Dear readers,
Below is a response to an article I received by email, from Mr. Steven Shamrak.
Mr. Shamrak is a very knowledgeable individual, who runs a very patriotic "pro-Israeli" web site (from
If you read further, you will figure out for yourselves why I put "pro-Israeli" in big quotes.
I embedded my humble response to his claims, marked with yellow highlighting. I hope that you find this interesting, maybe even entertaining.
Why is
1. Before 1990, Security Council passed 175 resolutions, 97 were directed against
2. Before 1990, UN General Assembly voted on 690 resolutions, 429 were directed against
Where did you take those numbers from?
regardless, I agree that the UN is biased against
That doesn't mean, from a logical point of view, that
3. The UN was silent when Jordanians destroyed 58 Synagogues in
4. The UN was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the
5. The UN was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like policy of preventing Jews from visiting the
6. The UN was silent while for 18 months
7. There are 60 Muslims countries in the UN. As well as many more are others Arab oil dependant states.
This is is like saying that over 100 Christian countries should take care of refugees from
That is not true. you must be meaning that
See 8. above.
10. In recent years, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights has annually passed five resolutions condemning
11. Nov. 29 is the United Nations Day of International Solidarity with the Palestinian People. No other people has a U.N. Day of Solidarity…
13. It is the only state targeted by two special committees and special units of the U.N. Secretariat ostensibly devoted to the Palestinians but in reality dedicated to Israel-bashing worldwide, costing millions of dollars a year.
14. UNIFIL, the U.N. force stationed on the Israel-Lebanon border, hid a videotape of Israeli soldiers being abducted by Hezbollah in October 2000. After finally admitting to having the tape, the U.N. would only show an edited version (in which Hezbollah faces were hidden) to the Israeli government.
15. UNESCO, in
It is Time to "Leave
by Steven Shamrak - August 31, 2002
It is Time to "Leave
2. According to UN own legal opinion: Judea,
3. So-called Palestinians are Arabs who moved to the territories during the last 130 year, after the Jews started re-vitalizing the land.
4. Arabs have no intention to live in peace with Jews.
This is racism.
5. Arabs respect charisma and strong leadership. It is the time for
This is even worse racism.
6. Enemies and so-called friends have never treated Jewish people as equal. They will never support
No one should support nobody "unconditionally". In fact, this is the biggest sin of American Jewery, for which many of them feel deep regrets, facing the acts of the Israeli governement.
7. After 54 years of wars and terror, it is time to “leave
Goal and Strategy of Islam.
by Steven Shamrak
September 11 and
According to Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens, Islam has a simple and direct four-point plan for establishing eventual world dominance. All steps are being implemented simultaneously:
1. Totally destroy and eliminate
2. Defeat or neutralize the power of the
3. Bring all Muslim Nations into an Islamic Theocracy such as
4. Infiltrate all major European Countries,
Moshe Arens is an aeronautic engineer. his knowledge about Islam is no better than anybody else's (but I still respect his views, he is one of very few honest persons in
World domination of Islam is the Goal. It is time to realize it. The war is global. It had started when Mohamed began spreading “the true religion” around the world, some thirteen hundred year ago. It is the war for survival of Western civilization and
For hundreds of years, in the "middle ages", Islam was the culture of enlightenment, science and humanity, while Christianity, especially Catholicism, represented the worst type human persecution and cruelty.
today things have turned around to some extent (Christinan countries such as the
Does not look that anybody cares about you comments. :) - Steven Shamrak