May 21 2021, Mark Harrison <>:
Got to Love Clint!
I wrote:
Even when he was a mayor (for the rich at Carmel) or a decorated film director - he has always been a Stupid Redneck.
In the best western movie ever, the Good the bad and the ugly (an Italian-Spanish production), he was a pathetic cartoon, while the great actors were Eli Wallach and others.
Avner E.
May 22, Mark Harrison <>:
Will someone tell this Aver creature we are not talking about actors acting in the movies.
FYI I agree Eli was great.
Oh, Mr. Aver Red Necks are Loyal to The American Constitution legal citizen of the USA not like the illegals massing our southern border. Thanks to your liberal Democrat counterparts. Your opinion about how Clint Eastwood thinks is irreverent it shows that you believe you are superior to Mr. Eastwood and the so called Red Necks.
I would say that has a tone of bigotry in it.
I wrote:
I'm not an American, you guys are.
I did not elect a pathetic movie star, a puppet of his wife (for whom the Yiddish term Klaf'te was invented), whose main quality was playing heroes in the movies, and who caused so much economical damage, that it took president Obama 8 years to start to fix. He hasn't finished the job. Thankfully, since January there is another serious guy in office who came to work, not to twitter and promote himself. So there is hope to finish fixing the damage.
(Proper disclosure: I lost my job in the 2008 Reagan-made crises).
Avner E.
May 23, Robert Katz <>:
These elderly Jews are an embarrassment to america. Thankfully most elderly Jews are reformed or conservative Jews and have a full understanding of world affairs.
Obama- A stealth Moslem and a long time White hater, Jew hater and America hater!!
"Reeeverend Wright"!? Valerie Jarret, Benghazi, the Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt! Khaddafi out in Libya! The Stealth Moslem America Hater , could not move or do a thing when Iranians revolted but did plenty anti- America everywhere else in the Middle East, etc. Recall " Fast and Furious"? Recall " the Police acted Stupidly"?? Recall Billions spent on insanity like Solyndra, and Sun Energy?? Eric Holder??? Brennan who voted Communist in charge of our Intelligence?? Sales to Russia of Uranium?? Cuts to America's defense budget. Industry moving to China! The balance of trade making them suck us dry!
The sick sick evil of Liberalism, the horrible damage done to America with Trillions added to our debt. We will never recover from Obama and the Liberals, just as " Mayor Eastwood" inferred!!!
Yes you Liberal stooges have done the job. The job the Insider Elites want done by you. make the USA as close to Third World as possible.
Liberals---Sick suicidal delusional stooges!!
May 23, Robert Katz <>:
Barack Obama was a great and literate man, followed by the country's biggest fool in our history.
Barack Obama will have buildings named after him and highways and airports, and Donald Trump will only have shit houses named after him.
Barack Obama went to church more times in one year than Donald Trump has gone his entire life. You're a fool.
May 24, Gail Weiss <>:
Hey Robert,
How many times was Israel bombed by Hamas during Trump's 4 years?
How were your gas prices during Trump's 4 years?
Was our southern border more or less secure during 4 years of Trump?
How was inflation during 4 years of Trump?
Please avoid profanity if you choose to reply.
I wrote:
No profanities: 4 years is too short a term to make an observation.
It took Reagan's economic de-regulations over 20 years to bring to the 2008 sub-prime crisis.
Trump enjoyed the fruits of Obama's pumping trillions into the financial business, and saving the economy.
Regarding the 1st question, here it is: between January 2017 and 2021, a total of 2,528 rockets and mortars were fired on Israel. That's an average of 632 per year, while during 2008 - 2016 the average was 931 (with one outlier: in 2014, during the longest Israeli operation in Gaza, 4,500 were fired; excluding this event, the average becomes 485 - much less than during Trump's term, that had no Israeli operation).
Avner E.
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