Friday, February 19, 2021

Lunatics Inc. (vol. 14)

Mars 2020

Feb 19, 2021, I wrote:

And a great THANK YOU to the Trump administration, for giving so much support and credibility to science and advanced technology, and for being THE SOLE factor in the successful landing of Perseverance rover on Mars!

Thank you TRUMP! (and Netanyahu of course, whose Watch is on when all these wonderful things are happening).

(- for the Morons on this list: that was ironic).


Avner E.

February 19, 2021, Roger's בית בריק <>:

Nah, that Mars landing was faked. 

You can’t even launch a rocket off the flat earth. Fox not news said it was faked, trump the god told them so. 

And it was Hillary’s fault anyway.

February 19, 2021, <>:

We are so engrossed in political nonsense on this earth that none of us are commenting on this most incredible accomplishment, which seems like we are just taking “landing on Mars” for granted as just another cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Roger's בית בריק <>:

Not for me, I followed the launch, trajectory and Martian approach. The design of the rover is elegant, astonishing in its clever redundancy. The fuel efficient trajectory was sheer genius. 

While the Trumpies are still stuck in the  Mesozoic arguing over their lost election the world of science progresses. 

You know, those people who don’t watch Fox News have a real life.

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