Saturday, January 26, 2019

מדוע אני כבר לא יהודי? - הנה לפחות סיבה אחת

למי ששאל את עצמו, מדוע אני מגדיר את עצמי "לא יהודי" (כן, אני יודע שזה לא מעניין איש) - אז הנה סיבה אחת טובה; וזאת אפילו לא הסיבה הראשית.

לקראת הבחירות לפרלמנט הישראלי, הכנסת (שמכונה בפיהם של עיתונאים בורים "כנסת ישראל" - מבלי שהם יודעים שזה מושג מתחום המיסטיקה היהודית, לא קשור בכלל למדינת ישראל; אבל נעזוב זה); כלומר הבחירות לכנסת העשרים ואחת, שתתקיימנה ב-9 באפריל השנה - הודיעו כל המפלגות הדתיות בישראל, כולן - שאין להן כל בעיה להשתתף בממשלה הבאה באם ירכיב אותה החבר בנימין נתניהו, גם אם ימליץ היועמ"ש מנדלבליט להעמיד אותו לדין בעוון שוחד, מירמה והפרת אמונים. כל המפלגות היהודיות הדתיות הודיעו זאת, ורק מפלגות יהודיות דתיות הודיעו את זה.

אז בפרפראזה קלה על מה שאמרה הגברת דה-גראנמונט, מנהלת של חברה מכובדת לממכר חזיות, בסדרה המופתית "סיינפלד": אם הם יהודים - אז אני לא.

(חפשו ".Ms. De Granmont: If he's here on Monday, you're not").

Monday, January 21, 2019

A courageous young woman, and our response

A touching story was told by the Washington Post, about an American girl who is blind, and insisted on reading her Parasha from the Torah, including the Te'amim (trop), which don't even have signs in the Braille writing.

Here is the story, followed by our responses.

A bat mitzvah girl debuts a new way for blind Jews to participate in an ancient tradition

By Michelle Boorstein

When 12-year-old Batya Sperling-Milner stood before her community at her bat mitzvah, a key coming-of-age ritual for Jews, she read from the Torah, just like any other Jewish kid. At the same time, the Saturday service at Ohev Sholom synagogue on a snowy D.C. Sabbath morning was absolutely unique to the little girl with the brown bob and the elaborate henna on her left hand.

The third of four children in a devout Modern Orthodox family, the daughter of a mother who is a Jewish educator and a father who is a lay cantor, Sperling-Milner never considered she’d not have a bat mitzvah, the ceremony marking the time when a Jew becomes responsible for keeping Jewish law. For kids in her crew, it’s also a key party, when you get literally showered with candy and gifts and receive a turn at the pulpit.

For Sperling-Milner, who is blind, and her family, it was just a question of how it would all happen.

It turned out that reading Torah in a service — and reading from the holy book for your community is a central ritual of a bat mitzvah — presents challenges for a blind person. The NW Washington family thought innovations might be needed, so they went on a journey to find them. By the end, Sperling-Milner’s mother, Aliza Sperling, wound up writing a 40-page paper that made the case for blind Torah readers and lectured from it in synagogue, launching a new conversation in the D.C. area’s Modern Orthodox community. And a software engineer created encoding and a computer program that may wind up transforming the Torah-reading experience for visually impaired people.

It all began last year, when Sperling-Milner, then 11, began to study the prayers and Torah section connected with the date of her bat mitzvah. She is already accustomed to often needing to get special school materials created — — on topics from Judaics to math, because they aren’t always available for the visually impaired. And to learn the nearly one hour of services she’d be leading in Hebrew, an organization called the Jewish Braille Institute was creating for her big fat, wide books of Braille Hebrew scripture.

But her family hadn’t known that there was no Braille system for the “trop,” the symbols that are above and below the Hebrew letters of the text that instruct the reader to sing the specific ritual chants, or sounds, to make at each word.

There are about 20 trops and each has several notes and sounds like a short tune.

Once Sperling-Milner started to practice last spring, she and her family realized they had a problem.

“How far did we get, Bat?” Joshua Milner, 45, a National Institutes of Health researcher of pediatric allergies and immunology, asked earlier this month of his second daughter during a practice session at Ohev Sholom.

“Not very far,” she laughed. Memorizing nearly an hour of the trops without being able to read them in practice (“read” in Braille) while learning the long Torah section seemed daunting. Forging ahead was the only option, they recalled.

“I didn’t think about it. I just knew I was going to do it,” she said.

The number of people in this situation is tiny. According to the National Federation of the Blind, there are about 62,000 blind children in the United States. Jews make up a little less than 2 percent of the U.S. population, according to Pew Research. But Sperling-Milner comes from a segment of the Jewish population that is even smaller — the segment that works to live very deliberately in decisions small and large by Jewish law.

It’s not that there aren’t Jewish kids — sighted or blind — who never really learn the trop markings. Some may listen to a cantor singing on a tape and try to memorize them. Sperling-Milner happened to get assigned a day with a longer-than-usual segment of scripture — called a “Torah portion” by Jews — and wanted to read the full thing herself, along with additional prayers that less devout children sometimes don’t learn.

That led a family friend in Israel, Danny Sadinoff, who is a software engineer, to passionately take up the question of how to quickly create a system she could use to study. Over time Sadinoff created two things. He made a Braille character to stick in the middle of a Hebrew Braille word that signals: “A trop is coming,” and then new Braille characters for all the trops. Then he wrote a computer program that translates the trop and combines it with existing Braille Bibles so that a reader can select any Bible verse and have the text with trop. Then a printer can spit out the corresponding Braille on paper.

The key challenge for the family is that they are Modern Orthodox — a group within Orthodoxy wishing to live completely according to the rules of the Torah, while also living and adapting to the modern world. For such Jews, messing up a single letter of the Torah or a single note of the chants would render her service problematic. For liberal Jews — which is the vast majority of American Jews — meeting every detail of the law wouldn’t matter as much.

But there were bigger issues for the family, that went well beyond Sperling-Milner’s access to materials and the difficulty of the task for her. The family also wanted the girl and her community to fully accept her reading. And in Orthodox Judaism, faith means religious practice, and there are rules and debates that go back millennia about who qualifies to carry out practices.

In preparing Sperling-Milner for her bat mitzvah, the family confronted the reality that there has long been a rabbinical debate about whether blind people — along with illiterate people — under Jewish law qualify to “read” the Torah before the community as public leaders. The debate began centuries ago, before publishing, and when many were illiterate. The rabbis banned public readers who memorized rather than read the Torah. God’s mandate was so important that nothing could be left to error.

“The rabbis felt there was a deep importance in seeing and reading the scroll. After all, [reading publicly] is reenacting God giving [Jews] the Torah at Mount Sinai. Every time we read, we are liturgically reenacting Matan Torah,” Lauren Tuchman, a blind Conservative rabbi from D.C., said of the Hebrew term for the biblical story of the Jews receiving scripture. “We want to honor the Torah, giving honor as we read it.”

This issue set Sperling, the girl’s mother, on a quest that resulted on Jan. 1 in a 2 ½-hour weekday lecture at the synagogue on the topic. She argued that blind Jews should be allowed to read from a Braille Torah. As a respected Jewish educator in the synagogue, Sperling’s case convinced some in the congregation that a blind person can count as a reader. For others, it simply opened up a topic they’d never considered.

Her paper argues that, in part, some of the older arguments against blind people reading have been rendered null by the creation of Hebrew Braille in the 1940s. She also argues for the pain felt by Jews who are kept from full access to the Torah.

Tuchman, who is part of the more liberal Conservative Movement and works with young Jews, said she can relate.

“When we say: ‘You can’t because of who you are,’ we are sending a very alienating message. And there is no question people are told they are spiritual outsiders,” she said. “If we are going to be in the highest degree of spiritual leadership, we have to know every Jew is part of the Jewish community.” Traditional Jews who care about following the law closely, she said, are balancing how to honor tradition along with being pragmatic.

Sperling-Milner, who grew up being read Torah stories at bedtime by her mom, said it was important to her to do what her friends could do, but also to do it by the book.

Holding close the thick text of white Braille papers created for her to practice, Sperling-Milner said during one weekday rehearsal that “when I stand up here, I think about people who read before me and I want to do what they did,” she said. “I want to do what you’re supposed to according to Jewish law. If this could become my Torah it would mean a lot.”

On her special day, friends painted her left hand — she uses both hands to read Braille but is a lefty — with henna to look like a ‘yad,’ or pointer device sighted people use to read from an actual Torah without touching the sacred page.

She gave an analysis in English about her segment, which included God plunging the Egyptians into darkness as one of the plagues set upon them as the Jews fled.

Of all the sections in the Torah on which her day could have been, Saturday was about darkness, she said with a sense of humor in her voice. It must be a sign from God!

Her reading impressed the congregation.

“Every single person in the synagogue showed up to hear her read, and we all felt we were in the presence of greatness,” said Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, the rabbi at Ohev Sholom.

That night at her party, Sperling-Milner’s parents played a special slide show of photos from her life. It’s a popular choice for such parties, and it’s what the girl wanted, even if she couldn’t see it herself.

Even so, she wanted to show her community the different parts of her life — just like any other bat mitzvah girl would. And Saturday, she did.

A remarkable and moving story, thanks for sharing.
and, it's a little shame that this blind rabbi Lauren Tuchman, so humbly surrendered to the notion that the ancient rabbis' only interest was - the well-being and high-spirit for their congregations... while my view is that they were just human beings just like all of us; and all the more so, "כל הגדול מחברו, ייצרו גדול ממנו"
meaning that being such great rabbis and scholars and spiritual leaders - they actually had even greater passions and Yetzer, also for - power and domination; which, in my view, is part of the reasons for their willing to control and dictate exactly how the Torah should, and should not, be read.

Anyway, my stupid 2'c.

Shabat Shalom.

Avner E.

למי אצביע בבחירות הקרובות

הבחירות הבאות עלינו ל(השלם את המשפט) הן "הגורליות ביותר בתולדות המדינה", וכך זה כבר כמעט שבעים שנה. (מסתבר, שהגורליות של הבחירות היא פונקציה מונוטונית עולה; אבל נעזוב-זה).
אם כך, למי להצביע?
בבחירות הקודמות הצבעתי לרשימה הערבית המשותפת. ההתלבטות שלי היא בדרך כלל בין חד"ש לבין מרצ, וההכרעה היא תמיד לטובת חד"ש, פרט לנפילה זמנית ב-1992. אז, הצבעתי למרצ כמחווה לאשתי היקרה מזי – מפני שלא רציתי להצביע בכלל; (תיכף תראו איך ההיסטוריה חוזרת באופן מפתיע). כזכור, המועמד המוביל לראשות הממשלה אז (שאכן נבחר) היה יצחק רבין, ולא התלהבתי מהרעיון שהוא יהיה הראש. העובדה שכעבור שלוש שנים הוא נרצח, לצערי הרב, לא שינתה את דעתי על מנהיגותו.
היום, 80 יום לפני הבחירות, עדיין לא ברור סופית מי תהיינה המפלגות – אנומליה ישראלית בפני עצמה. על כן פנים, לאחר עזיבתם את הרשימה המשותפת של כל מי ששמו חנין  – אין לי עוד שום סיבה להצביע לה, עם כל הסימפטיה שיש לי למיעוט הערבי בישראל, לבעיותיו ולסכסוך הציוני-פלסטיני בכלל. דב חנין היה הסיבה העיקרית להצביע לרשימה – פרלמנטר מצטיין על פי כל הדעות בקשת הפוליטית, וגם מייצג נאמנה את דעותי. חנין זועבי, למרות לאומניותה שדוחה אותי – אני הסכמתי לחלוטין לכל מה שאמרה בעברית. ערבית אינני מבין, ועל כן ייתכן שלאוזניים ערביות היא אמרה דברים מעט שונים, אולי יותר לאומנים. בזה היא לא שונה משום פוליטיקאי. מאד רציתי אותה בכנסת, למרות, ובעצם בגלל, הפרובוקציות הרעננות והאפקטיביות שלה. בניגוד ל-99% מכם, ואפילו לאחדים מחבריה למפלגה, אני דווקא חושב, למשל, שפרשת הספינה "מרמרה" היא אחת מפסגות פעילותה הפוליטית. בעיני היא הדגימה את הגזענות של רוב היהודים ואת חולשת טיעוניהם. הפושעים בפרשה הזאת היו לוחמי השייטת, ולא פעילי המחאה, גם לא זועבי. עכשיו גם היא לא תהיה ברשימה, ונשארה שם חבורה של איסלאמיסטים, שחלקם חשוכים בדיוק כמו היהודים החשוכים, של לאומנים ערבים שגם לא התבגרו (זחאלקה – עכשיו נודע לי שאפילו הוא – כבר לא שם...); וגם אחמד טיבי, משה דיין של הערבים (לטוב ולרע) – עזב.
על המחנ"צ, "יש עתיד" ושאר מפלגות הימין הישנות והחדשות, אין טעם להכביר מילים.
בני גנץ, מפלגת הטרנד החדשה – אני מניח שאניני הטעם הפוליטי (כמוני) לא נמשכים אליו בגלל שהוא שותק. אכן, מוזר הדבר, ששלושה מתמודדים בכוח בבחירות הקרובות, ששלושתם היו כמוהו רמטכ"לים, ושלושתם אפילו היו כבר שרי בטחון (! –כפי שציין בחכמה עמית סגל, העיתונאי הימני המבריק) – שלושתם בקושי עוברים את אחוז החסימה. ואילו גנץ הרמטכ"ל לשעבר שלא עשה עדיין דבר בזירה הציבורית – מקבל בסקרים מספר דו-ספרתי של מנדטים! זה כשלעצמו מלמד, שהציבור רוצה משהו חדש, יותר מכל דבר אחר. אם הוא שותק, בגלל שכל מי שאמר משהו, בשיח הציבורי הרדוד העכשווי – נידון מיד לצליבה ציבורית – זה בסדר גמור מצדי. הבעיה שלי איתו היא אחרת – המפלגה שלו היא פשוט עוד מפלגת ימין, שכוחה ברקורד המוכח שלה בדפיקה של הפלסטינים ובהנצחת הסכסוך. אין לי בעיה עם האישיות שלו או עם הטקטיקה שלו – אלא עם האידיאולוגיה (גם אם לכאורה אינה קיימת – גם זו חלק מאידאולוגית הימין שלו).
אז מי נשאר?
אז זהו, שזה לא ממש משנה. מוזר, לא? המשיכו לקרוא!...
במשך זמן רב הלכה והתגבשה אצלי ההכרה, שההצבעה בבחירות, למרות הדימוי שלה כ"חובתי האזרחית", "זכות שהיא חובה", "חגיגה דמוקרטית" – היא דווקא הפעולה הפחות משמעותית שיכול אזרח לעשות כדי להשפיע על המדינה שבה הוא חי. תחשבו על זה: בהנחה שסך כל הקולות הכשרים מונה 4,210,884 , החלק היחסי של קול כשר אחד הוא 0.000024% - אפשר לקרוא לזה "פרומיל וחצי של בטל בשישים" או "בטל בשישים לחלק לשבעים אלף". שיעור די קטן. תאמרו: אז מה, אם כל אחד יגיד את זה, אז איש לא יצביע! – אבל זה בדיוק העניין, שלא כל אחד אומר את זה! אם הצלחתם לשכנע אפילו 100 אנשים לעשות משהו – לא משנה אם זה להצביע למפלגה מסוימת, או להימנע מהצבעה – אז כבר עשיתם משהו הרבה יותר משמעותי מאשר ההצבעה שלכם אישית. אבל כרגיל, רוב האנשים אינם רציונליים (כפי שהוכיח מיכאל כהנמן, וזכה על כך בפרס נובל לכלכלה – שמיד נוכס לישראל למרות שהוא גר כבר כ-40 שנה בארה"ב), ולכן הם מעדיפים את התחושה הנעימה שהם משפיעים משהו, שהם מקבלים מהמעשה חסר-המאמץ של ההצבעה – מאשר לעשות משהו באמת משמעותי, דבר הכרוך במאמץ רב.
(אגב, זה קשור לעובדה המצערת מאד, שלקבל תחושת ביטחון, חשוב יותר לרוב האנשים מאשר לקבל – את הביטחון עצמו. גם את זה הוכיח כהנמן, בשורה של ניסויים מדוקדקים בפסיכולוגיה חברתית).
מפלגה שמדגימה את זה יפה, לאורך שנים, היא ש"ס. במשך מספר עשורים (אולי להוציא את השנים האחרונות) פעיליה פוקדים בתים בזה אחר זה, ולא לפני הבחירות אלא בכל ימות השנה. הם מרימים הופעות של רבנים ומוקיונים-של-חזרה-בתשובה, לעיני עשרות אלפים, מקיימים מנגנונים משומנים של צדקה, גמ"חים, סידורי עבודה – וזה עובד. זה מאמץ מתמשך, קשה, אבל לא "סיזיפי" – הם בסוף נשארים למעלה. העובדה שהם מבטיחים לחסידיהם השוטים חיי עולם הבא או קמעות לרפואה והצלחה – לא מעלה ולא מורידה לצורך הטיעון שלי. מה שחשוב הוא, שזאת פעולה משמעותית באמת, כי היא משפיעה על המונים. השמאל בדורות האחרונים מעדיף לנקוט בדרך הקלה, יחסית, של התכנסות בכיכרות ושירי שלום, וללכת הביתה בתחושה ש"עשינו משהו", בשעה שבקושי הצליחו לשכנע קומץ של משוכנעים כבר. כך לא מנצחים בחירות.
כלומר, המעשה המשמעותי שיש לעשות אינו ביום הבחירות, אלא בזמן שבין הבחירות: לכתוב בלוגים, פוסטים, אפילו טוויטר ופישטיגרם, להתווכח, לארח חוגי בית, לכבוש צמתים, לארגן הפגנות אמיתיות ולא רק "עצרות". אפילו "פעולה ישירה" וחסימות כבישים, דברים שמובילים למעצר – כל מה שהשמאל המפונק כבר מזמן שכח. את כל זה אנחנו לא עושים. אבל אנחנו מצביעים בבחירות, (ממלאים את "חובתנו" האזרחית!), אז אנחנו בסדר.
על כן, אין זה משנה בכלל (ליתר דיוק, זה לא משנה ב- 99.999976%) למי אצביע. ולכן, ולו רק כדי להמחיש את האבסורד בכך שאין זה משנה – אנהג כמנהג החרדים: חובה עליך להצביע "ככל אשר יורוך". אני אצביע למי שהרב שלי יורה לי!

אז עכשיו, כל מה שנותר לי זה למצוא רב.

יש לי! רב נערץ. האמת, אני חושב שהערצה היא רגש פרימיטיבי – ולכן אני לא מעריץ אף אחד. אף אחר, למעט גדעון לוי, האמיץ, הרהוט, הכועס והמרסן את כעסו, אמן הניסוח ותיעול הזעם לכתבות נוקבות וצלולות. הוא הרב שלי (באופן אירוני), והוא קורא להצביע – לנתניהו... טוב, זה לא שהוא באמת תומך בנתניהו – ברור שלא. הוא עושה זאת כפרובוקציה, בעיני חביבה למדי, שנועדה להגחיך את כל מי שטוען להתמודדות נגדו. כל הפוצים שמנסים להצטייר כאבירי שלום, ושיום אחד אחרי הבחירות יחזרו להוציא לפועל את המדיניות של ביבי, רק בשקט, כמו פעם. בלי השמפניה, ובלי השרה, והחרא במאוורר – כלומר, לא ישר מהמקפצה. אז נוח לי לומר שאני מצביע לביבי, כי כך הורה לי גדעון...

אבל גם זה לא נכון.
כי הרב האמיתי שלי הוא – אשתי היקרה מזי. ברגע שהיא תחליט, בין מרצ, אלדד יניב או אולי גבאי (נתניהו כנראה לא) – אני אמלא את מה שהתחייבתי. גם למען שלום בית, וגם, כפי שאמרתי, בגלל שאין לזה כמעט משמעות מעשית. אז מה'כפת לי.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

My Dialogue with Abshalon, Part 4

December 3, 2018

Hello Avner

Time goes by very quickly.

I wish first to wish you and your family a happy Hanukka, and all the best for the coming year.

I wonder how are you doing, and what is new?  I have started to watch the news for Israel from time to time, and it is quite interesting. Your friend Netanyahu is going to have a lot to do in the coming days. How do you feel about what is going to happen, and what do you expect to happen?  How is your job going? I suppose that most of the electronics to day is digital, but probably there are not many analog circuits designers, so you are in a good situation. By the way I am still getting swamped by Linked In with bogus invitations, when your names comes up from time to time. I am repeatedly surprised for there ability to spy after people. I wonder how they can do this.

As I can see, there is a lot of construction in Israel, and the country is looking more modern. I just wonder that there is so much money for construction while there is not enough for the lower income, older people and the very young. The situation at the border fence with Gaza is quite strange, and I wonder how it could be ended. I can not avoid seeing some resemblance between Trump and Netanyahu. Trump is also facing growing problems, and he will be soon be deeply involved in the fight for his political future. I think that for Israel it will be better if he stays. So it is going to be a hot time for Israel and the US. My feeling is that Israel enemies like the Hesbolla will be reluctant to attack Israel as long as Trump is in power. What do you think?

So I look forward to hear some interesting news from you, and wish you again a happy Hanukka.


December 23, 2018
Hi Abshalon,

The general feeling in the Israeli media is becoming more and more, that Netanyahu is going to face charges in court. If he wants to avoid that (and loosing his job disgracefully, due to losing support from his fellow criminals in the coalition) - he will have to agree to lose his job voluntarily.
I still don't share this prediction, since I give him a lot of credit (not for being a great leader - he is the Worst Israeli PM ever; and it's hard to win this title - competition for the worst is very tough...) - but for being a Genius politician and master of media and demagogy.

My job is great. Fortunately, I didn't become a teacher in the failing Israeli education system. The poor way that Math is being taught in Israel, and the stupidity of the department of education - were the reasons, among others. So I am very happy with my current job.

I have to disagree with you about Trump being good for the security of Israel. I think that he is Terrible for the well being of the US, as well as for Israel. I do agree, that Netanyahu has a lot in common with him - with one big difference: Netanyahu is smart, while Trump is a stupid red-neck. His latest decisions, which shoo-off his best and very few sane personnel, out of their positions - will prove.

So, in general, I think that both countries are on the way down, under these "leaders". The main difference is, that the US is bigger and more stable, and will survive even the worst of leadership. While Israel is more fragile.

As usual, I truly hope that I am wrong...

Best regards to you.

Avner E.

January 5, 2019
Hello Avner

I found your message interesting and glad to learn that you found a good job. As I understand in some schools you need to have a black belt to feel sate. Are you ready? I wonder if you may consider the option of tutoring? I think it can be very rewording, and I like the personal contact. The students may also come with interesting  questions that may surprise you, so you will be also learning while teaching. May be very rewarding.

Question: I have heard some time ago that Toyota started selling diesel cars in Israel. I have read that one of them was a commercial van. But since all the issue went quiet. Do you know anything about that?

Question: While watching the news from Israel some time ago, it was said that people In the town of Sderot near Gaza have been hearing a sound of digging in their houses, and were wondering. Do you know what was the conclusion of this?

As I can see, this time is quite hectic in Israel as well as in America. In the US it is mainly about building the wall around the south border to stop the illegal (few versions) to the US. The problem is really very bad, and as you may have heard it became a personal affair between the president to the democratic party leaders. The last “caravan” (the third) had swelled to about 5000+, and the rumors are that the forth, of about 15000 is going to start moving towards the us at the end of January. This is going to grow to a catastrophic proportions, because the border patrol guys are not able to control a 1900 mile border. and some barrier must be erected, preferably few years ago, but none of the former presidents would touch this “hot potato”. Now, that the democrats are ruling the House, they are blocking Trump from making any progress, and in my mind that is only for revenge. Trump is ready to go for a shutdown, and he is right in my mind. So it shows to what extent the US government has deteriorated. As I can see there are also some serious problems in the election process in Israel, and I hope it will end soon. I would be worried especially that Hamas in Gaza may think that this would be a good time for them to attack, since Israel may soon be with no prime minister and defense minister.

Changing subject:

Do you like Irish jokes? I hope you do, so here as an example: (I heard a lot of those when I was in the UK: there the Irish people are considered as excelling in physical strength but not very bright-not like in the US, where they are a very well respected minority).
An Irishman looking for a job. He sees a building site on his way, so he goes to talk to the manager. The manager is not very interested, since the job situation is bad. “there
is not much work here” he tells the Irishman. The Irishman does not give up: ‘”don’t worry” he says, “I would not do much”.
So here is another one which came to my mind when listening to the president explaining why he is going to take the US army out of Syria:   It is a rainy and stormy day at the beach, nobody dares to try the water. Suddenly a cry for help is heard-a person is drowning and calling for help. Here comes the Irishman, and he jumps into the waves with no fear, and soon comes out with the poor guy, both very wet. The person is very thankful and both depart to go home. The next day, the weather is very nice, and many people come down. However, suddenly, something is wrong: a crime had been committed, and the police are looking for clues. Here comes our man, and the policeman tells him that a dead person had been found hanging, and the police has determined a foul play. He shows a picture, and the Irishman is surprised: “don’t worry” he tells the policeman. “I met him yesterday and pulled him out of the water, and as we went home, I noticed that he was very wet, so I took him to one of the shacks on the beach, and hanged him so he would dry faster”. 

So, to conclude, I think that president trump is not always doing the right things, but I also feel that he is facing now a total and irresponsible attacks, even when he is doing a right thing for a change, like the border wall, and this is not good for the country.

I feel like I need to go to sleep.

I wish you all the best.


Jan 10 2019
Hi Abshalon,

I am totally ready for the energy and challenges of young students. What I'm not quite ready, is the opacity and stupidity of the Israeli Department of Education. They are the ones who took the whole energy and motivation out of me, therefore I abandoned the dream to be a teacher (at least in Israel).
I don't do tutoring. I totally agree with you about the personal contact, and especially about the learning from students. But I'm not willing to take a deal, where the parent pays me money, and I need to get the kid pass the exam. That's basically tutoring, at least in Israel, and that's not what I do.

I don't know about Toyota. I know that residents have been complaining for a long time about knocking and digging - they were probably right.

Regarding Trump and the Wall - I think that the illegal immigrants are the least of the US problems. In general, the USA is an immigration country, and it would never have become a superpower had it not for the vast immigration (both legal and illegal, mind you). As published recently, many of the residents in the South object the wall. It's just another spin, from a President who has nothing in his world but spins.

Take care.

Avner E.

February 11, 2019
Hello Avner

Good to hear from you, and the main  thing is that you are happy with your job, which is much better than being a teacher.

I do not think that this is that important. An important reason that I like tutoring is that you can do it “on the side”.

As I can read, it is a hectic time in Israel: the new parties and contestants, and it looks like the new government will be quite different than the last one. So the time around April and May there may be two shows: Netanyaho fight to survive and the Eurovision. So what do you think about the new contestants? It looks to me that Gantz ambition cooled off and he is now more realistic about how high he could go.

In the US, as you might have heard, the government is in a mess, and another shutdown looms. In particular, I think that on this one, Trump is right, and the wall is important. And here is why: first of all, the wall should have been build many years ago, when the illegal emigration from Mexico started. While it is true that there work was useful, it is important that they will come legally. It will be better also for them-and many people seem to forget this. With a wall in place it could be done, and it would be much more fair and humane. Many do not think about what happens to them when they can’t work any more, and can not have any benefits and health insurance. But the main emergency is coming now, when many is going to come from all the failed states in south-central America. Pelosi has a soft soothing voice that makes here sound very nice and caring, but in fact her drive is just vengeance. I can understand her, but I feel that the interest of the country comes first. I think that you know, that is nothing better than a wall to stop crossing, and all the surveillance systems only report, and a large force is necessary to do the work. I think that the main problem of trump is his style, and he could easily put a good set of arguments, while she has none. Again, the important thing is to do it legally, so the government can manage it properly. Those people are so desperate, that they think only on the immediate future. A lot of children are involved which makes      m it much worse. The real thing has not started yet, and it will be much worse than the emigration from Mexico, I suspect and this is going to be a mess, and a cruel one, worse than from Mexico.

So I hope I am wrong, and will not be so bad.

So I think I have written enough for one time, and I look forward to hearing from you what is really going now in Israel.

Wish you all the best.

March 6, 2019
Hi Abshalon,

so, you are saying that Mr. Trump has good arguments?... this is interesting. I have never heard this stupid red-neck racist make one argument, ever. But it's OK to disagree.

I don't think that the illegal immigration is the US' no. one problem. On the contrary, in a way, immigration is one of this country's great merits. Your country was built on the innovation of immigrants.
You want to make it legal - go ahead, let them in legally. But I think that Trump is not interested at all in solving this problem (and any problem, for that matter). He just wants to be in power, and needs some dramatic and sexy issue to draw the public attention and emotions towards it.

He is very much like Netanyahu in this sense. Only much less smart.

Good luck with living under this shaky government.

Take care,

Avner E.

April 15, 2019
Hello Avner

So what is new with you? As I know, you are happy with your job, which is very important and I hope that the same is true for the last developments in Israel .

So, what is new for me?

Well, not too much. As you know the Mueller report has come out. A lot of lightnings, thunder, and

no rain! President Trump is happy, but Democrats are not, and a 2nd  investigation, to investigate the first one will probably start. On the immigration status, not much surprise: the situation is becoming really bad, as I wrote you last time: the flood is now going to start, and the president is fuming. The situation can not be fixed any more: especially the eastern part of the border is wide open. Some numbers: the number of registered for court hearing is now more than 855,000 already, about 100,000 recorded last month, and clearly the number of unrecorded is much larger than all of these!  The real flood will now start, as the rumors of more caravans are coming. In addition, there are many who arrive in small groups, impatient to wait, many of them not recorded. The president is threatening to direct many of them to  cities managed by the Democrats, like LA and SF, but he could not do this since he cannot control the border! After all of this, he is accused, as expected, to be guilty again of all of this! The logic is so convoluted, that I can’t even remember how. I just can not believe that Pelosy, the Democrats majority leader does not feel bad about the damage that she has done!

So, it will be interesting.  In addition, the is a lot of bad weather, but not much where I live, so far.

So what is new in Israel? I do not know too much because you are not telling. I need more news. I have seen that the election have ended and I can not understand. Netanyahoo again?!  He was so intensely badmouthed by many, and still the winner? I can not avoid feeling that indeed, there are no good options. Many of the possible candidates for government positions do not look to me very exciting. So I look forward to get some explanations from you.

I think I have written enough for one letter, and I look forward to some interesting news.


April 18, 2019

Yes, Netanyahu again, as I expected... the public has spoken.

Explanations? Here are mine (which are as bad as any other):
1. He is a Genius, in PR and campaigning that is. The can manipulate almost anyone, to do anything. He is a magician.
2. Almost all the poor people, those who suffer the most from his policy on foreign, security and economical matters - voted for him. This could be explained by either of, or a combination thereof, of the following: (1) they are sheer stupid (I'm not very fond of this one, but my wife is certain that it's true - together with thousands of people in the Left; (2) they (or at least some of them) are not stupid, but are willing to suffer for the benefit of being safe from the "real" threats - Iran, aliens from Mars, whatever; or (3) they are not stupid, nor they think that Netanyahu is good in security - but they have other interests than us, the "normal people": they want to feel the pride of being patriots. And they are willing to suffer for THAT.

OK, suffer it is. and will be. But I'm not part if this. I am no longer an Israeli, I don't belong here, I am an alien, a foreign worker; this is not my government nor my country, I am just a guest here.

It is more sane like this. Actually, when taken this way, life in Israel is not so bad (if you belong to the upper 10%, as we are...)

Avner E.

Hi Abshalon,

...and yet another explanation for Netanyahu's victory (and maybe the Major one): people prefer to stick to the Known; most people hate changes, and they punish those who offer them any change - even at times of peril. Netanyahu presents the Conservative, the Known, the things that people are used to. "Yes, he may be corrupt; but we are used to his corruption, we came to term with it, and we are terrified of anything different than what we know."

Just a thought...

Avner E.