnt down the bus in the photo below. They are the science and reason-deniers of 2021.


Avner E.



Norman cohen <>:

Avner has not only a distorted and narrow view of history,

he shows himself to be a self-hating Jew.




I wrote:

Again - to my detailed and reasoned reply - you can bring even one piece of argument. Just name calling. I don't expect you to agree - just bring a valid argument.

If it's of any help - I will bring you some! There are a few good arguments for your stance. But obviously, you don't understand or know them.

So typical to Right-wing people.


Avner E.



January 31, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

There is no further argument because it it useless to speak with confirmed fools.

     I already revealed the tree.

     Avner is mired in his forest.




I wrote:

Maybe just one small argument? Reasoning? Something?

Something you said on the thread, and I missed?

Ooops... it seems that those terms are not familiar to the right-wingers.

"Anyone who disqualifies others, disqualifies with his own flaw" (Talmud Bavli Kidushin, 70 page 1; Rambam Isurei Bi'a 19, 17)

So, the fool is you, Norman, according to the Sages.


Avner E.



January 31, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:

Yet sometimes people, groups and others who WANT TO KILL you and or DESTROY your FREEDOMS needs to be DISQUALIFIED!

Avner, is your nose still intact or have you cut if off in spite of your own face?


Ryan L. Silver



I wrote:

Once again, morons:

Can I have maybe just one small argument? Reasoning? Something?

Something you said on the thread, and I missed?

I take it that you guys on the Right won't recognize a piece of Logic if it was stuck up your face.



Avner E.



January 31, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

Avner- Fine with me. Disqualify me right now!! I guess I am plenty flawed. However, I  thank the Lord at least  I am not a sick, suicidal delusional stooge Liberal!



I wrote:

And why do you think that I am a sick, suicidal delusional stooge? Can you give a solid argument for that?

(Ooops... I should ask first: do you even know what "argument" means?)


Avner E.



January 31, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

I did not  specifically say you were! Guilty Conscience??



I wrote:

I am a Liberal, and my opinions are detailed below.

How am I different from the other Liberals?... I also want to be called "sick and stooge"! (have no idea what that is, but coming from you guys it sounds like a compliment).


Avner E.



January 31, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

I think you need to learn context.

      You trip over your own foolishness in order to justify your idol-worship.


I pick pickles out of the barrel.

      You get peppercorns.





I wrote:

Can you give me one example? Just one.


Avner E.



February 1, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

Mr. E-Of course you are a Liberal. Only a Liberal could have such illogical delusions. Your Policies have failed here in the USA totally! You placed us in debt for 26+ Trillions, not one of your  programs work  efficiently , and  all are close to bankrupt! You Liberals destroyed the Government School systems, turning out brainwashed , illiterate ,vacuous , brats! Liberals start and  fight no win wars for peace that never comes! You Liberals  carry out the full Big Government surrender to the UN program, of the Globalist Insiders of the CFR, the Tri-Lateral Commission and of the Bilderbergers! Now  you ask if you are a stooge??You ask for more of the same and wonder why you are called sick? You see your Nation collapsing in front of you,&  help the collapse with your Policies  wondering  if you are suicidal???? Delusional is a compliment when one considers just how sick the Liberal is!!!

 You stooges think you are smarter than the rest ,and think you are  some sort of an"Intellectual", with a sheepskin on the Wall, and a NY Times          ( CFR-Bilderberger)  under your arm!!

 So sick, suicidal  delusional stooges!! (Look stooge up. You're an "Intellectual" are you not)???



I wrote:

OK, and now for some evidence? References? Facts? Logic? Arguments?

That's too much to ask from stupid Conservatives.

(Smart Conservatives could live up to the challenge, but there are not many of them left under Trump).


Avner E.



February 1, 2021, Charles Jacobs <>:

This from a man who says Jews are just like Muslims when it comes to terror, cruelty, murder……

and who ran away when asked for “evidence, references, facts, logic, etc?”

Charles Jacobs



February 1, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

Mr. E-I gave you facts. You are a failure. Liberalism is a total failure. Nothing you or your Big Government has done works properly or efficiently! You want more facts??? What about? The Conspiracy. Easy to prove.  Some of the top even admit it!



I wrote:

Let's go back to 8th grade for a few minutes:


"Liberalism is a total failure" - is not a Fact. It's an Opinion. (it may be true! but not an established Fact).


"Nothing you or your Big Government has done works properly or efficiently!" - is not a fact either.

2+2=4 is a Fact (were you present when this was taught, Moron?)

Also: "In a poll conducted by <aaa>, 90% of scholars with PhD in the field of <bbb>, think that ..... " - this is a Fact.

Now, can you show me one Fact supporting you interesting opinion?



February 1, 2021, Harry Zimmerman <>:

When your Shmeckle leaves your head and is replaced by your brain, please let me know.



I wrote:

Another typical "argument" made by another typical redneck.



Avner E.



February 1, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

" Some even believe we are part of a SECRET Cabal working against the best interest of the US, Characterizing my family and me as Internationalists, and of CONSPIRING with others around the World to build a more integrated global, political, and economic structure, ONE WORLD if you will. If that's the Charge, I stand GUILTY , and I am PROUD of it "!!

 David Rockefeller in his Book 2002 Memoirs !!

" The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes"!  Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter !!



I wrote:

And what are some evidence facts that they (R. and F.) showed?

You see: in order to claim something and be persuasive (to "prove", as it is know in exact science), you have to bring some objective evidence.


Avner E.

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