*Food for Thought. **by Steven Shamrak*
*Another Idiot has Opened his Mouth.** * In order to promote his party (Labor) position and undermined the view of his Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Ehud Barak says the conflict with Palestinians poses a greater threat to Israel than Iran's nuclear program.
I can't believe that I'm defending this villain, Gen. (ret.) Barak; but this "idiot" is a Stanford graduate. Judging by your writing, it doesn't look like you have ever graduated from elementary school.
Stupidity of Feeding Enemies. As a goodwill gesture (how many of them must Israel make to realize that they do not work?) , Defense Minister Ehud Barak has authorized the annual transfer of NIS 25 million, about $6 million, to Gaza Strip residents entitled to social security and pension payments from Israel. (The money could be better used for supporting Israeli victims of Hamas and fighting terror!)
This is actually tax money that belongs to the Palestinians, and the Israeli government illegally confiscates.
According to the agreements, Israel is supposed to collect the tax money in the checkpoints, and transfer it to the PA.
Time for Rebirth of True Zionism.
by Lori Lowenthal Marcus
And as the world grows increasingly hostile to Israel, the Jews hostile to Israel play an increasingly larger role in the public debate. Who are those Jews? You know: the self-important intellectuals and the well-moneyed, honey-tongued groupies currently whispering into the eager ears of the White House (seeking the praise of the masters). They label themselves "pro-peace and pro-Israel." But they don't really care about protecting Israel from the threats of terrorism and extinction.
I didn't know that we were so strong and influential; thanks for the encouragement!
ReplyDeleteRe: "Judging by your writing, it doesn't look like you have ever graduated from elementary school." - Is 2,5 degrees enough for you Avner?
Like I wrote to you before - You are attention-seeking self-hating Jew, please do not bother me any more.
Steven Shamrak
PS: I feel sorry for you, but I have done all I could in your case. This is my last reply to you. And I have removed you from my list already.
This guy is a living proof, that one can be a University graduate, and still be clueless about certain things.
ReplyDelete(what's 0.5 of a Degree, anyway?...)
So pathetic. If stupidity was hurting, he would have to eat Advil for breakfast.