Sunday, September 19, 2021

Climate Change ping-pong, vol. 18

 September 14, 2021, Isaac Barr MD <>:

Energy Prices in Europe Hit Records After Wind Stops Blowing

Heavy reliance on wind power, coupled with a shortage of natural gas, has led to a spike in energy prices

The U.K. has leaned on wind power as it aims to slash carbon emissions.

I wrote:

To an alien from Alpha-Centauri, it would look like you guys REALLY hate your grandchildren... (I'm not saying you do, but so it would seem to intelligent beings, assuming wrongly that you are too).

The price of repairing your flooded homes, and cleaning the world the you guys leave to your offspring, will be WAY WAY WAY higher.


Avner E.

Norman cohen <>:

The Effendi has taken one of Obama's shovel-ready jobs.

    But it's something I would not want to shovel.

I hope he's wearing his dungarees.

Only 9 more years to the end of the world, according to his neviah AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez).



A note to Left Liberal Stooge Avner: The worst Storm in US History Mr., happened in 1900 in Galveston Texas. In fact Port Arthur Texas was built due to the Galveston Storm, in which from 6,000 at the least - 7200 people died. So take your Grandchildren crap , and your Liberal BS, your Moslem G-D Obama's Waterfront House, and your  CFR Elitist Bosses and you know what!

Also back about 50 years ago there were floods and torrents in Bangladesh that made this  storm look like a Kindergarten beginner!

Now answer the question brilliant Liberal: We had an Ice Age. How did the Ice melt?? There were no Humans and no Industry  on the Earth. How did it melt????

So smart Liberal, tell us???

Norman cohen <>:

We don't know the mechanism for the ice ages but the recent ones have been periodic at about every 100,000 years.

One clue comes from the Moon appearing from Earth, visually, as the same size as the Sun.

     That gives us eclipses.

It's possible that there is a heavenly body in an orbit that takes it far out of the solar system but comes back and moves in such a way as to partially shield the Earth from the Sun for enough time to bring it about.

      The gravitational pulls of the Sun and the Earth help to keep that shielding body in position and in place for enough time as it moves along together with the Earth until it eventually resumes its travel back out of the solar system.

                       That's real climate change.

Sea levels fall as rains from the oceans turn to snow and ice on land and don't flow back to the sea. Land masses become covered with ice.

Geologists' best prediction of the next ice age is only 1500 years away. We'd better have enough heat sources. Don't worry, HaShem has blessed us with a virtually infinite supply of hydrocarbon molecules that form solid, liquid and gaseous fuels from the bowels of the Earth. A blocked Sun won't affect that supply of energy.


I wrote:

Mr. Golub, since you asked, I will explain.

I am not an expert on climate. There are 4,000 scientists who are, and they belong to the IPCC (look it up). They have a 90% consensus, that the recent 1 to 1.5 degC change in the last 100 years (doesn't sound much, eh?! Science says that it's a Catastrophe) - this little heating is person-made, and will get much worse if not reversed.

Their work is called "science", it is something you obviously know little about because you didn't pay attention at school, but I'll brief you: it's the method used in order to build the computer you are typing on, and the cars you drive, and the airplanes you fly. (*)

This wonderful method called "science" can now detect Exoplanets of Stars many Parsecs (look it up) away from us - not a trivial job. So it certainly is capable of detecting any potential celestial object that could obstruct the Sun from us - had it existed in reality, and not only in the apparently empty head of our friend Norman Cohen.

(*) Let's do a little thing that scientists call "thought experiment". Suppose you want to fly somewhere, and you have 3 options: one is a regular airplane, built by engineers who use the scientific method that I described above. The 2nd option is a vehicle made by Yeshiva Bukhers, who believe that it's a waste of time to go to a technical school, because their Rabbis told them that all the wisdom is already in their Gemara. The 3rd option is a device built by people who believe that the Earth is flat, or that making statements about the climate doesn't require any research - wishful thinking will do just fine.

Now, I ask you to answer this question with the most honesty: which vehicle would you choose to fly?



September15, Norman cohen <>:

a)   One Richard Lindzen is worth the Effendi scientists whose science is swayed by an agenda that just happens to fit in with the Effendi's idol worship.

b)   The "Yeshiva Bukhars" are on course to "fly" to a better place, which is  -- according to Kohelet -- what counts in the end.


I wrote:

So, Mr. Cohen, you would take the flight in the pile of junk that they would design? Is this your honest answer?

I'm just curious.

Putting it in your words, there is no difference whatsoever between your Yeshiva guys, and the poor bastards who were promised 72 virgins in heaven, because this is "what counts in the end" for them, and the hell with their lives.

(And due to Covid19, they probably caused the deaths of more innocent people).


Avner E.

Jack Zucker <>:


Thank you for your perfect explanation to Mr. Golub and Mr, Cohen. It is concise, accurate and possessing the proper dollop of humor.

September 16, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

Thanks for your sarcastic explanation. The organization you referred to is funded by Internationalist  groups. Not  long past a group of 2000 scientist said that there was little effect mankind had on the weather. The worst storm ever in the USA,  as I told you was back in 1900.

How come Obama bought on the water?? He is your boy with your "beliefs"! The Moon also effects tides. Some say it has been off its regular motion??

Look up the HAARP Bases the US has had operating that were shooting electronic beams into the Ionisphere. Effect on the weather??

You can clue Mr. Z  in that you convinced me of nothing, and I could not understand half the nonsense you peddled!  Climate change is a  Leftist farce to get more Tax money and milk us some more. They have run out of  ways,  so now this! If it make you happy put a windmill on your Car. I want gasoline. Better yet show us! Sell your Car and take Mass transit or walk. Let us see you with the courage of your convictions!???? Same for all Liberals. Let s see you  use Mass Transit or walk!!

I wrote:

I drive a 100% electric motorbike.

Your claim that 2000 experts stated the contrary, is a lie.

(had you said 500, then I would not call you a liar).

One prediction that I can make: your grand-grand children, who will be in their 20s-30s in 2050 (may they be alive and well), will be ashamed to learn that you did not support the reduction of Co2 omission. They will try to conceal any relation to their ancestry.


Avner E.

Jack Zucker <>:

Thanks again, Avner, for calling out Mr G and revealing he would say anything to make a point. true or not.

September 17, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

There was a Scientific group of 2000 who said that. It was a while ago so I lost the name. I absolutely assure you it was so!!

Never call me a liar. Anytime you want to debate in Public I will happily oblige!! We will do it all! The Climate, the New World Order, the Nazi like Liberals, etc.

I wrote:

Mr. Golub,

I did not call you a liar. I said that in your last email, you told one lie; I'm still behind this claim.

A person who occasionally tells a lie, is not a liar. A liar is a person who makes it a habit to tell lies.

Netanyahu, Trump are liars, big time. That's a verified fact beyond doubt. You are not in their league in that sense. Good for you.

I went quickly through some of your emails, and found 3-4 "incorrect" statements. Does this make you a liar? ahmmm... it's marginal.


Avner E.


Mr. Avner--Send me my  3-4 incorrect statements!!! Also answer my question: We had an Ice Age. How did the Ice melt with no Humans and no Industry on the Earth??

As for the 2000 Scientist it was as I recall a survey of Climate Scientist taken a while ago. I lost the article.

I wrote:

Here is a partial compilation of your lies (just from the emails that I kept - there are more).

1. Obama REFUSED the Bunker Busting Bombs Israel asked for.

This is a lie.

2. Barak Obama is Muslim.

This is a lie.

Obama practices Protestant Christianity. While in his twenties, Obama attended Black churches. From 1992 until 2008, he was a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ—a Reformed denomination. Obama left it in the wake of the Jeremiah Wright controversy. Since then, he has attended various Protestant churches, including Baptist, Methodist, and Episcopalian churches.

3. Trump was beloved in Israel

This is half a lie.

Trump is liked by part of Israeli public. Another part, probably bigger, despise him (personal testimony).

4. Let us see some of your Military Facts and Intelligence that Israel was weaker under Trump! After all you are the only person i know of who has such important Military Intelligence!

This is called an implied lie.

It suggests that I based my claim (that many military officials and think tanks thought that Trump's police has weakened Israel) - that I based it on some secret information that I could not reveal. No, I don't have any inside information. It is all public domain - there are really worried about issues caused by Trump's policy (the nuclear agreement is just one).

5. You keep referring to Democrats as being "Marxists, communists", etc. I don't think that being a Marxist is necessarily bad (I am one, to some extent); but regardless, the point is that they are not. Marxism is about the battle between classes, owning the means of production, etc. Most democrats are not in favor of those.

So, that's lie no. 5.

Shall I continue, Mr. Golub? Do you really want to cross the threshold from being an honest person who occasionally tells lies, to being a liar?..

As for your 2nd question:

If your point is that, the ice having melted after the ice ages - that this is a proof that the global warming is NOT man-made; if this is your point - than you must take a basic course in Logic and Logical Inference.

Here are some which are free:



September 18, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:

Mr. Avner--Explain the basic science or knowledge to me !???? Again how did it melt with no Humans and no Industry on the Earth???

Barry already answered the question. How about you!????

I wrote:


Sometimes ice melts by natural causes, just as it was formed by (other) natural causes.

There have been at least 5 Ice ages, between the years -2,500,000 and -11,000 . But I guess that those years don't exist in your calendar, because you learned your science from the Bible... or from scholars such as D. Trump.


Avner E.


  1. You could contribute to Co2 reductions by "Stop Buying Chinese products" force them to go to ZERO omission they represent almost twice our omissions..
    We at 15% wouldn't put a dent in the world Co2 Omission.That's if we were at ZERO Omissions.
    Now I say once again, only if every country in the world agrees to contribution equally.could there be "Maybe" some positive climate change "Maybe"
    Do you know what the greatest scientific concern might be about CO2 omission?
    Tell me you do, I would like to know how much research you have done.

  2. Total GhG by the USA may be closer to 11% of total.
    So 5% of the world’s population creates >10% of all the current problems.

    I don’t do the research, I read the journals.

    Not buying Chinese products is a facile and childish solution. Even excluding the politics and economic impact, the goods would simply be produced elsewhere.
    So, I gather your answer is, we only produce 10% and the other guys are bad, so we should not try to solve the problem.
    Cleaner energy sources, higher efficiency, less waste are not goals for you. Developing the solutions and selling such products is not a worthwhile goal?
    India is on the cusp of profound increases in energy demand, I gather you’d prefer that the Chinese sell them the products that will produce cheap and efficient electricity. Failure to invest in photovoltaics (as tried by Carter) by the USA resulted in the Chinese capturing that market. A plan to retrofit roadside signage with photovoltaic power sources would have led to building the market and economy-of-scale. GE was THE major producer of wind turbines, but failure of market here (due to lack of government push) led them to sell the business to a Swedish company, who are now the major player in a growing and lucrative market worldwide.

    I ask you this, do you accept the data that the current rapid change in climate is anthropogenic?
    If the USA reduced its GhG impact by 25%, would it have a global impact?

  3. It's hard to reach some people because they believe they know what they are saying because the are highly educated and nice politically correct so they are right. .Let's start with "Don't buy Chinese products" for a multitude of reasons. Loyal Americans support American workers Made in America.. China is an adversary not in any way an Allie. The Chinese communist party wants world domination like they have with their people in China now. My history, I manufactured in China for years love the Chinese people. I spent much time in Hong Kong, China and in Red China before 1997. The Chinese Communist Party are warlords the Chinese people are their slaves ruled by the warlords. They have been indoctrinated to accept over many years. Sort of like what is going on in America today. The Chinese worker get very little the Warlords get very much. China will not contribute to reducing GhG as you call it AKA Green House Gas. India is inching up in production I believe the two countries represent 40% of the worlds Co2 omissions, we between 10% to 15%. Now I believe if we "all" meet the same standards that would work for me.Take the time to read the Paris climate accord Nothing for America but give, give, give! little contribution or nothing for the rest of the world. Every country in the world wins, we lose. And the GhG doesn't change.Reality awakening read it. I don't believe we should sacrifice so they win.If their concerned they do your share or we both suffer the same fate. Because doing it alone we lose anyway.
    Now a little education the concern with Co2 is the Ozone layer around the earths surface. As the earth spins on it's axis the Ozone layer open and closes. the concern is if that if the Ozone layer disappears or opens and does not close then Earth will loses it's water, it will evaporate never to return to Earth, and yes everything drys up and we sizzle. It is believed that the Co2 omissions "may" have an effect on the Ozone layer. The rest of the Al Goring bull shit is just that Bull shit for political control and fear.
    That's all I have to say about that.

  4. It’s a good thing you don’t teach atmospheric science.

  5. ...and Mr. Harrison is the more educated among the conservatives here... Co2 is an Ozone problem... Opens and closes by the Earth spinning...


    Avner E.

  6. Fucking terrifying.
    May you be blessed with a good new year….
    And May the Iranians blow themselves up.

  7. Shana Tova to you too! And your family.

    I'm afraid that I can't agree to your last wish.
    I see the Iranians as human beings just like me, and I don't wish them bad.
    I don't see one reason, why Israel should have the Bomb, and Iran shouldn't. They are surrounded by threats, at least as Israel is.

    If your point is that the Iranian leaders are irrational - from what I know, they act more rationally then any Israeli leader I know. It is not in their interest to nuke Israel.
    By demographic standards, they are less religious a country than the USA is.

    On the other hand, the notion that Israel can maintain the continuous oppression of 3 million Palestinians in the Territories, and discriminate against other 2 million Arabs who are Israel citizens (and proved outmost loyalty to the State by turning 4 of the 6 fugitives to the police - the "start-up Nation" could have not lay a hand on them without the Arab citizens) - this notion it totally insane. History will tell.

    Anyways, Shana Tova, good health and good news. Have an easy fasting if you do.

    Avner E.

  8. Avner, I’m so glad to read your perspective on Iran.
    I was horrified when trump pulled out of the deal.
    I cannot dispute your points, where we part ways is that I think the leadership is evil.
    I think their motive really is to harm israel. Their support for terror groups leads me to see them as a real threat.
    I’m anxious to discuss this further, as I find what you write informative and informed.
    Stay safe. Gotta go prepare for ancient rituals that touch our shared past.

  9. I actually agree with you!
    I think that the root of misunderstanding is that we confuse "evil" with "crazy".
    A fanatic religious regime is evil, I'm the first one to agree with that. Lack of freedom, civil and human rights, zealousness - I'm far from being their fan.

    Only I don't think that they are crazy, and they have no reason to attack Israel once they have the Bomb (I think that they are very close to having it).

    Israel and the West are facing much greater threats: ignorance, disrespect for science and reason, the destruction of the planner. But "the Bomb" is good tool to have control on people by panic.

    Go ahead and prepare for the Holy day, and I wish you and your family Gemar Chatima Tova, a healthy and good new year, and good news all around.

    Avner E.

  10. When the majority of the scientific world rejects scientific data bc said data counters the status NWO STATUS QUO I want nothing to do with it.

    No Dr. in their right minds would be promoting, peddling and pushing the vax with what THEY know about vaccinations let alone this one.

    Dr. Barr, the money must be really good for peddling such garbage. NWO is happy with you.

  11. Mr. Silver,

    As with so-called "climate change", there are a host of reputable professional experts in the fields of epidemiology and infectious diseases who disagree with the COVID orthodoxy being fed to us by well-meaning experts along with the sinister advocates of tyranny.

    In such matters, we need to be free to decide for ourselves.... or else this country is more far-gone than we realize and, in that event, the greater long term danger will be to its Jews.


  12. Mr. Cohen,

    This message of yours has somehow escaped my Spam filter, so... a short response is due.

    The process of Evolution by Natural Selection (which you as a Creationist know so little about), has no mercy for mutations of Homo Sapiens such as yourself. Keep denying the threats, and you will get extinct.

    Avner E.

  13. Avner, you forgot to tick the box “block all posts by the galactically ignorant of science.”

    What can I tell you, the profound ignorance of some on Myron’s list is astonishing. It leads one to lose all faith in “Jewish” education.

    Some people are just fucking stupid.

  14. Very well said, Roger.

    This is another reason why I'm not Jewish any more.

    BTW, Jewish education used to be really good, especially on the side of the seas where you guys live.
    I admire science, I studied Gemara for a few years, and the extent and quality of scientific thinking of the Sages (Chaza"l) is really astonishing. (of course, there's a good share of rubbish there as well).

    Avner E.

  15. I have news for you, Effendi.
    Sounds to me like you are a pompous ass who happens to be a Jew.


  16. Good. One less Jew to give us a bad name.
    Avner, for all Jews in this email and around the world, please do NOT say you're jewish.

  17. Roger,

    The ability of those on the religious right to display astounding ignorance of simple science has ceased to amaze me, even in the face of apparent extended education. I guess your final sentence says it all.

  18. אבנר שלום

    שמחתי לראות תגובה ראויה לשטויות הללו. לעיתים קרובות אני משתמש באמרה מתאימה להם "You can't fix stupid".
    אני כבר לא משתתף ברשימה הזאת, וכמו אצלך, כל המיילים של הטיפשיים האלה הולכים ישירות לתיק ה- Spam.

    חוץ מזהת הכל בסדר, ואני מקווה שזה גם המצב אצלך. שמור על עצמך והישאר בריא


  19. I love your modern and logical response. The problem is, these guys aren't modern or logical.
    As they say, you can't teach a dinosaur new tricks.
