August 25, 2020:
Subject: BLM: A Martyr A Minute
Thousands of police encounters every year. At the rate this is going, they'll burn down the whole country. But it isn't that the point?
Bottom line: It's all leftist bullshit, designed to topple Trump. The USA won't survive four years of Biden/Harris. But isn't that the point?
Dan Friedman, NYC
I said:
If a few burnt cars (and houses?) are what it takes to get rid of this stupid red-neck, then so be it.
Four more years of you guys in power are much worse that this collateral damage.
Avner E.
August 26, 2020:
Subject: They Can't Win Unless They Cheat!
3 shot, 2 killed in 3rd night of unrest over Blake shooting
CNN poll shows Trump gaining on Biden
Biden Gets No Immediate Convention Bounce
BLM madness is driving America into the arms of Donald Trump. Even some liberals' faith has been shaken. Unintended consequences stoked by the rampage of the deranged Left, and their allies the media maggots. Just so many cringers and self-haters to go around.
No way Biden/Harris can win in November unless they stuff the ballot box with phony mail-in ballots and fabricate a "Constitutional crisis". Why the hell do you think Botox Nancy is suddenly interested in the Post Office?
If you don't fancy standing six feet apart at the polls, that's OK. Now’s the time to get your absentee ballot. Otherwise, STFU!
Saddle up, patriots. Desperate Demorats do desperate things. Let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Man the barricades, if they steal the election!
Dan Friedman, NYC
I said:
The more time you spend in your fantasy world (of: fake news, "intelligent design", deep state, etc.) - the more painful will the awakening be, come November 4th.
"I like big fat men like you. When they fall, they make more noise..."
Avner E.
August 30, 2020:
Subject: Portland Shooter Identified - BLM Supporter
[Yes, I know it's just a Tweet. But I'm confident this is the guy who killed the Portland Trump supporter last night. df]
![]() |
Dan Friedman, NYC
I said:
"...ARE openly killing..."
ARE is for plural, not singular.
Go back to 1st grade and learn your English, stupid Red-Necks.
The Latino immigrants speak much better English, LOSERS!
Avner E.
August 31, 2020:
Subject: Faster Than A Speeding BLM Bullet
Mark this: Hours after the suspect (BLM) and the victim (Trump supporter) in the Portland murder were named by sources on the Internet, the mass media maggots are still at a loss. Keeping the truth bottled up so they can "spin it" and give it an anti-Trump slant. That takes time. Of course, the lying liars will say they're being "thorough."
Today there are a thousand "reporters" with video cameras recording every event. If this means the demise of the corrupt corporate media and the rise of spontaneous, independent, crowdsourced newsgathering then it will be a blessing in disguise amid all the chaos and the sturm and drang. Who needs the filthy bastards anyway!
Dan Friedman, NYC
I said:
We are all for "the rise of spontaneous, independent, crowdsourced newsgathering". This will speed up you guys being kicked out, and returning to your worm holes. In just 65 days.
Avner E.
September 1, 2020:
Subject: Trump Visits Kenosha. World Doesn't End.
Dan Friedman, NYC
I said:
Come on... you have found just ONE mishap of Biden, so you had to use a clever video tool to seamlessly run it in a LOOP...
Compare this to the Thousands of clips showing Trump mumbling rubbish...
Thanks to the real inarticulate Trump, you guys (the USA) are no longer the leaders of the free world...
Avner E.
September 3, 2020:
Subject: We Now Go To The Oval Office...
Here's a special message from The President of The United States:
Dan Friedman, NYC
I said:
Oh yes, Trump the Imbecile is very articulate...
62 more days, and you're all OUT.
Avner E.
September 4, 2020:
Subject: From "Sleepy Joe" to "Creepy Joe"
Make sure your kids are asleep before you see this:
Be Afraid, Very Afraid
Dan Friedman, NYC
I said:
Really, this is all you have against him?!...
That means that in just 61 days, you guys are OUT.
We WIN, you guys LOSE, Suckers.
Avner E.
September 4, 2020:
Subject: There's Something About Joe
Thanks to Breitbart, now we know what it is.
Donald Trump Jr. on Joe Biden’s Mental Decline: He’s Had Two Brain Aneurysms Requiring Surgery
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s brain aneurysms and related brain surgeries are linked to his visibly impaired cognition, said Donald Trump Jr., author of Liberal Privilege: Joe Biden And The Democrats’ Defense Of The Indefensible, offering his remarks on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
I quote Joe Biden’s own doctor [in my book],” said Trump Jr. “Americans don’t know that this guy’s had two brain aneurysms requiring brain surgery. The chances of being normal after one of those things is not very high. After two, it’s almost impossible.”
Biden “forgets where he is on a daily basis” and often “can’t remember the point that he’s trying to make so often like we saw in the debate when remember I’m oh, you know the thing and I all I don’t want to take any more,” observed Trump Jr.
“If the average American knew that the guy who wants the nuclear football actually has a real cause and effect relationship with mental deficiency, you’d start questioning it,” he said.
Trump Jr. noted news media’s broad refusal to report on Biden’s cognitive decline. “If Donald Trump made a Joe Bidenism, the media would be all over it every day. This guy does it and they’re like, ‘Oh, he’s brilliant.'”
“I don’t mean to make light of mental decline,” continued Trump Jr. “A lot of people know people that deal with these issues. These are really serious things, but we’re going to give this guy the nuclear football? He’s going to get the codes? We’re going to trust him with your 401k and the world’s largest economy and overseeing democracy?”
Biden’s damaged mind allows him to be a puppet of his handlers, warned Trump Jr.
“Joe Biden is simply the camouflage to get those people a position of power,” concluded Trump Jr., describing Biden as a vehicle for Marxist and communist ideology via politicians like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX).
Dan Friedman, NYC
I said:
What Trump (doesn't) have in his brain, no surgery can fix.
60 more days.
Avner E.
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