"Bella" is the nickname I gave to an email from, living in the Netherlands with her husband and teenage daughter.
I met a number of times. She loves to come to Israel, especially to Shlomo Artzi (a big rock and Israeli music star) concerts.
May 5, 2020:
Hi Avner,
Sorry I did not write earlier… there is no reason for this, except that I thought I’d already sent you a message after the last mail I received from you.
How are you? This morning Rob said that the regulations concerning Corona in Israel have been reduced. I hope you enjoy more freedom now. Can you go outside like you want? Go for a walk for no reason except that you enjoy it?
We made a bike tour today, since it was Liberation Day and we had a day off. 75 years ago we were liberated from the Germans after WWII and every five years it’s a non-work day for big part of Holland. We cycled 44 km’s and were quite happy to be home after the tour. The sun was shining beautifully, but the wind was cold…
I’m still working from home and I find it quite relaxing. But I’m also a little embarrassed to say this, since I have no fear for unemployment. I also enjoy the quiet outside. No shopping, no making plans to go on holiday. I’m okay with that. Last Sunday I visited my father, whom I had not seen since the beginning of March. He is keeping up rather well, but he is alone and lonely sometimes. I call him every day, but this is not the real thing. At work we ‘meet’ via Teams. It is a nice way of being together, but also, it’s not what I prefer. We humans need human contact and the digital thing is second best.
How are your children and their wives? Are they in IL right now? Two or three weeks ago we saw a big demonstration on Rabin Square. I suppose Mazi participated. It was very impressive with 1,5 m distance.
I’m enclosing a picture I made today. This is Schipluiden, a small village where we had a break. We had sandwiches and cake with us and enjoyed it with a strong cup of coffee. Look at the lovely blue sky and our proud flag. You Israeli’s know how to celebrate with flags, but we are a good second I think.
Keep up the good spirit & cheers!
May 9, 2020:
We are doing fine, only most of us in the family are unemployed... I've been unemployed since November (but only started looking in March - a long story). But maybe something will be signed soon.
My older son Ben is a student who works as El-Al security marshal - no flights now. My younger son Omer went on unpaid leave, and is looking for another job... so all three of us will be collecting unemployment. We are lucky to have Mazi providing for us...
But like I said, not all is bad. We see the bright sides - the quiet, the clean air, no flights (I love it), the math that the public learned (exponential, denominator...), the wrapped bread in the supermarket...
The politics really sucks. Mazi and I are quite desperate, and agree that the country is going down, with Netanyahu, the biggest SOB in Israeli politics ever.
Mazi still reads and writes whatsapp posts, and goes to demonstrations, but it's a waste of time. I know that I must not be saying that, but we see no light in the coming 2-3 years. Netanyahu completely hijacked the system, "killed" (politically) all his rivals, be it within own his party (now a bunch of chickens, who hate him but are united behind him for the sake of their jobs), his coalition (a bunch of opportunist-self-interested), and almost all opposition parties.
Benny Gantz, who was supposed to be the alternative and the only hope to kick him out - has just joined his government. Shame and disgrace. The Supreme Court ruled just yesterday that by Israeli Law, a person indicted with 3 severe charges (his trial is due in 2 weeks) can be a Prime Minister of the new government (and I'm divided - I'm not sure that they could rule differently - they could, but... another long story).
Anyway, it's Omer's birthday party tomorrow (30), and I'm busy making a short video for him. He went hiking with me and Mazi on section 22 of the Trail, so I owe him... Naa, I would do it anyway of course.
The village is beautiful! I wish we had such nice buildings and canals. I attach photos of us hiking.
Wishing you a quick recovery, quite soon!
"הגורל של כל האנושות כיום, נמצא בידיהם של מנהיגים מפגרים" (פיטר סינפילד, King Crimson)
Avner E.
June 2, 2020:
Hi Avner,
How is life far away? Are you enjoying more freedom in walking and cycling - and just moving around like you want?
Yesterday, the outdoor terraces opened again. We can sit outside, eat, have drinks and have a good time. So yesterday, we cycled to the beach where we had lunch in a beach restaurant. The weather was lovely, which was a great bonus.
Schools have started as well - only this is for limited time. In secondary education pupils go to school once a week… which is like nothing. In uni, nothing happens, only lectures at home. Poor Julianne.
So what’s up with your (un)employment? You said it’s a long story, so do not feel pressured to tell about it if you do not want to. However, I hope you find a new job quickly - at least if that is what would make you happy. I sent an application last week for a new position, but unfortunately they did not select me for further interviews. For one day I was kind of miserable, but I never gave up before, so I won’t now. Lucky thing is that I do enjoy my work for most of the time. It’s just that I do not see myself here for the rest of my career, hence the first try for something else after 2,5 years.
Rob and I talked about our holiday. I want to stay in the country, he wants to go abroad… I think this time I’m the one who decides, because I really think we should stay in Holland and invest in our own economy. If we stay in Zeeland, we are not far from Belgium, so that might be the ‘country abroad’ that we can visit. Julianne booked a flight to Seoul last November. That might have to be postponed to next year.
Your son Omer was born in my birth-month May. I’m 55 now… something I am not really happy about. I am not the one who enjoys getting old. I cannot change it, but I do not like wrinkles and deterioration of the body in general. Thanks for sending the pictures. He is a good looking young man. Good genes I suppose.
About politics: We are somehow hooked on fake ass Trump. I detest him, he is a shame and disgrace to the world with his foul language and hateful words. I even took the Twitter app to see what messages he is sending. No fun in that, but I want to learn how this works. You don’t use Whatsapp, I am anti-Twitter. But in times like these, one needs to know. I’m grateful that our prime minister is nothing like Trump.
Thanks for complimenting the beautiful village. It really is. I know that Holland is a great country to live and I’m very happy to pay taxes for that. Let’s hope we will manage to keep it up somehow. Not that I support the continuous growth of the economy, we should find ways to combine sustainability and a good life for everybody. Which is more than earning money (and yes, I am very privileged, because it is easy for me to say that — I have enough money en enough opportunities, the years I was ‘poor’ are long gone). We could easily talk an evening about this.
For now I wish you all the best & hope to talk to you soon.
June 5, 2020:
I just started a new job this week. (well, kind of a job. It's temporary for 3-4 weeks, with a potential to extend). I haven't worked in 7 months as much as I did the last 3 days...
In Israel there's a new policy, that for each case of a student with Coronavirus - they must shut down the entire school. So, 87 schools closed down for this.
Other than that, life is almost back to normal. Well, except for 2 things basically: most people do wear masks in public (except the beach maybe), take body temperature etc.; and - the economy is in disaster... I think that most people don't realize yet the extent of that. Most people think that Netanyahu is their savior, running this crisis like a genius, and protecting us from Iran... I really feel sorry for them. He is just like Trump, only smart. Which is more dangerous, in a way, because Trump will fall down one day. But Netanyahu is with us until he is 85 or so. His trial will surly last 10 years or more (if he pushes it through - unless he resigns in exchange for dropping the charges, which EVERYBODY will love - including all his party mates).
As I told you, I actually like this thing of not being able to travel abroad. I wanted to go hike this weekend (2 days), but this new job ruined my plan. I worked even today (Friday, 1st day of the weekend of us), and even tomorrow.
Yes, I am too getting old. But don't care as much. It's funny to me how I look in the mirror - much like my father... I'm more worried about my shape. Which is kind of OK. I just realized this week (at work) that I have some of my brain left intact, so that's good. Some if it... My memory is not as before.
So, have a great weekend!
Avner E.
August 2, 2020:
Hi Avner,
First I’ll give you my apologies for being the lazy Dutch writer. I started a reply, but I never finished it and then the days passed by. I’m in the middle of my holidays: two weeks behind me and two weeks in front om me.
This year we have stayed in Holland. I wanted to sponsor our own economy in these difficult times and to be honest: which places are better than Holland now? Go to Germany and you have to wear masks in shops. Go to Belgium: same. Flying is out of the question. So Holland it is. We rented a cottage and took Julianne and a friend and in 1,5 hours we arrived at destination Zeeland. This part of Holland is known for the water and a big flood in 1953. Many people drowned, so we started to build the biggest dam: de Oosterscheldekering.
30 years ago, the region was ‘far away’ and boring. Only farms, only water and people who are strictly protestant (so not so much fun in general). Now the tourists, a lot of Germans, have discovered it. I can understand why, it is really, really beautiful. Many small roads and paths for bikes. Sand and sea. Dunes and harbors. Many sunshine hours. And we were lucky ones, since the weather was perfect. Every morning we had breakfast in the garden and if that is possible, who complains?
I really ask myself why I would need to go abroad if we have these beautiful places around the corner?
Yesterday Rob reminded me that today it is one year ago that I travelled to Israel. It seems such a long time ago and it still is only one year. He also said that he would go there immediately should we be able to. But this is so impossible at the time, that I cannot let this idea into my head. Our Saturday paper had a one-page article about protests in Jerusalem in front of B.N.’s house. Everything the same I suppose.
How is the situation for you? Can you work? Can you move like you want to or are you restricted? Are you healthy? I hope that everybody is okay on your side.
Sometimes I’m worried about all the consequences we will have to deal with. Unemployment rate is very high in general (luckily in Holland it is not as bad as in Spain and Italy), people are very critical about what the government decides. And what about Black Lives Matter and our crazy man in the USA? We live in our bubble and manage very well, but the world is not. We have made a mess and it is not getting better. And who knows what you and I would do if we were in the political game? Power corrupts, so maybe we would go the same way as many do… I cannot imagine to be honest, but still.
Yesterday we went at the beach. By bike. It’s a 12 km drive, so less than an hour. You cannot imagine the amount of cars full with people who think they will find a parking place at 11 in the morning. Thousands driving to the coast to find out that they have to drive back because there is no place to park. On the news people were told that the beaches are full and please go home. We wanted to rent a chair, but you could forget that as well. Luckily we got a table in a beautiful beach club, so we were good, but it was quite surreal. Let’s not discuss 1,5 m distance…
So, dear Avner, I’m going to finish my breakfast and then I’m going for a walk with a friend. Life is full of small pleasures. Hope to hear from you. Enjoy your day.
Some beautiful spots in Zeeland. The bridge used to be the longest in Europe somewhere in the 1960’s/70’s. It is part of the ‘water works’ after the big flood in 1953. The harbor is in Zierikzee, a beautiful old town.
August 4, 2020:
Good to hear so many good news! I'm glad that you are safe and healthy, and enjoying the scenery and good weather.
I absolutely agree - didn't have a good reason to fly anywhere for a long time. There are so many nice places, views, wild animals, flora etc., in our own country. Even before this corona-virus crisis, I felt like this, so I've been hiking the Israel national trail, as you know. And during this pandemic - all the more so.
I'm already almost half way through the Trail, 506 km out of the total of 1,066. I have a very detailed Excel table, with all the sections, distances, attractions, exact coordinates, things I missed, everything. I'm eager to update it every time I come back from a 1-2 day of walking. I hiked a little during the pandemic, some sections with my son, some with Mazi, some with both... right now I'm eager to go again, but too busy.
I started a permanent job last week, so it's good too.
The political situation is getting worse by the day. Netanyahu is determined to completely destroy this country before he is forced to leave office. He thinks that by turning the population against the whole democratic system - the judicial, the police, the media, the parliament, all the good people who are trying to survive and improve the situation a little - by instigating his supporters against all those, he thinks that he will get away from his criminal procedures (the trial already started on March, and it's going to continue for a good number of years). He may be correct in that, and this is why we are going up the hills to Jerusalem, every Saturday night, sometimes on weekdays too, in order to join a few tens of thousands of people who are making a lot of noise, passing the message that this criminal is not wanted here any more.
Only the future will tell, if all this is worth anything. Because this political magician and master of dirty tricks, may still have many new tricks down his sleeves. Contrary to former Prime Ministers who were brought down by civilian protests (amazingly, this young country already had a few of them: Rabin in 1977, Begin in 1983, Sharon 1982, Olmert 2008...) - contrary to all those corrupt people who now in light of this Master-criminal - suddenly they all look so moderate.... Netanyahu and his crazy miss Piggy and his terrible son - they will never volunteer to step down. It will take many troops of police officers to drag them out of their very luxurious life, and put them (hopefully!!) were they belong, in prison for many years... But right now, this is just a wishful thinking. At least, we are trying to do our share, by protesting near their monarchy home in Jerusalem (it's just 5 minutes walking from Mazi's parents home, so we have a convenient parking).
Did you know, that Sarah Netanyau, who always accompany her husband in his official trips - to get a free ride in first-class cabins and hotel rooms, and also - in order to make sure that he has no chance to flirt with other women... did you know that during those trips, she would bring some 8-11 suitcases, filled with her home laundry, so she can take advantage of the state-paid laundry services in the expensive hotels where they stay?... Yes, this is how she is. We are paying for all that.
So, continue enjoying your vacation, and stay healthy.
Avner E.
August 13, 2020:
Hi Avner,
50 % of the Trail, that’s quite an achievement. And I think it’s great that you make a detailed table. It makes you aware of all the things you do and see because you know that you are going to write it down at the end of a day (or maybe during the trail itself).
In 2012 I went to Paris by myself for a week. It was my first holiday without Rob or Julianne or friend and I enjoyed it immensely. It was cool, it was an adventure and I wrote my friends in Holland every day a mail containing all the important/special things I did or saw. Because I knew I had to write the mail, I looked at the world with different eyes. I also did this when I spent my first month in Israel. It was great fun and I think I could find the mails in my mailbox and enjoy them again. I’m always surprised to see how many details you loose over time. Pictures bring back memories, but words (and tables) as well.
What I would like to know is what you are going to do with the things you missed. And what kind of things did you miss - because if you missed them, how would you know?. If you walk the Trail in the other direction, you can look for everything you have not seen during the first hike. But first finish the second half.
Congratulations on your job. I hope you like it. In times like these you must be happy that you have found an employment. Unemployment rates are likely to increase a lot - KLM is going to fire many people they said. Same for the cultural sector like theater, concerts and events. I’m not worried at the time, and I’m happy about that. I’ll start to worry when the occasion occurs that my job will disappear.
I admire Mazi and you for protesting against B.N. and Miss Piggy. It’s good that people stand for what they think is important. I did not know that Sarah takes her dirty laundry to a hotel to have them cleaned. Lazy lady. You must have lots of clothes and stuff to bring it all in suit cases with you. I would say it is embarrassing and shameful and you must be stupid to think that nobody will notice. They have enough money for paying for their laundry. I cannot imagine why anyone would like to flirt with the master himself. For my eyes he is not attractive at all (but of course I know about men with power… and how that can affect the feeling of women and men as well I suppose). Let us not talk about Bill Clinton today… or about Epstein (did you see the documentary on Netflix?) or any other man who thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it.
I’m sitting on our balcony and looking at the rain. We had the hottest week ever and I’m happy that the temperature is going down a bit. Last night the temperature in our sleeping room was 30 degrees at night. Of course we do not have an air conditioning but luckily we have a ventilator on the ceiling. Apart from it being Chinese (Rob ordered it from Ali Baba thieves and I am very against that), it does the trick of keeping us from boiling. The last six days we could only sit and read and do practically nothing. I made two long walks: one in Germany (in the forest) with a friend, we started at 7:30 am and one along the coast from Hoek van Holland to Kijkduin, starting at 7:00. It is a good thing that I do not have to work this week.
Hope you are doing well and enjoy the weekend.
P.S. First picture is the view on Hoek van Holland which is a port. Second is the German forest and me with my walking shoes and backpack.
August 22, 2020:
Hi there,
Doing the laundry is the least of all their evils. Actually the State pays for ALL their expenses, but I guess that she likes the way they iron it in the hotel, too.
She was convicted of stealing ~100K Euro worth of meals delivered to them, while there is a permanent cook in the house (paid by the state of course). It is VERY difficult to take those Mafiosos to court (they are capable of intimidating every state official to virtual death), so - mind you. Of course, the court only ordered her to pay back 1/6 of the money, and call me a Corona virus if she did...
The Trail - I see it as a permanent hobby, so I really think that once I finish, I will start over... (in the same direction).
I know about the things that I missed, because I plan ahead very carefully. I'm not spontaneous in that sense. I print out maps off the net, with "attractions" (to me, even an old dry well in the desert is an "attraction").
We also have a ceiling fan in our bedroom - works great! Of course we also have air condition (working right now), but when I'm alone, I turn it off. I'm very cheap... electricity bills go high in the summer.
You mentioned that KLM would fire employees... (bitter laughter). The Israeli airline EL-AL virtually doesn't exist any more... they only fly cargo now. My son Ben lost his job there, but he is going to be a high school teacher next month, and he found another income-supplement job in security in some other government institute.
So, miss Piggy and her husband and dirty-minded son, are sitting right now, as I write, in their mansion, and deciding about the fate of this country. If they want to, they will take the country to elections no. 4 in less than 2 years (because Netanyahu is high in the polls now, and it may be his last chance); or, they may decide that it's still too risky, and the better way to avoid his trial (and years in prison) - will be to have the elections in coming March. It's really totally up to those three, and nobody can do anything about it, and everybody is waiting for tomorrow, for the call... (well, actually the other members of their party can decide to kick him out, and team-up with the other coalition parties; they will make a new government in 1 day, but - they are scared to death for their jobs, if the Monster finds a way to ruin their plan - that would be the end for them.
So, the fate of this country is in the hand of a criminal, his crazy wife, and their low-life son. How nice! ("The Fate of all Mankind I see, is in the Hands of Fools"... - King Crimson)
Anyway, we have our lives to live... so funk it...
א' - אוהל, ב' - זה ביבי, ג' - זה גנב גדול
Avner E.
August 26, 2020:
Hi back to IL,
I was thinking of something I want to share with you. Two weeks ago I read a book about the information overload we are dealing with. The author (Dobelli) decided that he does not want to watch the news and read the paper any longer. He says that keeping up with the news does not make your life decisions any better. Of course he explained it in more words than I can do here, but this is quite a long story, so I hope you believe me for now.
Let me say: it sounds quite convincing, so I started my month without the news. One month was the suggestion in the book, so I will make my life easy and follow it.
And guess what: I do miss my paper at breakfast (just a little), but I also enjoy reading a book. I have not missed any important things because the really important things are being communicated by Julianne and Rob and sometimes colleagues tell me this or that. And to be honest: sometimes I hear things when Rob watches the news. But I’m not watching it consciously. And I do NOT miss Corona news. Not at all. I even changed my start-up page on Safari from the Volkskrant (paper) to Wikipedia. Which is more like wallpaper than for reading.
What do you think about the news? Is it important for you?
P.S. I’m always smiling when you are writing about Piggy & Co.
P.S.2 You closed your mail with a Hebrew sentence. Can you translate it? I tried to use the net, but I only found more Hebrew…
September 6, 2020:
Actually, I'm quite addicted to the news... in my own way.
That is: I HATE to watch the news on Television, in Israel. TV in Israel is so shallow, so manipulative, emotion-milling, rating-driven, that I can't watch even one minute of it. I really hate all actuality programs - almost all documentaries, discussion, and of course the news.
That is true as well for most web news channels, which are full of gossip, celebrities, nothing that appeals to me.
I get my news almost exclusively from one source - Ha'aretz daily. It's far from being perfect, and I don't like the way that it covers certain topics, such as Netanyahu's affairs. But I think that it's the only medium that deserves the name "newspaper".
I actually follow some stories in the news, and especially the Netanyahu family, very closely. It resembles the BEST drama stories, much like Shakespeare's plays, full of passion, desires, even violence. The big difference, in my view - it's REAL. There is no "reality" TV show that can provide the level of interest, drama, insights and emotions.
So, as you can see, I'm mixed - I'm totally, zealously disconnected from the mainstream media; and at the same time I do follow all of the news, in my own select channels.
Avner E.
September 16, 2020:
Hi Avner,
And I still live without the news.
I almost missed the new lock-down in IL, but fortunately other people (= Rob) informed me. How are you doing? Is it really, again, the rule that you can only go outside within 500 m around your building? And what do you think about the date at which the new lock-down will be starting? When I’m informed correctly it starts on your New Year and I think this is because it is an important and festive family day, so the government does not want you to mingle and spread.
I hope it will be possible to continue normal life soon… and while I’m saying this, I suspect it will take a long time before normal is normal - if ever.
Yesterday was Prinsjesdag, the day on which our King addresses the country and makes a speech which is written by our government. He said that next year will be hard and difficult, because we will feel the effect of Corona. Unemployment of course. And struggles with our economy. I must admit that I read about this in the paper. For once. And it is very uninteresting, because no news. What else should we expect?
For now I want to wish you a happy new year. May you all stay healthy and optimistic. Eat your apples with honey, drink a lovely glass of wine and say
שנה טובה ומתוקה
Cheers to you and Mazi,
(and Rob & Julianne as well)
September 17, 2020:
Just yet we heard that the region we live in is marked as code red for Corona. The Germans cannot visit us here. And tomorrow we will be informed which measures will be taken.
This is all due to students who are meeting and not keeping distance. Like Julianne...
Cross fingers.
Dit bericht is verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone.
September 23, 2020:
I think that you got it a little wrong this time, regarding the reason for the lockdown. When you say that the government wants the people not to mingle - you are giving too much credit to Mr. Netanyahu and the bunch of Criminals surrounding him (and working their butts off for him, and for him only, literally).
The reality is, that there is no government, on an actual basis. There is just one guy and his wife and son, and they decide - almost everything. I could give you dozens of examples: The no. 2 most popular person in the Likud party - Sarah hates him and he is a threat to Netanyau. So not only that he was not given a major ministry - he is out of the government altogether... Another guy, who is a popular figure - was exiled by Netanyau to be the ambassador to the UN... an unimportant, but very cozy roll (New York, you know).
And the list goes on and on and on.
Here is the main reason that drives the nature of this lockdown:
From a medical point of view (and this is what all expert say, including Netanyau's nomination for the Projector of Corona, Prof. Gamzoo) - the right thing to do is a partial and differential lockdown, on "red cities" and communities only.
The problem is - almost all such communities belong to two sectors: the Arabs, and the Orthodox. Both have very problematic patterns of behavior when it comes to Coronavirus regulations. (But there is one big difference - almost all Arabs admit that they don't behave properly as a community, and they call for the government to help sort this out; while among the Orthodox, you can hardly find very few honest people, who will admit about a problem with them). Like most religious and zealous groups, they are very monolithic, they obey their Rabbis above all (and it's only ironic, that when you try to suggest that their behavior helps to spread the virus - they accuse you for "anti-semtisim", because traditionally, the antisemits used to blame Jews for spreading diseases... but this time, it is true to some extent).
So, Netanyahu doesn't want to force a lockdown on the Orthodox, mostly, just because he doesn't have a government without their support. (and if he is not in power any more - then he can't hold back his trial any more, and then - it's jail time for him). So, everything that he does, is driven by one thing, and only one - what can delay and prevent the process of bringing him to justice.
For the Arabs - he couldn't care less. But since he can't lock down just the red spots of society - he is pushing for a complete lockdown.
That's the whole story, in a nutshell.
He knows that another overall lockdown will give a knock-out to the economy - but what does he care?! - all his personal expenses, and his family's, are paid for by the State. So he is doing only what's good for him. It's that simple.
Sorry for "eating your head" as we say in Hebrew slang, and writing too much politics.
I also expect this situation to last quite long. We will survive it, personally, because in our family and close circles, life is OK. But the entire country is in dire straits.
I did not know that you had a king... sorry, I thought you had a queen only... queen Beatrice? Or did it change already from last time I checked?... I don't have the time now to go to Wikipedia... I was very busy at work the whole week. This is why it took me long to reply. Thank "god" that I have a job... I really feel lucky for that.
Thank you for your wishes for the new Jewish year (although I don't really celebrate it, I have no religion sentiments at all, and frankly I don't feel that a year starts at any point in time... it's just one circle, for me, with no beginning and no end. But almost everybody else does, so I must respect that).
Avner E.
October 20, 2020:
Hi Avner,
Thanks for telling me more about B.N. & Co and how you see it. Of course my view on Israeli politics is limited. But what I find difficult to understand is how other people like this No. 2 in the Likud party is not smart enough to avoid being sent away… This sounds kind of weak to me. I do enjoy your explanation about politics in Israel. We do not hear so much about in Holland. Except for approx. two weeks ago when your protests were on the news. Since you could not go far from home, they showed images where people are standing with Israeli flags along highways. They interviewed an Israeli general who rents an apartment in Israel in order to be able to protest against B.N.
I do understand how B.N. needs the orthodox party to support him. I just read in the paper that the city of New York did not permit a wedding for 10.000 people. Who wants to organize such a big wedding? People who think the can come together in masses and nothing will happen.
We have the same discussion here. The churches are not subject to government regulations. It is part of our constitution that there is a separation of state and church and because of this the state is not to interfere in what churches want. They are allowed to have services with as many people as they want. Some churches have place for 3.000 people. They say that they are not afraid of Corona, because God decides what is going to happen. Have faith.
About our king. We indeed have a king. His name is Willem Alexander and he succeeded Beatrix a couple of years ago. He and his wife have three beautiful daughters. But he made one big mistake: Last Friday they flew to their house in Greece. It’s autumn holiday here. Whereas we, the people, were requested to stay at home or in the country. So this resulted in a big protest and within a day they came back. Of course the blame is on our prime minister. If the kind makes a mistake, the PM always takes the blame. The king can do nothing wrong. My mother in law is very disappointed and I also think that he has no feeling for what is important now.
At this time we are in partial lockdown. The restaurants are closed. No shopping nights. Almost no sport is possible. Schools are open though, except colleges and universities. I work at home, the office is closed again. It will be for at least four weeks, but I think we need longer. I still am not worried about anything, but there are so many people for whom it is different. I understand why you feel lucky for your job. You are.
So, let’s not loose patience and optimism. These are not the best times, but if it continues like this we’ll manage. And who knows about the future…? Orthodox Jews and Christians. Haha.
Regards with one big smile,
October 24, 2020:
Yes, we are facing very similar situations.
People here (those who criticize the government) say that for all they know, Israel is the only country in the Western world (or the whole world?) to have a 2nd lockdown. It is true, that Israel has one of the worst rankings among progressive countries (that's a fact), but - I did not know that in the Netherlands you also had a partial lockdown.
We actually returned to the office last Sunday. Work places that don't have to accept visitors or customers (such as mine) can be open for work. But most restaurants are closed. Those that work, are only allowed to deliver. (It's funny - we went to buy dinner at a restaurant, but we couldn't walk in. We had to call to reserve, and they wouldn't give us the food - only to the delivery company. Delivery motorbikes were the only ones driving. We asked them to pick up the food for us, we were willing to pay them for delivery plus tip - but the restaurant refused. So we went home, and waited 20 minutes for the delivery...)
On the other hand, some businesses started to rebel, and open their places. They will get fined 5,000 shekels, but they don't care. I think that nobody will pay those fines anyway... or hardly anyone.
Funny that you mentioned your king... Here, in the country of "a light beacon to the world" (as Jews like to refer to themselves sometimes), there were at least 10-15 major public figures who broke the regulations: The President, Some ministers, the military chief, the head of secret services,... and of course, Netanyahu and all his family. Some people are so pissed off, that they want to leave everything and get away from here. So, you are in good company...
Regarding state and church - I wish that we were in your position. But - I have to say, that the separation does not and should not mean that the religious people are above the law. I'm surprised by what you said. Because, for example in the US, another country free from the Church (they have many other problems), orthodox Jews know that they don't have any political power, so - surprise surprise - they work for living, they obey the law - just like any other citizen. I am all for the separation, and I don't understand why this should mean that the state has no jurisdiction in the churches. I do understand that it is so difficult to separate them, here in Israel, but I think that we must do it, for the sake of the state - as well as for the religion! I think that their faith also suffers from this situation. It weakens them, they are spoiled by the state, they don't have to struggle as they used to, when they lived out of Israel; Plus, it gives their religion bad reputation, for being needy, bossy and over-controlling.
Avner E.
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