"If any of you writes an OBSCURE BLOG, and you are wondering if anybody READS it - I cannot tell you how SATISFYING it is to have it read back to you by the VERY person that you've been SLACKING OFF all of these years." (George Marshall, TEDxEastEnd; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvsUHL9IQRs)
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Ping-Pong with the Lunatics, vol. 16
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Lunatics Inc. vol. 17: Tikkun Olam
On May 25 2021, Myron Sugerman <charming@eclipse.net>:
Liberal policies are such utopia. That’s why democrat controlled cities have high levels of crime and exodus of its population.
I wrote:
Mr. Sugerman, of course it is your right to think so. But it is very un-Jewish.
Avner E.
Myron Sugerman <charming@eclipse.net>:
Mr. Avner,
I follow the teachings and the philosophy of the Rebbe and Chabad. There is no future Jews without Judaism. The proof is in the Demographics. We see the fast decline of Non Orthodox affiliation
In the world of Orthodox Judaism, we start with the knowledge of Torah and we practice the laws of Torah and Talmud and then we become a “Light unto the Nations of the World”. The more intelligent of the Human Race recognizes and respects what the Jew means in terms of Civilization. Sadly these people are the minority because for endless numbers of centuries, no matter whatever we Jews have done to help humanity, there is no appreciation. In fact on the contrary, the Bastards are not only ingrates, they want to annihilate us.
The Jews marched with the Reverend Martin Luther King to show our solidarity with the Civil Rights Movement. This was absolutely the right thing to do. Sadly again, there are very few within the Black Community that knows this simple fact of history. In fact most Blacks today are followers of the other Reverend, the Reverend Louis Farrakhan who teaches Blacks that we Jews are the Devil and are responsible for the repression of the Black People and who not so subtly suggests Blacks commit more than violence when it comes to the question of how to deal with Jews
The non Orthodox world theology has been to take the expression Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World) and they have made Tikkun Olam the central part of what they call the Jewish Religion. The meaning of Tikkun Olam in the Non Orthodox World is to care for the rest of the world. This in itself is a good thing however Tikkun Olam as practiced by Reform and Conservative Jews has made the Nations of the World a priority over the Jewish world. This might explain why today 70 to 80% of the Jews in America are unwittingly being used by the haters of Jews to propagate anti Semitism as we are watching today with the Democratic Party as important members of the party are beyond being anti Semitic but are blatant Jew haters. It also might explain why Non orthodoxy doesn’t protest Jew hatred amongst Orthodoxy as much as it protests racial hatred against Blacks and it might also explain why the Non Orthodox Jew is quick to put a BLM sign on his front lawn and support the Black Lives Matter notwithstanding that there is a strong element of Jew hatred within its ranks, before he or she will walk in the streets to protest the attacks on Jews as we are seeing today especially traditional Orthodox Jews who walk in the streets wearing a Kippah or something else that clearly identifies them as Jews
I am not alone to applaud Israel for their greatness in their humanitarian efforts that no matter where there might be a tragedy or a catastrophe any where in the world, our Israeli Government agencies are the first in line to send professionals who are trained in the saving of lives including experts in Earthquakes and experts in medicine, etc. Yes, this is Tikkun Olam, but we are doing it in the spirit of “a Light unto the Nations of the World”. I would have to imagine that since Israel’s population of Americanism Non Orthodoxy is almost non existent, that those who are engaged in the saving of Lives are those who know Torah and Talmud, at least the basics of Orthodoxy since Israel is essentially Orthodox Judaism, whether one chooses to practice Orthodoxy or not, the world is Orthodox. By the way, I do see a lot of those Life Savers, their heads covered with Kippahs.
I wrote:
Mr. Myron,
So many inaccuracies and sheer fallacies, I will limit myself to just one:
The actions of the Israeli government nowadays are disgrace to the free and democratic world (and put you guys at risk, albeit not as much as you portray it). The blame for that lies with the governments, not with the people which are not really represented in the government (this is a flaw of the democratic system, but we are willing to live with that).
Nonetheless, the Israeli public cannot "wash their hands innocently" (Lirkhotz Benikion Kapaiv). They are responsible too.
If we can learn something from ancient history, it is that zealous Orthodox Jews who have fantasies about Messiah or God helping them in a miraculous way, while they "climb up the wall" (a term that means to rebel against the course of history, especially against stronger powers) - we can learn from ancient history that this has always ended in a bloodbath, and defeat.
If we can learn something from recent history as well, it is that the democratic world eventually unites against evil, puts diplomatic and economic pressure on such countries, until they give up (e.g. South Africa). I hope and pray that this will be the case with Israel, and Shalom Al-Israel (literally).
I know almost certainly that this will be the end, because I know what you guys don't or fail to admit: The majority of the Israeli public are not Orthodox, they don't want a state of Halacha, they are secular and educated, and above all - they can appreciate the importance of international support. They know that Israel could never have been established without the support of the powers of the time, and that she cannot survive without it. So, once it is become evident that this is what it takes to live decent lives - the Israeli public will vote by the millions to pull out of the territories, and to get back into the camp of the free and sane world. Mark my words - this is what will happen in the next few years.
Avner E.
Myron Sugerman <charming@eclipse.net>:
I have no problem with your analysis below however that’s a different subject than what I am talking about. Rambam said it the best - “right down the middle” not too much to the left and not too much to the right, the life of moderation. Recognized as the greatest Rabbi and philosopher of history, the Rambam’s approach to Religion was not the way you described below although agreed there are the many in the world that go off the deep end and represent a problem for the Jewish people, however without Orthodoxy, there is no Jewish religion and then that means there is no Jewish people, so the key question to be asked and to be answered why is it important for Jews to remain Jews?
I wrote:
This time, I absolutely disagree. But it's too late now... (just a hint: Orthodox Judaism is a Modern phenomenon, of the past 150-200 years; And it is contrary to what Rambam taught; He did not dress like 19-century Polish noblemen! If he lived today, he would be shocked of the zealousness, the un-educated Rabbis, the disdain towards science, the living off Torah teaching and not by productive trades, and more).
Today's Orthodoxy (as mentioned - a new phenomenon) is so far away from Rambam's Golden Path; Obeying engineering regulations, laws, safety rules? - Rubbish, that's for Secular people, we have our God and our Tzadik to protect us!... And this is how, just in the last month, 47 people were killed in two incidents managed by Orthodox activist, Rabbis and politicians (follow the money! This explains a lot).
Thank God, most of the state is ran by non-Orthodox!...
This was just one comment.
Avner E.
Norman cohen <ishahrofah@gmail.com>:
The Jews have survived against all odds.
For millennia.
Mark Twain called it the greatest miracle.
Benjamin Disraeli called it proof of G-d.
Jews have suffered throughout history because, as it is said, they are a "stiff-necked people".
Too many of them have been Ba'al worshipers.
The old Ba'alim and the new ones.
They have had problems with their three main pillars of support:
- Jewish identity
- Jewish unity
- Jewish religiosity
Anti-Semitism is a mechanism that is unleashed to remedy the deficiencies so that the Jews do not obliterate themselves by their intermarriage and assimilation.
In today's Israel, a Sword of Damocles is held over the country for its shortcomings at the same time that it grows in economic, military and international strengths.
But the Jewish people survive because they are G-d's treasure and the world cannot exist without them.
G-d has a promise to keep to Noah and a promise to keep to Abraham ........... and prophecies to see fulfilled.
STEPHEN GOLUB <golub413@yahoo.com>:
Mr. Cohen --This Avner lives in some delusion. He claims the World gave us Israel with International support. The fact is that the USA led the way first. The Russkies wanted British influence out of the Middle East so they supported the Establishment having all the Commie Nations vote along with the USA. Later they said it was a mistake!! South America fell in line with the USA, and Somoza in Nicaragua led Central America that way!!Somoza was ALWAYS a supporter of Israel. Of course Liberal Jews later turned on him and helped to drive him out. Always stab their friends, being as sick as they are! The Brits made sure Greece voted no and also Cuba voted no! So there was not full International support. As I recall the Socialist Ben Gurion promised Israel would be formed on the basis of the Torah ( Bible)!!???
You do not like your Government?? Should be easy to change it as if everyone wants what you want, they can easily vote it out. Secular?? Anyone forcing you to go to the Synagogue or forcing you to pray?? All Governments are the same. Corrupt, tyrannical and basically evil. It is simply a matter of degree. As for Israel causing problems here, the problems here started with the election of these Pimp- Shills , CFR senile Biden, and CFR - Bilderberger Obama!!
This Avner seems to be similar to the self hating Jews I have met, seems to feel he got a bad break in life, and thinks he deserves better. He has yet to give us any facts about how horrible it is in Israel. If it is so ,why do not the poor persecuted Arabs up and leave?????
May 26 2021, Myron Sugerman <charming@eclipse.net>:
My friends Marcia and Marvin, wonderful people, asked me today why I stay on the thread? I don’t have to waste words explaining tonight. I just will ask them and everybody to read the remarkable explanation of my friend Stephen Golub who knows his facts, knows his history and argues his points with both knowledge and wisdom. If only once a year I could read what is written below, then it’s worth all year round reading a lot of sturyyot and narishkeit (foolishness).
I wrote:
Oh yeah, "The democrat Party is very close to, and very similar to "The Nazi Party".
Very good knowledge of facts and history.
Avner E.
Robert Rockaway <robertrockaway@gmail.com>:
Come on guys. Why the continual comparison of the Democratic Party with the Nazis? The comparison is totally false. Can't you be a bit more accurate. Look at what the Nazi Party advocated. You can find their platform on the internet.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Should US Jews vote for the Democrat Party?
May 23, 2021, Udi Schayat <udischayat@yahoo.com>:
US Democrats blocked a vote of support for Israel. GOP 209. Democrats 217.
A critical low moment in US-Israel relations.
Democrat House members have openly supported an Islamic terror regime that initiated a prolonged missile attack against Israel....."---this is the correct title and headline for this news [my note: Democrats are the favorites of too many stupid Americans Jewish and other young ideologists- watch this Islam history great summary on Facebook]-
PLEASE FORWARD (out of "Stephen" group)
STEPHEN GOLUB <golubstephen@yahoo.com>:
Will not matter to the Liberals. They will ignore the fact and/or rationalize it somehow!!
Myron Sugerman <charming@eclipse.net>:
For our Liberal Jews on our thread including Barry Wolfensohn, Ben Zinkin, Robert Katz, Avner, Gerald, Doc Brick and any others I failed to mention…………I have this question
Does The vote to block support for Israel give Jews who vote for the Democrat Party reason to continue to support the Democrat Party or does it give Jews reason to stop supporting the Democrat Party and to start supporting the Republican Party which voted without an exception to support Israel?
I wrote:
Since you listed my name among the addressees of your question - Sure, any vote for stopping the massive support of the Israeli occupation is an excellent reason to vote for the Democrats.
The State of Israel pretends to be a "Startup Nation" (I work for a startup company in Tel-Aviv), that sustains itself so brilliantly - why does it need the USA's support in the first place?! Plus, Israel has Say'ata De-Shemaya - why does it need help like a sorry panhandler?...
If it's for diplomatic and political support (rather than economical) against the "Anti-Semtis" - all the more so! Stop defending the Israeli apartheid!
The truth is, that Israel under Netanyahu is a weak, divided society, with major problems in education, economy, transportation, etc., and it cannot maintain its evil oppression of the Palestinians for long, all by itself.
So, I pray for the day that a moral administration will rise and put a stop for funding the occupation - this will be the beginning of a much better era for the State of Israel, that will have been saved from its own Folly.
Avner E.
Myron Sugerman:
But it was Golda Meir who was known to say "with who can we go to the Table to talk?" How many times can you give somebody a chance to be at least a neighbor but that's not enough to satisfy - The guy wants you dead and wants your property on top of your demise -? By the way is it accurate what we saw Israeli Arabs attacking Israeli Jews? Maybe you can clarify all of this for us!
I wrote:
Yes, of course we saw Arabs attacking Jews.
As I told you: the new appointee for the chief of police made the unfortunate statement that "there are terrorists on both sides". By this, he stated the truth, that Jews attacked innocent Arabs as well. But this was too much for Mr. Ohana, the servant who appointed the chief in order to protect his master, Netanyahu (after the previous one, Alsheikh, also a Netanyahu appointee - refused to yield!) Ohana demanded an apology from the chief for saying that.
Regarding Golda: I am all for women in power. My wife would make a much better PM than the current SOB. But Golda, she was offered a peace agreement with Egypt in 1970, in exchange for the peninsula of Sinai. The stupid, common woman refused even to send her envoy, Dr. Goldman, who wanted to go to Egypt to discuss it. Nine years later (and 2,900 Israeli dead soldiers later, thousands injured, disabled, PTSD from the Worst war ever, to this day) - Menachem Begin gave back the same Sinai, for the same terms of peace. A peace treaty that proved stable for the past 42 years, one of Israel's biggest security assets (How would you talk to Hamas for a cease fire without the Egyptians?!)
Talk about given chances for peace!
Avner E.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
"Guardian of Netanyahu's being in Power", and Lunatics vol. 15
Is there Anti-Semitism at all?
Mr. (sorry, Dr.) Isaac Barr <driheart@aol.com> wrote:
Below is the best Article about antisemitism that I read recently. MUST READ and THINK and forward to your rabbis.
Isaac Barr MD
I replied:
By engineering standards(*), there is no anti-Semitism in the world today.
I will explain:
If there are 100 molecules of gas in a cubic meter, then this is considered "vacuum" (complete emptiness); similarly, in the semiconductor industry, if one can achieve 10 dust grains in 1 cubic meter, then this would be considered "clean air".
On the same note, since around 95% of all "anti-Semitism" events turn out to be legitimate and just (in my view - I am expressing my opinion here) criticism of the policy of the Israeli government; and only 5% are true anti-Semitic incidents, then one can declare "anti-Semitism" practically non-existent, in the sense that it is not different than any other racist phenomenon, towards any other ethnicity. So we should call it another sad and unfortunate case of general Racism.
The incidents described in this essay, as recent examples of anti-Semitism (“two cars draped in Palestinian flags roared after an Orthodox man” - oy-yo-yoi....) are 10 folds, 100 folds smaller than the atrocities, hate crimes, brutal attacks on Arabs in Israel committed by Jewish mobs - sometimes with the passive, or somewhat active, help of the Israeli police or the Israeli military. Hard to believe? - nobody wants to mess with Jewish terrorists, and their supporters in the Government - it's just not politically wise. You guys don't believe me? Come and stay here for a few days and you will see for yourselves.
(Just last week, the chief of Israeli police, Kobi Shabtai – a nomination of Netanyahu’s yes-man Amir Ohana, and thus not a wimp Liberal by any standard – was severely scolded by the same Ohana, for stating that there were terrorists on both sides… Truth has interesting ways to hatch up).
The term "Apartheid State" when referred to Israel is NOT an artifact of anti-Semitism; it is an accurate description of the situation in Israel: there is one law, one system of roads, one morality for Jews - and another system of laws, roads, budgets, etc., for Arabs. Check it out for yourselves.
Yes - your American weltanschauung, being part of your "animating ethic", demands from you to stop supporting the evil oppression of the Palestinians by the Israeli government, especially under a corrupt, crooked PM who "has no mandate to take critical decisions, while being prosecuted in court of law" - Netanyahu's own words, but referring to a previous PM Ehud Olmert (who was also indicted and imprisoned for corruption).
And contrary to the writer's demagogic statement - virtually nobody demands the demise of the State of Israel because its apartheid nature (yes, there will be a few, non-representative extremists - in the same way that you guys dismiss the Jewish terrorists); I have attended many anti-Israeli-government rallies, in Palestine and in the USA (not anti-Israel!), and never heard anyone demanding to cease the existence of Israel. Like it was done to South Africa, the goal of crying out "apartheid" is to end the apartheid regime, not the country itself. It was very successful over there, and it will eventually succeed in Israel-Palestine as well, Amen.
(*) We must all live and behave by engineering standards, because this is what keeps our cell phones, computers, planes etc. going.
Avner E.