Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A Polite Conversation with an American Conservative

An American conservative activist, Mr. Dan Friedman, sent me this (August 3 2020):

First, it was Thomas Friedman and now this old lefty hag. Puhthetic.

They’ve become unrevealing quip contests.

LMAO, old Washington hands know a train wreck when they see one. They're in a panic!  🚒


Dan Friedman©


Sent from my iPhone 11 Pro

To which I replied:

Are you serious?!?!... You want the USA to have 4 more years of these two IMBECILES?!

Take your stupid red-neck President, your criminal friend Netanyahu,

and Stay Out of our Lives, FOREVER!

You managed to make America miserable again, you stupid MORONS.

You are living evidence, that the Human Beings did evolve from the Apes - contrary to the stupid "intelligent design" that you want to teach in your schools, and make your children as ignorant as you are.

History will punish you, for all the damage that you have caused to the US, and to Israel.

May you spend many, long years in maximum security prison, for your crimes, your lies, for your ignorance, for your rude and incapable behavior.

Avner E.

To which Mr. Friedman replied, so wittingly:


Sent from my iPhone XR

(It appears that the smart-ass has two iPhones... Capitalist Pig.)

So I said:
This is a very typical response of the degenerated Right wing, in Israel, the US and all other "democracies"-soon-to-become-dictatorships.

"Schmuck". Very to-the-point, well established by solid arguments... Good for you.
It's a great sign that you guys are about to lose, big time.

Good luck.

Avner E.

Then he sent me this (August 6):


This is a man teetering on edge, grasping to form his thoughts into sentencesWhat's your diagnosis?

The question isn't whether Joe can make it to November. The question is whether Joe can make it to 2024!

So I said:


Now watch 1000s of video clips (not just 2-3), showing this stupid red-neck, Donald Trump, saying such stupid things, that the entire American public (most Republicans included), want to bury themselves alive from the shame.

Is this the President of the most advanced country on the planet?
Well, today it's not even at the top 10 any more.

The Trump Presidency: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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