Friday, February 19, 2021

Lunatics Inc. (vol. 14)

Mars 2020

Feb 19, 2021, I wrote:

And a great THANK YOU to the Trump administration, for giving so much support and credibility to science and advanced technology, and for being THE SOLE factor in the successful landing of Perseverance rover on Mars!

Thank you TRUMP! (and Netanyahu of course, whose Watch is on when all these wonderful things are happening).

(- for the Morons on this list: that was ironic).


Avner E.

February 19, 2021, Roger's בית בריק <>:

Nah, that Mars landing was faked. 

You can’t even launch a rocket off the flat earth. Fox not news said it was faked, trump the god told them so. 

And it was Hillary’s fault anyway.

February 19, 2021, <>:

We are so engrossed in political nonsense on this earth that none of us are commenting on this most incredible accomplishment, which seems like we are just taking “landing on Mars” for granted as just another cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Roger's בית בריק <>:

Not for me, I followed the launch, trajectory and Martian approach. The design of the rover is elegant, astonishing in its clever redundancy. The fuel efficient trajectory was sheer genius. 

While the Trumpies are still stuck in the  Mesozoic arguing over their lost election the world of science progresses. 

You know, those people who don’t watch Fox News have a real life.

Lunatics Inc. (vol. 13)


February 19, 2021, <>:






I wrote:

On a factual basis, Israel is THE MOST dangerous place on earth for Jews (wars, traffic accidents, and now Covid-19).

You guys in the USA may be safer now - and it may be in part thanks to the state of Israel. But at the same time, you guys put Jews at risk everywhere, and mostly here in Israel, pushing for another political disaster. And this agenda of yours is based on false information and outright lies.


Avner E.

February 19, 2021, Isaac Barr MD <>:

                          Avner Efendowicz suggests Israel is THE MOST dangerous place on earth for Jews (wars, traffic accidents, and now Covid-19). But  Avner is a liar. I checked the numbers:  Covid mortality in Israel per million is a THIRD of US mortality and vaccination in Israel is 40% while in US is 10% and you cannot get a vaccine if you are 65 yo, Israel lost to Covid 5521 while US lost 494000. Israel Covid mortality corrected to 330 mil 3,7 times smaller.  And in Israel you do not have a criminal such as Cuomo who murdered about 10.000 in NY nursing homes.  Death rate in US due to motor vehicle accidents in Israel in 2019 was 314 died  about 3/1.000.000 In 2018 40.000 died in US due to MVA motility is 825/1 million.  Since 1948 Israel dead were 22684 soldiers and 3971 civilians. In about the same time US lost in Korea 33500  Vietnam 47500 in Beirut, Afghanistan and Iraq 6000 total in last 70 years US lost about 87000 soldiers or 4 times more than Israel. Avner is a liar, he always was and always be. I do not know what he does in hs personal life but I would not be his friend and certainly my friend. Be careful of this low life liar.

Isaac Barr MD

I wrote:

Israel is doing better - if you compare Apples to Watermelons (as you usually do). When you compare to 3rd world countries such as the USA, under Trump - yes, Israel is better.

But Israel must be compared to countries with similar conditions: a single (or few) entry gateway, quality medical system, population age.

* Israel has only one gateway (and a few minor land gates), so it could have been much easier to control (but Netanyahu chose to import Covid-19 in the form of Yeshiva boys from Brooklyn, for political reasons);

* Israel has the youngest population in the western world;

* Israel has high quality medical treatment.

When you compare to similar countries (New Zealand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Iceland, Cypress) - Israel is LAST. It is ranked 62 out of 100, in a survey by Lowy Institute.

But what do you care - you guys have your fantasy world information.


Avner E.

Feb 20, 2021, Isaac Barr MD <>:

AVNER IS LYING AGAIN: NYT global vaccination score.  Better than Iceland Cyprus UK Taiwan etc.  40.000 Palestinians enter Israel daily for their employment.  Israel GNP  was 391,9 billions in 2019 or Israel GNP/capita. US is #7 is #23 or43.290 better than NZ, France UK Japan    US is#7 with65,760. Canada is #21 with 46,370. More Silicon valley is replaced by Haifa Israel.

Vaccinations by country:

Shirley Lewis <>:

No surprise that Avner is lying. Leftist always lie because there is no way to "sell" the Left's program without lying. Avner is a Leftist. When he lies he is practicing his craft. Another reason not to open a Leftist's e mail.

I wrote:

You guys are so stupid.

I was not referring to "Vaccinations by country", IDOITS!!

I was referring to "comparison of the performance of countries in managing the COVID-19 pandemic in the 36 weeks following their hundredth confirmed case of the virus, using data available to 9 January 2021."

Here is the link again, for you guys mentally and internet-challenged:

Plus - maybe I (Avner) am lying, but - why "Leftist always lie"?...

All leftists lie all the time?... Leftists are not humans?...

This is Leshon Hara!! You will burn in hell for that.



Feb 20, 2021, Isaac Barr MD <>:

Lying Avner. You cannot stop lying. I never ever said that "Leftist always lie" . I said that Avner is a liar and I proved that you are a pathological liar. What normal people feel is that president TRUMP did a lot of good things for America and Israel and these are flushed down the toilet by the politburo of Biden just because president TRUMP did it. Common sense expects that what is good for America is good for America even if president TRUMP was behind it. An agreement with a country which hanged last year 250 GLBT cannot be US partner even if Iran wants to destroy Israel.....AVNER, you are the most Lashon Hara that I ever corresponded with, but typically you blame others of having Lashon Hara.

Isaac Barr MD

I wrote:

Lying Avner. You cannot stop lying. I never ever said that "Leftist always lie"

I wrote this to Ms. Lewis. She said that.

So, you saved yourself from the hell (that you believe in), but Ms. Lewis is still at risk.

What normal people feel is...

We are not talking here about what people Feel, but about Facts.

If you were a real MD, then you were supposed to know the difference.

Any regard to the link that I sent? (in which Israel is number 62 of 100)?

As an MD, can you tell the difference between the sources?...



Thursday, February 11, 2021

Lunatics Inc. (vol. 12)

Impeachment Trial

Feb 11, 2021, Uri Yosef <>:

As it appears now that, in spite of the powerful case made by the team of House Managers, and in spite of the oath taken by the 100 Senators to render impartial judgement, there will not be enough votes in the Senate to convict ex-POTUS #45.

But, all isn't lost, because the same goal that was intended to be achieved via a conviction in the Senate, namely, to prevent him from holding any elected office in the future, can be reached by using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.  The beauty of this process is that approval of a resolution to apply Section 3 of the 14th Amendment requires only a majority vote, not a super-majority of 2/3-rds that is required for conviction in an impeachment trial.

Here is the link to a brand new article (published today) that explains this procedure in great detail:

I am sure this option has not been overlooked by the Senate majority.


February 12, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

Uri Yosef is a wishful-thinking ignoramus, an example of a great harm being done to our country.

Just look at what he says and how he says it.

Mr. Super Guaivadik.

      You think crap like this contributes to the unity and health of this country?

With freedom of speech comes a responsibility to know what you're talking about  .... not to appeal to a disgrace. 

This majority Congress is a disgrace.

      It's a disgrace in the way it formulated its impeachment case, in the way it conducted its case in the House and advanced it

      to the Senate,

      and in the way it is prosecuting its case in the Senate --- violating the rules of Evidence as it violates the Constitution.

Only a greatness as embodied in a man like President Trump could evoke such fear and chronic vitriolic lawlessness from the corrupt, would-be barons and tyrants.


I wrote:

Let's assume for the sake of discussion, that he has done a few great deeds for the country; and maybe, just Maybe he is (a useful idiot and) good for Israel;

But to state that this business-failed, p***y-peeper, ignorant and selfish mutation is "greatness as embodied in a man" - this reveals your poor judgement and blind zealousness, more than anything about Trump.

If you just stated that, OK, he is not the perfect leader possible but at these hard times, at the bottom line we are better off with him than without (this is what the majority of Likud voters in Israel today say about Netanyahu; admitting that he is a liar, selfish and corrupt, but there is no better right now) - in that case, we could at least have respect for your views.


Avner E.

February 12, 2021, Roger's בית בריק <>:

Avner, perfectly stated. But a few of us here in the asylum have tried to make this point. With no success. 

They’re members of a cult, logic no longer applies. 

שבת שלום

I wrote:

Shabbat Shalom!

Better times are ahead, with sane and more trustworthy administration.

(Gevald - he hasn't called Netanyahu yet!....)


Avner E.

February 12, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

Mr. Efendowicz,

The mental illness directed against President Trump is proof of what I said.

      For those who have problems with English, the number 4 is associated

with the word "many".

       2 is a "couple" (from Hebrew machpelah, where we also get "chapel",

                                    a prayer room that is "coupled" to another facility like

                                    a cemetery, hospital, etc.)

        3 is a "few"

        4 is "many".

President Trump helped to engineer 5 new treaties for Israel.

He did many, many more things to benefit the USA.

The modern Democrat Party and its sycophants have become evil and are causing great harm.

      Those who support it support evil and support the harm.

Nobody is a "perfect" leader, not even Moshe Rabbeinu.

     But there are great ones without measuring up even close to Moshe Rabbeinu.

         I don't need the respect of useful idiots for the left.


I wrote:

OK, so when I wrote "a few", I may have been too generous towards your red-neck hero. His positive contributions don't come even close to 3.

The 4 "peace agreements" are nothing but a cover up for arm deals between US greedy corporations, and governments never involved in any conflict with Israel.

One smart guy said: more people have died due to Israelis returning from Abu-Dhabi with the Covid virus (well established data), than all deaths from the Israel-UAE "wars" (and Bakharein, Sudan, Morocco combined).


Avner E.

Roger's בית בריק <>:

Avner, this is a good shabbos to turn off electronics! They won’t make you crazy that way. They're fucking morons.

February 12, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:

Avner (I’m a sheep) Efendowicz:

Worse times ahead with a unstable, mentality weak minded, older than dirt less trustworthy specialist commi and Islamic kiss ass president and his corrupt to the core Obama/Hillary administration.

I wrote:

Thank you for making my point... (1)

You are so stupid, that you helped me make my point in the best way. Your response proves your bling zealousness, so brilliantly.

You may not agree with President Biden, you may think that he is evil. But all those superlatives combined?! You just showed how twisted you are.

(1) John Patrick Mason, played by Sean Connery, to a stupid soldier who beat him after saying "Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious".


Avner E.

Feb 12, 2021, Barry Wolfensohn <>:

Uriת I am sorry Captain Stupid called you an ignoramus

I sense that name calling is the first step in his answer because the answer can not stand on its own.   

I would think that the greatness of Trump would engender love from all not fear by some.

Fri, Feb 12, 2021, Uri Yosef <>:


I didn't expect an actual and meaningful response to my post.  Most of those on the email list worship this demi-god, ex-POTUS #45, to such an extent that they're unable to comprehend the damage this narcissistic wannabe dictator has caused.  The nasty tweet he sent about his own VP 10 minutes after Senator Tuberville let him know that Pence was in danger and whisked out of the chamber demonstrates what he really had in mind on January 6th.  He will soon be so wrapped up in legal actions, not only from states such as New York and Georgia, but also others, including women that he raped and sexually assaulted, not to mention the loans he personally guaranteed being called by the banks, that he won't have time to think about politics.


Friday, February 12, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

You don't get it, Barry.

     The people who fear Trump are evil Democrats, because he gets in the way of their leftist tyranny.

He has turned them into mentally ill buffoons.

Only dumb, idol-worshiping sycophants like you can't see that.

Incidentally, Shoshanah and I have a wonderful, large kitchen with lots of pantry space and counters arranged for efficient separations of milchig, fleishig and pareve.

      We have begun to stock up on pantry storable foods, taking the hint from the toilet paper, paper towel & cleanser crises.  Venezuela may be coming.

Also increasing the percent of gold-related holdings in our liquid portfolio.  Looks to me like the pros are accumulating.

Devaluation is not too far away.  Not just from our enormous and skyrocketing debt, we have to have currency par with China.

Incidentally, the Democrats are now opposed to "feminism".

Their school lockdowns are forcing mothers to stay at home, away from hunting predators.


I wrote:

Prof (fake) Norman:

I wish that you and your (miserable) wife spend all your money on unnecessary foods, that will rot in your kitchen without use. Because at least in the 20th and 21st centuries, the US economy has done better under Democrats (FDR, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama), repairing it from the damages that Republicans have done (those before the above, respectively: Hoover, Nixon, Reagan, Bush1, Bush2).

At the beginning of the pandemic, Israel was short in toilet paper, Because stupid people like yourself bought tons of it, maybe for fear that Covid-19 makes people crap more than usual. It may have made the crap gone the wrong way to their heads - just like negative emotions did in your case.


Avner E.

February 12, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:


There is no reasoning with people of Avner’s ilk.  Nor is there a way to communicate to these mentality stunted, retarded democrats aka liberals aka progressives nka socialists aka communists aka Islamists aka tyrants aka Marxists. 

They ignore all facts. 

These people who ignore Biden’s proven corruption are cancerous plagues. 

If they cared for the rule of law they’d be pissed off at the election, pissed off at the first impeachment trial (Russia hoax), pissed off that Trump offered 10,000 troops on JAN 6th and that offer wasn’t taken, fbi knew off the Jan 6th issues and DID NOTHING, etc....etc.....

I’ve accepted their mental cancerous disorder and the plague they are.

I wrote:

Mr. Ryan,

Thank you too, for making my other points.

"Biden’s proven corruption" -

Go look up the word "proof" in the nearest dictionary.


Avner E.

February 12, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

Mr. Efendowicz,

Biden is on videotape violating federal law as Vice President, bribing the Ukraine.

     That is more than evidence, that is "PROOF".

The corrupt FBI is hiding Hunter's laptop hard drive, under wraps, on which there is more PROOF.  Not mere evidence, but PROOF.

But no matter in this immoral, corrupt and lawless country in which the people have lost the franchise.



I wrote:

You are as far from Emet as the most red-shifted galaxies are from here.

You guys have made this world Emet-less. You take this concept in Vain, to the extent of Blasphemy.

If investigated and taken to court, Biden MAY be found guilty.

But if what you mentioned was considered "proof", then Mr. Netanyahu would be in prison long ago. But he is not, and justly so.

And you pretend to be a Law school graduate...


Avner E.

February 13, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:

Actual it is proven bc he incriminated himself on video and that’s just one example.

Speaking of proof I bet you looked into those things I pointed out that you said weren’t facts to be actual facts and that’s why you ever got back to me. Typical of cancerous democrats aka liberals aka progressives nka socialists aka communists aka Islamists aka Marxists aka tyrants. 

Trump’s economy was better than Obama’s. Simple/elementary research proves that. 

Clinton and is derivatives, sub prime lending and deregulation is what created the crash. Democrats ignoring conservatives warnings even bush jr helped too. Clinton also created big government, was negligent with deal with Osama Bin Laden, totally enabled 9/11, gutted the fbi and cia, prevented the fbi and cia from sharing intel, soft on NK, also signed operation Iraqi freedom into law which started the 2nd Iraq war not bush jr... I’ll stop there. Oh yeah rapped women..... cheated while in office...... what a president Bill Clinton, I mean William Blythe was.  

dems/Liberals are cancerous plagues.

I wrote:

Yeah. And the Earth is Flat.

Bottom line - Liberals WIN, Conservative aka (some of them) Judo-Nazis (Kahana supporters) - you LOSE.

Humanism WINS, Evil LOSES.

Over and Out.


Avner E.

February 13, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:

Humanism comes from being/living as g-dly as possible. Nothing supersedes faith and religion and that right there proves you and the dem aka liberal aka progressive aka socialist aka communists Islamists aka Marxists aka tyrants aka the cancerous plague is lost and evil. 

Humanism doesn’t work with your enemies.

Humanism doesn’t work when it destroys your country’s economy and ways of life. 

Humanism doesn’t work in war nor survival. You do that and you’re dead meat. 

You have jack shit. Deflect, avoid facts and run away with your bullshit comments. 

Judeo Christian values matter as that’s where salvation for mankind comes from. 

Typical left douche bag.

I wrote:

I said: Over and Out.

I see that you never went past 2nd grade.

Humanism comes from "Human". Therefore it can't go against an enemy as an individual, who is human just like we are (relax, you are not). An enemy is one that attacks you, and you fight against, but they are still humans. If one is a humanist (not you, of course), then they will fight but treat their enemies as humans.

All is said, you guys are too stupid and uneducated to understand all this. It is written just for us, humanists who want to remain ones.

You guys are now directed to the Spam mail, where you belong.


Avner E.

February 14, 2021, james rizzolo <>:

Ryan continuing to pair Apples to Oranges 🍊 

Jim Rizzolo

Uri Yosef <>:

Norman wrote:

"The election was stolen, Wolfensohn.

      Only you and your ilk will move on.

Those of us who love justice will continue to seek it.  

צדק צדק תרדוף"

Translation of the Hebrew phrase for those who cannot read or understand it:

"Justice, justice, shall you pursue" (Deuteronomy 16:20).

February 14, 2021, Kessel, I. Michael <>:

I am very surprised that a man of your intelligence would be sucked in by the use of that famous phrase by secular social justice warriors that have no idea of the source.

As you know Uri, the full quote is:

Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may live, and inherit the land which the Lord your God gives you.

So the purpose of that psuk is for Jews to set up a justice system so that they can live in Israel.  Not so either you or I can bludgeon someone with the Bible because we don’t like their political views.  Your message that those who take Trump’s side are violating the word of G-d is pompous and wrong. 

I know a good amount of Democrats use this phrase to stand on a moral platform.  Do they also realize that when they do so, they are encouraging Jews to return to Israel, the exact opposite of BDS?

I wrote:

So, Justice is good and suitable only as a means to living in Israel?

To us, Humanists, Justice is a value in itself, not a tool to use.

Plus, BDS doesn't oppose Jews living in Israel, only to the oppression of the Palestinians.


Avner E.

February 15, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

Having resigned from the CFR Admiral Chester Ward stated:

"The most powerful clique in these ELITIST groups have  one objective in common-- they want to bring about  the surrender of the sovereignty and the National Independence of the United States"!!

Guess who is also a member of the CFR?-- The Senile bastard, and Israel hating --Joe Biden!

  When a spokesman for him was asked : Are Israel and Saudi Arabia still allies of the USA? The spokes woman hemmed and  threw smoke, with some nonsense  about processes are ongoing, etc. play out etc. Would not answer.

 Any Jew who supports this worthless Bastard  Biden  has as much sense as a Jew in Germany  supporting Hitler. Hitler imposed boycotts and sanctions. So do the Liberal democrats (BDS) here support them. Israel will soon have to look elsewhere for  Allies and for Armaments. Watch and see!!!

 I have seen many a creature in my days on the Police. However the only  creature that is sick, suicidal, delusional ,and a totally blind stooge to what he has brought on himself, and his people, is the Left Liberal Jew ,and  his counterpart in Israel, with  a copy of the Left wing Jerusalem Post under his arm!!

I wrote:

Israel will soon have to look elsewhere for  Allies and for Armaments.


We wish.

Your words are very encouraging to me! I hope that soon Israel will start to recover from its long addiction to US weaponry aid. This will force us to make peace, Be'ezrat Hashem.


Avner E.

Uri Yosef <>:

You wrote,
"I am very surprised that a man of your intelligence would be sucked in by the use of that famous phrase by secular social justice warriors that have no idea of the source."

FYI, and with all due respect to you, the person who quoted that portion of the verse, Norman Cohen, is an Orthodox Jew who claims he "knows it all".  I disagree with his politics, which isn't the problem.  What I really disagree with him and some others on this list, excluding you, is their behavior on it: the nasty name-calling, the ad-hominem attacks, and their claim of piety when it is, in fact, false piety.

I know exactly what the entire verse means and can even provide extensive commentary on it, which is the reason I only quoted the phrase that was used by Mr. Cohen for the purpose of demonstrating the hypocrisy of using it.


Jack Zucker:
I notice Jerry didn't include Trump in his list of trusted presidential candidates. I. too. know many door men and cab drivers better suited to run the country than twice impeached Trump.

Jack Zucker
28 Illinois Street
Dix Hills, NY 11746

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Lunatics Inc. (vol. 11)

How the G.O.P. Allied Itself With Militants - The New York Times

February 10, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

New York Times?

I now apologize to toilet paper.


I wrote:

Seriously?! Is this how you relate to a medium that gives you reports, albeit biased, and a variety of opinions?

I made the habit to read media which comes from the opposite side of politics from me, as long as they have just a few decent writers.

So, if you can't find even a few pieces worth reading, in the world's leading newspaper -

Then you really belong not to a different planet (which is still in this part of the universe) - but to a part of the universe where all known physical laws cease to operate.

(It's called a Black Hole, look it up).

BTW, when you cross the Horizon of Events of the Hole, you don't feel anything wired (like you are now), but nonetheless your clock ticks much slower compared to us. Plus, you are doomed.


Avner E.

February 10, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

I think I'm a lot older than you and know when to avoid garbage.

i get other points of view from places that don't dress up a pig to look like a chicken.


I wrote:

Be careful, collection of garbage comes with age.

This, and the disability to handle intellectual challenges, and answer simple questions.


Avner E.

February 10, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

Then you really belong not to a different planet (which is still in this part of the universe) -

but to a part of the universe where all known physical laws cease to operate.


Yes, Mr. Efendowicz,

      My place in shamayim is all ready and waiting for me.

 The spiritual world.


I wrote:

Oh, I'm really sorry. I didn't know that you were a Tzaik of this scale.

I will not argue with you any more, now that I realized that I'm not allowed within 4 Amot from you.

Nonetheless, may you live long and healthy, before 120.


Avner E.

February 10, 2021, Norman cohen <>:

Thank you for your good wishes, Mr. Efendowicz, biz a hoondered und tzvantzig yohr.

Please spell tzaddik correctly.

    With two d's because the dalet has a dagesh.

Also a source of double letters in relevant Italian.

I'm also a Kohen (Kane in the Litvak dialect, like Citizen Kane).

      I need to get closer to bless you, unless I'm duchaning.

We have Persian shuls here, so I can duchan every day if I want to.

      The Persian shuls have plenty of Kohanim.


I wrote:

I don't care for Jewish racism and patronizing.

I only see human beings, and you are no better than anyone else.

The concept of Kohanim is an artifact of a primitive and extinct society.

Nonetheless, I bless you with the Birkat Kohanim (which I'm not allowed to, but I bless my sons every time, my right hand on their heads - I'm leftist and left-handed - despite being a devout Atheist):

Ye-va-rekh-e-kha Hashem Ve'Yish-me-re-kha.

Please excuse my old keyboard.


Avner E.

February 10, 2021, Roger's בית בריק <>:

Avner, just in case it doesn’t come through in my words, this is lighthearted. בסדר?!!

I’m observant, not for datiyut, but because I love our “extinct” tradition. Agnostic maybe...?! It’s a good question (is there a spirit that has a hand in the universe??) 

Just by way of discussion I would argue that mitzvot keep us as a nation. If there’s a gd I highly doubt he gives a shit if we keep kosher!!

Anyway. I’m a kohen and I love how it allows me to feel that connection to our history. 

“I’m Aaron’s grandson....”

Stay safe. And keep blessing your beautiful boys. 

I wrote:

Thank you Roger.

I had no intention to offend any Cohen or anyone ("some of my best friends...").

I think that you may be confusing Nation with Ethnicity - is it possible?... I think that Judaism is an ethnicity, religion, and used to be a culture (alas, most of it is gone...)

Nation is different - I belong to the Israeli nation (not a big deal), and I'm guessing that you belong to the US nation. Not one better than the other...

The Mitzvot did keep Jews as a society, that's correct. I used to keep as many of them as I could, davening Shakharit and Minkha. I believed that it worked to make me a better person, more moral, restrained, and A Mentch.

But, no offense, I look at those who are the leaders of Judaism today (both in their eyes as well as the seculars ones!), namely the orthodox, and I emphasize - the Leaders, not the individuals - and I came to the conclusion that not Judaism, nor any other religion for that matter, work... So I just stopped.

So, whenever I'm asked to say the Kiddush on friday night (I know it by heart), today I insist on saying my own atheist version, that I keep on me smartphone. It basically praises the real ruler of this cosmos - the guy whom Einstein called "Des Alten" - the Old Man. (s.he is gender-less, anyway).

Take care, and keep up the good cynical spirit!


Avner E

Monday, February 8, 2021

Lunatics Inc. (vol. 10)

Sanity as Mr. E (that's me...) declares it for the democrats!

The scab democrats will return the USA to paying Europe for allowing us to protect them , while they screw us on their end every time! Normal??

They with corrupt, senile, Biden there, will allow China to walk all over us, and likely the Trump Tariffs will surely be lifted on China! They have loads of Tariffs on our goods! Normal??

We will allow an invasion of sick, criminal, impoverished illegal aliens on our Borders! We will spend Billions to care for them! while America goes needy! Normal?

Every perversion will be normal. Such as the democrats allowing Boys to play in Girls sports calling it equal competition. Transgender preference, Gay rights, etc., Normal??

Unisex bathrooms will come right back as the norm !A brilliant "normal" move! Hopefully all Liberals can watch Pederast Men when they decide to enter the Ladies room with young girls inside it??? A return to normalcy!?

Reckless endless spending on idiotic "Entitlement programs" will escalate

further to put s deeper in debt until the Dollar collapses. These programs as with all Government programs fail and/or are Bankrupt or on the verge of it! Normal??

We can go on and on but what is the sense?? Government which taxes, wastes beyond thought , Kills people, experiments on is citizens, starts Wars, Educates for idiocy, is, for the Leftist the "answer"---- Normal??

I wrote:
Your country was built and became what it is (rich, powerful, scientific and technological) mainly thanks to diligent and talented immigrants, or 2nd generation thereof. Many of them impoverished, but not more sick than the normal.

Look at the (very long) list of the US Nobel Prize winners in science (disregard the Peace prize) - most of them come from immigrant families. That includes of course 25% Jews, while their share in the US population is ~2%.

Are you really against girls playing soccer? Your women team was world champion!

Avner E.

Feb 21, 2021, Norman cohen:
Mr. Harrison,

Mr. Zucker is a hopeless idol-worshiper.
       His mind is made up so don't bother him with facts.

You've heard of rose colored glasses.
       He sees things through red ones.

One example:
Far, far more lower income Americans benefited from the increased standard deduction than the "rich" being "hurt" by not being able to deduct the enormous local taxes of socialist New York and socialist
       Less subsidies by, e.g., Texas and Florida for profligate New York and California.
And yet, the "rich" were also helped by other tax-cut provisions.
        Moreover, we are not living in the year 1890.  Anything that benefits stock prices benefits an enormous middle class via their 401Ks and IRAs.
A rising tide lifts ALL boats, as said by Democrat JFK --- when Democrats were Democrats and not the evil leftists they have become today.

The increased child tax credit helps larger younger families, but not of much help to non-Orthodox Jews who have the lowest birth rate of any American group.....or for older rich people who have none at home and make "too much money".
       All in all, it's a win-win, but the deranged lefties prefer harming people so that they can argue for more tyranny with the help of the idol-worshipers.


February 21, 2021, Jack Zucker <>:
Mr. Cohen

You know nothing of what I worship or don't. You are a throw-back to an era when the prevailing political party was indeed known as "The Know Nothings." I have been following your hate-filled nonsense on this thread for a while and have as yet seen one iota of a thing called a fact. For the record, I don't worship idols (like The Donald who you seem to worship) nor do I believe in the fairy tale of a divine entity (but i do believe in your and Myron's right to). What I believe in is my business and none of yours. Before you go labeling people, take a good look in the mirror. Please don't respond to this for I have no intention of further debate with a "Know Nothing."

Jack Zucker
28 Illinois Street
Dix Hills, NY 11746

I wrote:
1, 2, 3, 4....   knock-out!

Very well said, Mr. Zucker.
But have mercy on this fool. For starter, you have to explain "fact" to him. (are you familiar with the joke?).

Avner E

February 21, 2021, Jack Zucker <>:
With Bizet's Carmen Suite blaring in the background, I can think of many jokes relating to "fact." The primary jokes relating to facts are Mssrs Cohen and Golub.
Jack Zucker

I wrote:
Good one!

I meant the following one, not related to Fact, but to "what do you mean by that?".

A news network sent correspondents to a number of countries, with the following question: "Excuse me, what is your opinion regarding the shortage in meat in the world today?"

In Somalia, the first response was: "What do you mean by Meat?"
In North Korea, a woman asked: "What do you mean by Opinion?"
In the US, a man asked: "What do you mean by Shortage?"
And in Israel, one of the locals asked: "What do you mean by Excuse Me?"

Avner E.

February 21, 2021, Jack Zucker <>:
Better one
Jack Zucker

Saturday, February 6, 2021

הפוסט היפה של איתי על אביו, עופר שלח

ווינר - קווים לדמותו

כשהייתי ילד קטן שאלתי פעם את אבא שלי מה זה ווינר בשבילו. התשובה שלו הייתה חדה וברורה - ווינר זה אדם שלא מפחד להיכשל. שחקן עבר גדול לימד אותו עוד בימיו העיתונאיים -אתם רוצים לבדוק מי הם הווינרים? אל תסתכלו רק על מי קלע איזה סל מכריע פעם אחת (היו המון לוזרים שקלעו כאלה, במקרה), תבדקו מי באופן עקבי היה זורק את הכדור בדקות האחרונות

אלה הם הג’ורדנים, הברקוביצ’ים (מיקי כמובן) והטפירו-ים של העולם - אלה שרצו לקחת על עצמם את האתגר, גם כשקיימת האפשרות שהם יחטיאו והאחריות להפסד תהיה עליהם

התמונה למטה צולמה השבוע לפני 8 שנים, בהשבעה לכנסת ה-19. אחותי הגדולה טיילה בדרום אמריקה, אני התבטלתי בהנאה והמתנתי לגיוס. באותו יום חגיגי בכנסת תפסה אורית, בת זוגו של אבא שלי, את הרגע הזה בלשכה: ילד צעיר ומבולבל שם רגליים על השולחן ולידו אבא שלו, שבגיל 53 החליט מסיבה לא ברורה לעזוב חיים יותר מדי נוחים כדי לקפוץ ראש לחור השחור שנקרא הפוליטיקה הישראלית. למה הוא עשה את זה? כי אבא שלי הוא הווינר הכי גדול שאני מכיר

כל חייו הוא היה כזה

הוא היה ווינר כבר בגיל 23 כשהמשיך לפקד על פלוגת מילואמניקים בלבנון, גם לאחר שמטען הוריד לו את רוב הפרצוף והשאיר לו מזכרת לכל החיים

הוא היה ווינר כשהצליח לגדל שני ילדים (אחת בהצלחה רבה, על השני עוד אפשר להתווכח) ולנהל קריירה מרשימה, בזמן שאשתו עשתה משמרות של שעות על גבי שעות בבית החולים

הוא היה ווינר כשהמשיך לחיות את החיים במלוא עוצמתם, גם לאחר שאיבד את אהבת חייו לפני גיל 50

הדוגמאות הן אינסופיות אבל כמו ווינר אמיתי הוא לא צריך שכולם ידעו הכל. מי שחשוב לו באמת יודע זאת. זה תמיד הספיק לו

בנאום הבכורה שלו בכנסת, זמן קצר לאחר שצולמה תמונה זו, הזכיר את הציטוט המפורסם של פרנקלין דלנו רוזוולט מנאום ההשבעה שלו לנשיאות ארה”ב ב-1933: “הדבר היחיד שעלינו לפחוד ממנו, זה הפחד עצמו

הכניסה לפוליטיקה מעולם לא הייתה בשביל להבטיח פרנסה או בשביל שורה ברזומה. טפו טפו היה לו מספיק מזה ומזה. הוא החליט לעשות את זה מאמונה ביכולות שלו להגיע למקומות שבהם באמת אפשר לשנות ובסופו של דבר, פשוט לשפר את החיים פה

בחלק מהדברים בהם נגע הצליח מאוד, בחלק אחר הצליח פחות. בפוליטיקה יש כל כך הרבה דברים שאינם תלויים בך. עם זאת, דבר אחד אני כן יכול להבטיח - בכל התקופה שלו בכנסת הוא קם כל בוקר בשביל להפוך את החיים של כולנו לטובים יותר

בשנתיים האחרונות נרשמו רצף אירועים שהובילו אותו לכל מה שקרה עכשיו. הוא הרגיש שהמקום בו הוא היה לא התקדם בדרך הנכונה לדעתו וכראוי לאדם שאינו מפחד להיכשל, החליט לנסות מהלך. כשזה לא צלח, החליט לעזוב את המקום הנוח מאוד שהיה לו, בידיעה שבסוף התהליך הוא יוכל למצוא את עצמו מחוץ למשחק. אבל הוא הלך על זה. ווינר כמוהו יודע שהדבר היחיד שצריך לפחד ממנו, זה הפחד עצמו

אני לא יודע מה העתיד צופן לו. אולי מתישהו הוא יחזור לפוליטיקה, אולי לא. זה היופי בלהיות בן 61 עם סט יכולות בלתי נגמר וניסיון חיים כל כך עשיר. מגוון האפשריות שפתוחות בפנייך הוא עצום. עם זאת, יש דבר אחד שאני כן יודע - אני גאה בו היום כמו שאני גאה בו בכל ימי חיי. אני תמיד אהיה שם לצדו של אבא שלי, הווינר הכי גדול שאכיר אי פעם

עומר בני היקר הגיב

יפה, מאוד מרגש

באמת חבר הכנסת הכי ראוי שיש

אני לא מבין למה הוא פשוט לא קיבל מקום אחד בשמינייה הראשונה של העבודה. אין לי מושג מי דרש יותר מדי, הוא או מיכאלי. אם זה היה הוא אז באמת קיבל החלטות לא טובות ברגעים המכריעים


אני גם עצוב וגם קצת שמח ששלח פרש

עצוב כי חבל שהוא לא יהיה חבר כנסת - למרות שאני לא מסכים איתו בכל, הוא הח'כ שהכי הערכתי

שמח, כי מעכשיו יקדיש יותר זמן לדברים חשובים יותר, כמו משפחה

אני אגיד משפט קשה מאד: המדינה היום לא ראויה לאנשים כמוהו, וחבל שהוא יתבזבז על המדינה הזאת

הוא טוען שלא הציב דרישות למרב מיכאלי. אז אם אני מעמיד את כל חברי הכנסת לפי מידת האמון שאני נותן בהצהרות שלהם - אז שלח עומד ראשון, אפילו לפני אלה שהצבעתי להם (נתניהו איפשהו בעשיריה הראשונה)

אז נראה לי שפשוט מיכאלי עשתה את השגיאה הראשונה שלה כמנהיגת מפלגה. חבל, רציתי להצביע למפלגה שמונהגת על ידי אישה - ועכשיו נשארה רק חגית משה...

Friday, February 5, 2021

Lunatic Americans, vol. 9

US "Embassy" in Jerusalem...

February 6, 2021, Shirley Lewis <>:
Only Democrats vote AGAINST keeping US Embassy in Jerusalem denying the history of the Jewish People

Jewish Democrats are so proud:

Feb 6, 2021, Norman cohen <>:
Three Democrats voted against keeping the U. S. Embassy in Jerusalem:
           Apostate communist and Democrat platform author Bernie Sanders, phony Elizabeth Warren and Biden Delaware understudy Tom Carper.
The vote in the Senate was 97 - 3 in favor of staying in Jerusalem.
President Trump is thus acknowledged to have done a good thing.


February 6, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:
Trump is a Jew hating scumbag for making Jerusalem the capital of Israel. 
Trump made Israel unsafe by giving them control over the Golan Heights. He’s a Jew hater and anti Israel that. 
Trump not sending hundreds of millions to Iran and sanctioning Iran was a horrible move bc it slowed down their nuclear program & funding of world wide jihad and for that trump is a Jew hating Nazi. 
Trump adding Jews to the hate crime bills and protecting Jewish college students was also horrible and for that trump’s a Nazi. 

February 7, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:
Mr. Silver,
  The Military and Intelligence genius and " Insider" Mr. E- has advised us that Israel was weaker under Trump. I imagine the Fellow must be an NSA Advisor to Presidents or maybe the  Publisher  of: "  Jane's Fighting Ships"!! You cannot reason with the average Brainwashed, programmed, Liberal stooge. The stooge has been worked over from day One in Government Schools,  by Left Wing College Professors who never worked a day in their lives,  and then by the Media etc. It was too many years of brainwashing. The Liberal stooge fancies himself as smarter than the rest, "Intellectual", and progressive!! Getting all of us to tyranny does not register with them ! Their egos will NEVER allow them to admit they are failures and are wrong!!

I wrote:
The US never really moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
They hanged a nice sign that says "Embassy, USA", held a pathetic ceremony with celebrities such the late Sheldon Adelson and his loving wife, and moved a few clerks to take care of the few in the Jerusalem area who needed to apply for a visa. Not more than that.
The ambassador still spends 5 days out of 7 in the real embassy, in Tel-Aviv. Or what do you guys think happened to the maximum-security facility in Hayarkon St. in Tel-Aviv? Has it become a Consulate? No, it is still the Embassy, where most Israelis come for consulate services, and where the intelligence agencies sill use the big antennas to conduct their surveillance of Israel, as they used to do in all countries.
It is much like the new town in the Golan called "Trump Heights", which is really nothing but a sign (now starting to grow rust).


February 7, 2021, Ryan Silver <>: 
O’Biden will do nothing. 
Trump has Israel’s back in every possible way.

I wrote:
Naaa, Mr. Netanyahu refers to every court ruling as "Anti-Semitic" if it's not for his own private matters.
Netanyahu couldn't care less for the fate of the State of Israel. (5,000 dead and counting, for a country of similar size, shape and gateways to the world as New Zealand).
Wait and see how he reacts when the Israeli district court sends him to prison for bribery, fraud, treason (submarines!) and more. He will blame the whole world for being anti-Semitic. Just wait and see.

Avner E.

February 7, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:
Mr. E- Is a prisoner of the Left!Nohing can cange one who is so programmed from youth!

February 7, 2021, <>:
I find it so strange for an Israel who fought in the IDF to talk like Bernie Sanders

I wrote:
When the late Gen. Rafael Eitan ("Rafool") was commander in chief of the Israeli military, he said that, if the Arabs ever take Israel, God forbid, then the first ones they would kill were the Leftists.
Well, he was a (Ra)Fool all right (I know, I was in the military back then, the 80's), but in this particular case - he was actually correct. Because the Leftists were always braver than the Conservatives (I'm not talking about myself here), and therefore they were on the front line.
This is one reason that we agree more with Sanders. We just know the cost of your armchair aspirations, we don't just send the poor to fight for us.

Avner E.

February 7, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:
Half the nation there voted against Bibi!! Remember who founded the Nation. Remember the Altalena !!

I wrote:
At last, Mr. Golub, you said something correct.
Actually, more than half voted against BB.
BB got only 25% of the votes (30 P. Members), other parties supporting him in exchange for (our) money - got another 28. That's a total of 58 / 120. The reason that he was able to establish a coalition is because - he is BB, the crook that he is.

Avner E.

February 7, 2021, <>:
Avner, no I am referring not to Sanders opposition to going to war, quite frankly I don’t know his position, but what I do know is that he is the most anti Israeli Politician and despite his 8th day B’rith Milah, he comes across as so self hating because of his missing piece.

I wrote:
No he is not. He wants Israel to end the evil occupation of Palestine - that's not anti-Semitism.
If it IS, then either -
1. I am Anti-Semitic
2. There is no Anti-Semitism today. All that you complain about is legitimate, just and honest criticism of the Israeli GOVERMENT - not even the State of Israel.

The Israeli Government does not represent the Israeli Nation - it's just a sorry accident that stems for the Israeli imperfect political system.

Avner E.

February 7, 2021, Barry Wolfensohn <>:
Avner   the thread will be most unhappy with your e mail
please do not give any details as to your home address family members etc 

February 7, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:
Of course Mr E ( If the Arabs ever broke in and won,----- While the mayhem , murder, thieving  raping, and carnage goes on, the Arabs will stop and  first ask; are you a leftist or a Conservative!! Yes Mr. E makes as much sense as all the rest of the Liberal gibberish!! The Pogromchiks asked also huh?? The Germans asked first?? The enemies "differentiate"??

I wrote:
This is pure Racism.
Plus, Mr. Golub, I'm afraid that you didn't get it.
I did not mean that the Arabs would stop to ask, who is a Leftist. Of course they won't.
What I meant was, that (until recently), the Leftist were most of the officers and soldiers on the Frontline. This is why they would have gotten killed first.

Avner E.

February 7, 2021, <>:

I wrote:
That is Correct.
The Kibbutzniks who used to be the Backbone of the military, especially in the Elite unites, Air Force, commanding position etc - were replaced by the Land of Israel worshippers with the "knitted Kippas".
Some Leftists that I know, virtually gave up the chance to amend this country.
Others, who are not so desperate yet, are just too tired and don't think it's worth the cost.

Avner E.

February 7, 2021, <>:
Thank you!

In response to Myron's questions below, I wrote:
Myron: why did the Kibbutzim people diminish in terms of leadership in the Military?
We are just desperate, I guess.

Myron: Avner how old are you boys and what are they doing if you are allowed to share that with us?
My son Ben is 32, a company commander (Major, reserved) in unit 669, the Search and Rescue unit of the Air Force. A photo attached with Shimon Peres and Commander in Chief Ashkenazi (now Israel's Secretary of Foreign Affairs, believe it or not, who was learned about the peace treaties with 4 Arab countries - from the Press... His SOB boss will never share any credit.

My younger son Omer, 31, is a paratrooper (also reserved) in Maglan, another elite unit specializing in designating targets behind enemy lines. This unit produced the most number of officers refusing to serve in the occupied territories... (I was also one, but way before them).

Myron: Democrats are tearing up everything of the four years of Trump.
They are just trying to return your country to sanity. I wish them good luck.

Myron: it’s going to make January 6th look like an afternoon Tea at Buckingham Palace.
Go ahead. Liberals are not afraid of civil wars - we win each time...

Avner E.

Feb 8, 2021, <>:

February 8, 2021, Roger's בית בריק <>:
Avner, כל הכבוד!!!

I wrote:
I never meant to brag about my military service (very ordinary), nor my sons' (more challenging). Nor do I think that this gives me any more right to speak my mind. I just think that everybody is entitled to their opinions, whatever they may be. Whether they support them by any action as opposed to words, and whether this gives their opinions more credibility - that's for everybody to judge.

The only criterion that matters is whether you can back up your views with facts, evidence and to-the-point arguments, and whether you actually do it or not. Views of the Right can have some very good arguments - nobody has monopoly on justice; We may be wrong (but ask yourself, how often do you hear such a statement from a Right-wing speaker).
Alas, in these days, more people (especially on the Right, and some even on this thread), fail to provide such arguments. They rather use ad-hominem criticism or empty name calling. That speaks about them and their confidence in their views, more than anything.

Avner E.

February 8, 2021, Charles Jacobs <>:
This sounds wonderful. I just have to say I’m dissappointed you have failed to counter my arguments with any facts and have just turned tail and fled.
Disappointing for such a seeming rationalist.

Charles Jacobs

I wrote:
How do you know if I was referring to you?...
In Hebrew they say: The Hat is burning on the Thief's head (thus drawing attention; it rhymes in Hebrew).

Avner E.

Feb 7, 2021, <>:

Dear Avner,
Since you were a member of the IDF, then for me you get 100% Kol ha’Kavod.  As for your political views, we don’t agree at all  and I get the impression that the vast majority of Israeli’s do not agree with you.  I am willing to keep an open mind to hear your views.  But insofar as the fact that you put your life on the Line for our Jewish Nation, you get my full gratitude and respect
Myron Sugerman

February 7, 2021, Charles Jacobs <>:
For sure! But a person can be brave facing bullets but still run away from arguments. He has refused to answer me and has fled from my arguments that seem to have pinned him.
So bravery plus not-so-brave… 
Charles Jacobs

I wrote:
Mr. Jacobs, at last we agree on something.
I also think that some people, like Mr. Netanyahu, B. Gantz, Y. Galant (minister of Education, and former commander of Israeli Seals), to name a few, were brave in the battle field, but turned out being cowards in politics. (Ehud Barak and Ofer Shelakh are rare exceptions).

Regarding your arguments that I ran away from, please remind me of any arguments you had at all (I just didn't notice any in your writing), and I will respond with my views, in 2-3 business days (I'm quite busy, but these matters are important to me).

Avner E.

Lunatic Americans, vol. 8

Israel's military option against Iran


Paul Bogdonoff <>:

I thought you would be interested in the following story from The Wall Street Journal.

In the Mideast, Biden Returns to Abnormal





Friday, February 5, 2021,

Hello Paul,

If Israel goes after the Iranian nuclear sites and takes them out (B’zrat Hashem), it has a double meaning.  One and the most important is the message to Iran that Israel is not willing to live with an Iranian Nuclear threat who wants to annihilate 7 million Jews and 2 million non Jews.

The second message is to Baraq Hussein Obama and his lackeys, Biden, Harris, Sanders, etc. which is thanks to Donald Trump, Israel is strong enough to take unilateral decisions for its own safety and security without the need to ask Washington for permission or its assistance or its approval or its authorization or its “Hashgacha”! 

Shabbat Shalom



I wrote:

1. Israel does not really have a military option against Iranian nuclear program. It is just too big, even for the fine Israeli air force. They just don't have the bombs that it takes, only the US does.

From a professional point of view only, all high ranked generals in the IDF and air force have always been against such an air strike. And not because they are cowards.

2. Israel did not have such an option even before Trump's term. Today, thanks to him, Israel is much weaker from an economic and military aspects. Such an operation on the US side takes building a coalition (such as the Bushes have put together), cooperating with foreign intelligence agencies, and so on; operation that today's USA is much less capable of creating.

So rest your arms, you armchair warriors, and let the diplomats do the job.


Avner E

February 6, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

This Guy Avner is the only creature on the Earth that I have seen who claims Israel was weaker under Trump both  Militarily and economically ! Trump was beloved in Israel, but this Liberal ideologue named A, Mr. E,  or whatever knows better. The fact is that Obama REFUSED the Bunker Busting Bombs Israel asked for !Obama  did all he could to undercut Israel and its PM. Who else signed the moronic Iran deal but Obama and the jerk Kerry ( Kohen)?  Who do you think you are conning Mr.  E??? Yes your beloved  stealth Moslem Obama dear Mr. E. So  better you crawl back to your  Military genius delusions

and your "Insider's Economic knowledge" that no other "expert" has , and  I am sure you will put it all to great use!! Amazing that the US Government has not hired a genius like Mr. E ???

February 6, 2021, A charming guy known as

Mr. Avner,

I don’t know you nor do I know how you got on our thread, but anyway welcome. 

However we have a rule on our thread, and that is in order to be on our thread, one is not allowed to speak narishkeit or shturyot (foolishness), “that Trump made Israel weaker militarily and economically” might win the award for one of the silliest if not the dumbest remarks ever in our long history of exchanging information, facts and knowledge, especially when the overwhelming majority of Jews in Israel (90%) praise Trump’s name and would have wished he continued as our President and regret the return of Obama through Joe Biden, the Puppeteer who pulls the strings on the Puppet.    

As for your sage advice to leave the solution as to what to do with Iran to Diplomacy, that’s even a far worse statement than the aforementioned “Trump made Israel weaker militarily and economically” since Diplomacy is defined by Obama’s hateful decision to strengthen Iran with billions and a wink of the eye to go ahead and build a Nuclear bomb for peaceful purposes

Avner, if you promise you will keep to our firm rule as described above of no foolishness or stupidity, we welcome you, B’rooch Ha’ba!

February 6, 2021, Jack Zucker <>:


 I didn't know this thread has rules. I won't get into the details of your argument with Avner's opinion now, but I will point you to the narishkeit constantly spewed from Stephen Ha Golum, Norman Cohen et al. I move that they be voted off the thread, though I realize that this motion has as much chance here as Republican sanctions of Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Feb 6, 2021, <>:


Trust me on this one. I didn’t make that decision by myself, I consulted with Barry Wolfensohn since he is the Senior Member of the Thread who attends Rabbi Moshe Herson’s Thursday night Shiur without wearing his Hearing Aid.


February 6, 2021, Jack Zucker <>:


You're incredible sense of humor (the reason I love you) aside, if the narishkeit rule was fully applied, there would be no thread left. I don't know Barry, but his sense of humor is a close second to yours, and generally spot on relative to the issues we banter about. Stay well and I hope to see you soon.


Jack Zucker

28 Illinois Street

Dix Hills, NY 11746

I wrote:

Mr. Charming Eclipse,

I also don't know how somebody from this thread (probably Ms. Lewis) got my email address, and emailed me one of her posts (probably passed on to her by a guy named Dan Friedman, NYC).

Anyway, I'd like to thank you for your kind invitation to this very interesting email thread. This is very nice of you.

As for the rule(s) of the thread, I totally respect your intention and will definitely adhere to the rules - that is, if I can understand them.

When you say "one is not allowed to speak narishkeit or shtuyot (foolishness)" - I suspect that what you really mean is "one is not allowed to speak any opinion that is too far removed from the warm consensus that we are desperately trying to keep here, because we are too coward or not smart enough to handle opinions other than our own" (I have a feeling that I'm going to regret using this last sentence...).

Please correct me if that was not your intention.

I'm saying this, because the notion that a President as controversial and ignorant as Donald Trump has weakened Israel's ability to defend herself - that's a valid opinion. If you think differently (some of my best friends and closest family members do) - I respect that, and I will never refer to them as being foolish, narcissist, talking Shtuyot or inferior to me.

I have very good arguments to back up my opinion, some of them I share with the most highly ranked military Generals, and Israel's thinktanks, including my good friend from childhood, Gen. (ret.) Amir Eshel, former Commander of the Israeli Air Force and today the general manager of the Ministry of Defense.

So, if your rule that I must not express these opinions in your precious thread still holds - than this rule is so stupid, second only to the stupidity of a few of your thread members, such as: Prof. (Fake) Norman Cohen, STEPHEN GOLUB, et. al.

Kind regards,

Avner Efendowicz, Tel-Aviv

February 6, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

Mr. E- I am sure you are privy to the most secret  Israeli Military Intelligence on Earth. After all a genius like yourself, would be high on the list of any President to have a an advisor. Maybe National Security Advisor? Let us see some of your Military Facts and Intelligence that Israel was weaker under Trump! After all you are the only person i know of who has such important Military Intelligence!

 Show us all this "secret"  Intelligence that the Israeli Military shared with you!!Maybe we can get you something in the Pentagon or the CIA!???

Mr. Connected Military Genius Avner:

" I sincerely believe with you, that Banking Establishments are more dangerous than Standing Armies"!--  US President Thomas Jefferson

 Mr. E-Have all your big  "Gonnections"(borrowed  from The Great Gatsby) clued you in about the CFR, the Tri-Lateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, and  maybe Bohemian Grove?? Surely some of them attend the meetings??? Let us know  all about it ??

I wrote to this imbecile:

Mr. Golub (by the way, that's a Turkish name as well, so we may be relatives; I don't find it derogatory, because I'm not racist as you are, and to me Turks are human beings just as any others. And BTW, it's just amazing how somebody who belongs to a nation that suffered so much from racism, can be so racist himself. I take it that this is because you are so ignorant as well, in that you didn't pay attention in history classes. And in that, you belong to the most dangerous of all species on the globe - Men, Racist and Ignorant).

So, Mr. Golub,

I will explain it to you again in plain English and in simple words, as I did to Mr. Norman. I'm not sure that HE got it after the 11th time, but I have patience.

I don't have any secrets, and I wouldn't dare to share any with you guys if I had; I'm a loyal citizen of Israel, and I'd never use security to promote my political agenda - as did your friends Netanyahu (documented case) and Trump.

All my claims are based on public domain information.

Again, the difference between a Fact and an Opinion: my claim that Israel is weaker today than 4 years ago, is not a Fact, and I can't prove it (for one thing, I will never make up "information" like you guys do on this list, to "prove" that the imbecile that you support won the Elections). I just happen to have an opinion, that is shared by many military officials and security experts. Almost all Israeli top commanders were and are against an Israeli strike on Iran, including for example Gen. (ret.) Amir Eshel, the Air Force commander at the time. The reason is quite simple: unlike the successful strike on Iraq in 1981 (which was very complicated and risky by itself) - the Iranian nuclear program is distributed among many sites and locations, and is now buried under tens of meters of solid concrete underground. The destroy even most if these facilities, would take a strike in the scale that the Israeli military is just not capable of carrying out. It takes dozens of squadrons of bombers, escorting jet fighters, cargo, reconnaissance, rescue units for the case of the operation going wrong (my two sons are serving in such units), and so on.

Only a power such as the US is capable of doing  an operation on that scale. But even for the US, they never do so before they establish coalitions with other countries. This is done, Mr. Golub, through diplomacy - a concept that you so despise. Even George Bush, senior and junior, knew that.

On top of all that - most intelligence professionals agree, that after the clown (who has never read an intelligence report), withdrew from the agreement with Iran - they resumed their program, and they are now much closer to the Bomb than in 2016. But this is a topic for another discussion.

I can go on an on, but I have the feeling that this is too much for your span of attention and reading (not to mention comprehension) capability.



February 7, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

Mr. E-Yes  all the facts of the difficulties with an Air strike have been long Published in various US Publications. So you offer nothing new at all. With Israel so weakened by Trump accoding o you, it is amazing how he was apparently loved in Israel. I guess all your  buddies in  the Military and Intelligence fields kept it all to themselves?? ! Nothing you wrote is at all new ,except the idiocy your left Wing buddies spread about the President! You are sure the Mullahs who have absolutely NO Religious obligation to be truthful to "Infidels", will keep their promises  with an agreement, or no agreement  at all??  "  Mr. E "knows"!! Did Hitler honor his agreements. Do the  Communists?? What are we fools you think??

Here  " a special for you"from Bill Clinton's Mentor Professor Carroll Quigley at Georgetown U!

"There exists, and has existed for generations an International Anglophile Network which operates to some extent, the way the Radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact this network which we may identify as the Roundtable Groups ( CFR) has no aversion to cooperating  with the COMMUNISTS or any group and frequently does so!

 The Professor goes on to say he has examined the Group's secret papers for 2 years and his only disagreement with it, is that it chooses to remain  unknown!

 From his Book "Tragedy and Hope"!!

 I am sure your high briefings with Military and Intelligence people advised you of this    " group"!????/

I wrote:

I don't think that Trust goes by religion, country, or ideology. Do you want me to indulge you with a (partial) list of major promises made by the USA or Israel and broken?

My point is that the agreement with Iran, and the IAEA inspection that came with it, kept Iran from progressing in their program, more than anything else that the Clown has done. It's not about trust at all - just efficiency.


Feb 7, 2021, Norman cohen <>:
Golub is Russo-Yiddish for a pigeon or dove.                           


I wrote:
What's the difference? Half of this list (the republican half, basically, sorry from the exceptions) is all full of Fake. So I thought "While in Rome, behave like a Roman"...

A bit of sense of humor never hurt anybody (especially Jews).


I am long aware of my name. My Great Grandfather was a Bootlegger ( Bimber) in Torczyn and made a lot of money from it. My Maternal Grand Father  was from Odessa  . His Father had a dispensation from the Czar! My Great Grand Father from Torczyn  drank himself to death! Used his own product!  My Grandfather ( his son) 
was Born in Torczyn Poland !!I consider myself a Polish Jew!  I have no sense of humor so it does little to try and make me laugh. My friends  at times try although I warn them not to waste their time.
  Ever since I was a youth I was unhappy! I watched the Left  Liberals  destroy my Country day by day. I knew something was wrong but could not figure it out as a youth. I could not understand a Nation doing everything against its best interests. Later research  found the  Globalist Conspiracy!  Now at the ends of my time I watch my Nation that I dearly love  collapsing !! A left Liberal is not an opponent to me. he is a dangerous enemy. Piece by piece, day by day, step by step, the Liberal takes your Freedom, your money, and your property! The end result of Liberalism is Nazi like Communism!!

I wrote:
Mr. Golub,
I could not help but relate to your moving story (really).
I will disregard the derogatory comments (Left is enemy), and I'd like to say to you "Welcome to the Club". The club of people living for 43 years under our rival's rule (the Right - since 1977), and witnessing how they take the country down. (I am old enough to remember the days of the Israeli Labor party - not perfect, corrupt to some extent, but seems like heaven in light of today's Likud).
And this is why I thought you were of Turkish decent:
Actually, he was British. No offence.

Avner E.

February 7, 2021, <>:
I googled General Amir Eshel.  He has a remarkable military history.  Please send us if possible whatever you have in English talking about the bombing of Iran and why it’s not possible.  Google doesn’t mention it.

I wrote:
They didn't say not possible - I don't know what they said (for obvious reasons; no, I don't have inside information), but I guess it was: very complicated, not worth the cost, inefficient.

Here is just one:

"Not a single state official or military official or even the president – supports an Israeli attack in Iran."

The English version does not mention Gen. Amir Eshel, but the Hebrew version does:
כל הדרג המקצועי מתנגד לפעולה באיראן - הרמטכ"ל רב-אלוף בני גנץ, מפקד חיל האוויר האלוף אמיר אשל, ראש אגף המודיעין האלוף אביב כוכבי, ראש המוסד תמיר פרדו, ראש השב"כ יורם כהן.

I'll translate for you:
All the professional staff is against a strike on Iran - that includes IDF Commander in chief Gen. Benny Gantz, Air Force commander Amir Eshel, Commander of the Intelligence directorate Gen. Aviv Kokhavi (IDF chief in 2021), director of the Mossad Tamir Pardo, director of Shabak (secret service) Yoram Cohen.

Avner E.

February 7, 2021, <>:
I tried several times today to get a straight answer from you.  I was extremely civil and sincere.  While I respect the fact that you served in the Israeli military and your two sons are serving now, I find your political philosophy impossible to understand.  If you were here in America, one of the 75% Jews who voted against Trump but never actually voted for Biden, I would understand that you are a generation removed from your descendants being Jews but you’re truly one of few percent minority in Israel who sound like a Jew Hating Jew from America who hated the hero of the Jewish people in Israel!

I read what you sent and I respect the men who have the heavy obligation and responsibility to make overwhelming decisions especially one like this.  So you write and say that all that’s left is Diplomacy?  Please expound

I wrote:
Dear Myron,
First, please accept my apology for not responding promptly - too busy.
I too was looking for options to watch the Superbowl, without the annoying comments of the ignorant Israeli commentators (and with the commercials).

Whoever says that Trump is loved in Israel, doesn't live on this planet.
Roughly half of the population are satisfied with the things he did "for Israel", but nonetheless they are not so crazy about who he is. Most people think that he is just a fool (albeit a useful one).

Regarding Iran and the Bomb - I think that there is not much to do. They will have the Bomb whether you like it or not. If Israel has it, then Iran can't be denied.
You probably think that the Iranian leaders are crazy, and that the Israeli ones are not. I respect that. But I think that it's the other way around. In this, you are correct that I am in a small minority, I admit.
Iran is a bad place to live in, but that doesn't mean that the leaders there are irrational. Fanatic, evil - yes, I agree. But that's not the same thing as being irrational. I think that they are totally rational - which I can't say about some of the Israeli politicians. The Iranians want the Bomb for the same reasons that any other country does - they want power, protection from other countries, and patriotic project, to divert their problems to. Iran is surrounded by Suni countries, and wants to threat them back.

This is in short. Not much to do, but in any event, diplomacy can get much more than sanctions or violence. I'm pretty sure that you won't like it, but that's my opinion.
Who is right?... - in Hebrew we say: Days (= the future) will tell. Let's live, and die, and then see... (Danny Sanderson, a top Israeli musician).

Avner E.

February 7, 2021, <> (in italic and Bold):
According to all my Israel family and friends, they keep telling me that he is not loved but super loved
Maybe they mean that he is loved by 10% of the population. I would like to think that your family members don't belong to them.

Except Iran threatens Israel daily with blowing them up with a nuclear bomb, I haven’t heard Israel saying to any nation or any enemy that it intends to blow them up with a nuclear bomb
It's interesting who people take the word of Muslims only when it fits their agenda. I don't believe that, it's against their interests.
Israel, on the other hand, without a word spoken - denies the right of Palestinians to have their own state, like many other nations (and killing hundreds of them in the process).

YOU CAN ask me my opinion and I’ll for sure give you my opinion so please don’t make the mistake of assuming how I think, at age 83 thank GD, I still have my marbles in tact
Good for you, I wish you live to 120.
In any case, that's what I thought - you think that Israel leaders are more rational. With all due respect, I think that you are wrong.
Mr. Netanyahu in particular is way more evil and selfish than all Muslim leaders. He is practically raping this country, dragging her to 4th elections in 2 years, just to evade his trial. And he is the main reason that 5,000 people have died of the pandemic.

Avner, I would like it if diplomacy was on the level.
It was, when President Obama, the best US president in my life time, was in office. And it worked much better.
To those who refer to him as just Senator - he will be remembered as one of the best presidents, long after we are all gone.

Avner E.

February 8, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:
Obama was the greatest president...
His restarting the Islamic slave trade in Libya with his failed overthrowing of Ghadafi was amazing. 
Obama’s funding of Isis was brilliant. 
Obama’s dismantling of Europe’s Missile defense systems protecting them from Russia was a move of sheer genius. 
Obama letting Russia take over Crimea was magnificent. 
Obama’s Iran deal not only helped Russia but gave a country who kill and killed a,Erica s and jews billions of dollars in cash and unfroze hundreds of billions in assets. This move was perfect. 
Obama letting China abuse us without consequences was even more brilliant.
His genius is unsurpassed. 

I wrote:
Some of your claims are known to be false, others - I didn't check yet.

Obama has put together the first public health system in decades - if this has no meaning to you, then you must be very rich (I bless you for that). Obama could have done it way better, had Congress not put sticks in his wheels. Anyway, you guys live in one of the only countries in the modernized part of the world, that does not have a public health system, and therefore you have to be rich to get decent treatment. 47 million without any health insurance, prior to Obama. I hope that all you guys on this thread belong to the upper 10% income bracket (like I do, thus the Capitalist system is actually good for me - I opposed it nonetheless) - so you can stay healthy.
One thing to take from Covid-19 is - only public health system can deal with such a large scale pandemic. In such cases, the rich cannot take care of themselves - they are aboard the same boat with holes down its bottom.

Most people in my country don't like Obama, and they truly like Trump in rating that I will admit now that I was wrong about - it's definitely more than the 10% that I mentioned.
For one thing - Israelis expected Obama to intervene in Syria, to stop the terrible bloodbath over there. I find this hypocritical. How come they expected the USA to send its men and women to fight in Syria, while nobody in Israel was willing to do the same? That, especially after two disastrous and failing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, that cost Tens of Trillions of Dollars and thousands of lives, and achieved nothing? I think that Obama was very wise to spare your country form another disaster.

I could go on and on - the economy that the Obama administration managed to rebuild, after the 2008 crisis, the direct result of absence of regulations that the Reagan administration failed to build (I lived in California back them, and lost my job together with 2 millions Americans).

I don't recall as good a president as Obama, maybe since Kennedy - I was too young back then.

Avner E

February 8, 2021, Mark Harrison <>:
Just to add my two cents to this issue of health care.
In most countries the cost of socialized health care is built into the income tax rate somewhere about 15% to as high as 40%.
In most countries excluding Israel health care is somewhat less quality (not Great)
Some countries are better than others but not as good as American or Israel.
Canada has good socialized heath care but elective surgeries has a very long waiting list. Not so good.
I have family in Canada some buy Health Insurance in America to come here for elective surgeries
I have medicare and a supplement, my wife with a family plan 2 children pay now $13,000 a year for family coverage health plan (and that was after it raised considerably post Obamacare) That equals to about 8% of our retained retired income. We are both retired.
Before Obama Care every public hospital had to handle anyone with a health issue, that was mandatory.
So in a sense we had health care for all.
In those years my family health care cost was less than 3% of my earnings.
So now lets compare apples to apples.
Do the math we have gotten better health care under capitalism at a lower cost.(Not Just for the Wealthy)
P.S. can you tell me anything government controls that works well?

Mark Harrison

I wrote:
Sorry, I am only familiar with what I have read and know up close.

In Israel, Mr. Netanyahu keeps bragging about Israel being No. 1 in the world in Covid-19 vaccination per capita - which is true. 80% of Israelis aged 60 and up, are post-2nd shot.
What he "forgot" to mention are these facts: The operation is based on Kupot Kholim, an institution that Netanyahu fought hard against, among others. This is a quite unique health system that survived his privatization, thank god.

For the vaccines, Netanyahu paid a price which is kept secret, and will remain secret for the next 30-90 years (!) depending on whether they manage to label the protocols "security related". Another example of governmental operation.

A list of government controlled systems:
Mega-investments in hardware sector of High-tech (silicon chips manufacturing Fabs in the US, Taiwan, Israel, Ireland, France, etc.). $2B investment per 1 modern Fab.
Energy manufacturing, including nuclear
Education system in Finland, Singapore, Israel 1940s - 1977.
Railroads in Europe, Japan; Public transportation in general
Military, fire departments
Covid-19 in New Zealand, Germany, Taiwan, China
Health systems in most socialistic countries (including Cuba)
The list goes on and on.

Canada has good socialized heath care but elective surgeries has a very long waiting list. Not so good.
Of course I take your word for what you wrote - only it somewhat contradicts what I saw in Michael Moore's testimonies in his file Sicko. He shows families crossing the border to Canada to get medications and care in the same quality but much cheaper.

Avner E.

February 8, 2021, Norman cohen <>:
How did the USA live for 150 years without Social Security?
     And 180 years without Medicare?

                      VERY WELL !

By 1930, it was the greatest country on Earth.
    So great, it made the difference in WW1 (entered in 1917).   
    So great, it could give Germany and Japan a 2-year head start in war,
             supply the "allies", get hit with a sucker punch and still win.

Today, the real cost of medical insurance is far greater than was the real cost
of the medical care itself in the 1950s.

Don't give me crap about "health care".  That's leftist newspeak.
      I take care of my own health.   I go to doctors for medical care, not health care.

Don't give me crap about "health insurance".
        That's leftist newspeak to make the drones think that they'll live forever.
        "Health insurance" is when the Rolling Stones take out a policy with Lloyds of London
               to insure against missing a gig because they become unhealthy.
I buy medical insurance, not health insurance.


I wrote:
You buy health because you can afford it (thank god). But the majority can't.

Now that almost 1/2 million Americans died of Covid-19, you are helpless. Only countries with public health systems kept both their health and economy.

And you forgot to mention Roosevelt's New Deal - a guy you would call a Marxist today. Government investments is what kept you through WW2, not the private sector and the "invisible hand". It's invisible because it only exists in your dreams.

Avner E

Feb 8, 2021, Norman cohen <>:
The Iran nuclear threat is not to Israel.
       it's to the USA.

Iran wouldn't dare attack Israel.
     Israel can shoot down anything Iran would launch and then would destroy Iran in retaliation.

The USA is different.
       A missile would not be used, and the USA would not know where the bomb came from.

My assessment.
      Trump/Netanyahu have left a strike force in place that will not be disturbed by their successors.
As soon as an Iranian nuke is spotted in a vulnerable place by their sophisticated intelligence, its head will be cut off  .... as an owl picks off a mouse that has left
its hole.

james rizzolo <>:
More fear mongering with zero facts presented.
Jim Rizzolo

Feb 8, 2021, Rachel Lipsky:
If Mike Lindell alerted Jack during the early 1940s that the Nazis in Europe gas Jews in concentration camps, he (and I am afraid all other Lefty fools) would have reacted the same way as Jack reacts to Lindell – fully dismissing the message since they dislike the messenger.
This is an utter proof that those on the Left lack basic integrity and are complete frauds. 

Jack Zucker <>:
Rachel Bubbella,

If Mike Lindell had alerted me in the early 40s, I wouldn't have understood. I was only 3 years old. However, as a student of history, and with an uncle who bashed Bundist heads on Fordham Road, and with stories of Myron's father doing the same in Newark -- I believe they (the Bundists) were all right wing nuts of the day and in support of Hitler. Don't spout bull___ when you don't know which end of the bull it is coming out of.
Jack Zucker
28 Illinois Street
Dix Hills, NY 11746