Impeachment Trial
Feb 11, 2021, Uri Yosef <>:
As it appears now that, in spite of the powerful case made by the team of House Managers, and in spite of the oath taken by the 100 Senators to render impartial judgement, there will not be enough votes in the Senate to convict ex-POTUS #45.
But, all isn't lost, because the same goal that was intended to be achieved via a conviction in the Senate, namely, to prevent him from holding any elected office in the future, can be reached by using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. The beauty of this process is that approval of a resolution to apply Section 3 of the 14th Amendment requires only a majority vote, not a super-majority of 2/3-rds that is required for conviction in an impeachment trial.
Here is the link to a brand new article (published today) that explains this procedure in great detail:
I am sure this option has not been overlooked by the Senate majority.
February 12, 2021, Norman cohen <>:
Uri Yosef is a wishful-thinking ignoramus, an example of a great harm being done to our country.
Just look at what he says and how he says it.
Mr. Super Guaivadik.
You think crap like this contributes to the unity and health of this country?
With freedom of speech comes a responsibility to know what you're talking about .... not to appeal to a disgrace.
This majority Congress is a disgrace.
It's a disgrace in the way it formulated its impeachment case, in the way it conducted its case in the House and advanced it
to the Senate,
and in the way it is prosecuting its case in the Senate --- violating the rules of Evidence as it violates the Constitution.
Only a greatness as embodied in a man like President Trump could evoke such fear and chronic vitriolic lawlessness from the corrupt, would-be barons and tyrants.
I wrote:
Let's assume for the sake of discussion, that he has done a few great deeds for the country; and maybe, just Maybe he is (a useful idiot and) good for Israel;
But to state that this business-failed, p***y-peeper, ignorant and selfish mutation is "greatness as embodied in a man" - this reveals your poor judgement and blind zealousness, more than anything about Trump.
If you just stated that, OK, he is not the perfect leader possible but at these hard times, at the bottom line we are better off with him than without (this is what the majority of Likud voters in Israel today say about Netanyahu; admitting that he is a liar, selfish and corrupt, but there is no better right now) - in that case, we could at least have respect for your views.
Avner E.
February 12, 2021, Roger's בית בריק <>:
Avner, perfectly stated. But a few of us here in the asylum have tried to make this point. With no success.
They’re members of a cult, logic no longer applies.
שבת שלום
I wrote:
Shabbat Shalom!
Better times are ahead, with sane and more trustworthy administration.
(Gevald - he hasn't called Netanyahu yet!....)
Avner E.
February 12, 2021, Norman cohen <>:
Mr. Efendowicz,
The mental illness directed against President Trump is proof of what I said.
For those who have problems with English, the number 4 is associated
with the word "many".
2 is a "couple" (from Hebrew machpelah, where we also get "chapel",
a prayer room that is "coupled" to another facility like
a cemetery, hospital, etc.)
3 is a "few"
4 is "many".
President Trump helped to engineer 5 new treaties for Israel.
He did many, many more things to benefit the USA.
The modern Democrat Party and its sycophants have become evil and are causing great harm.
Those who support it support evil and support the harm.
Nobody is a "perfect" leader, not even Moshe Rabbeinu.
But there are great ones without measuring up even close to Moshe Rabbeinu.
I don't need the respect of useful idiots for the left.
I wrote:
OK, so when I wrote "a few", I may have been too generous towards your red-neck hero. His positive contributions don't come even close to 3.
The 4 "peace agreements" are nothing but a cover up for arm deals between US greedy corporations, and governments never involved in any conflict with Israel.
One smart guy said: more people have died due to Israelis returning from Abu-Dhabi with the Covid virus (well established data), than all deaths from the Israel-UAE "wars" (and Bakharein, Sudan, Morocco combined).
Avner E.
Roger's בית בריק <>:
Avner, this is a good shabbos to turn off electronics! They won’t make you crazy that way. They're fucking morons.
February 12, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:
Avner (I’m a sheep) Efendowicz:
Worse times ahead with a unstable, mentality weak minded, older than dirt less trustworthy specialist commi and Islamic kiss ass president and his corrupt to the core Obama/Hillary administration.
I wrote:
Thank you for making my point... (1)
You are so stupid, that you helped me make my point in the best way. Your response proves your bling zealousness, so brilliantly.
You may not agree with President Biden, you may think that he is evil. But all those superlatives combined?! You just showed how twisted you are.
(1) John Patrick Mason, played by Sean Connery, to a stupid soldier who beat him after saying "Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious".
Avner E.
Feb 12, 2021, Barry Wolfensohn <>:
Uriת I am sorry Captain Stupid called you an ignoramus
I sense that name calling is the first step in his answer because the answer can not stand on its own.
I would think that the greatness of Trump would engender love from all not fear by some.
Fri, Feb 12, 2021, Uri Yosef <>:
I didn't expect an actual and meaningful response to my post. Most of those on the email list worship this demi-god, ex-POTUS #45, to such an extent that they're unable to comprehend the damage this narcissistic wannabe dictator has caused. The nasty tweet he sent about his own VP 10 minutes after Senator Tuberville let him know that Pence was in danger and whisked out of the chamber demonstrates what he really had in mind on January 6th. He will soon be so wrapped up in legal actions, not only from states such as New York and Georgia, but also others, including women that he raped and sexually assaulted, not to mention the loans he personally guaranteed being called by the banks, that he won't have time to think about politics.
Friday, February 12, 2021, Norman cohen <>:
You don't get it, Barry.
The people who fear Trump are evil Democrats, because he gets in the way of their leftist tyranny.
He has turned them into mentally ill buffoons.
Only dumb, idol-worshiping sycophants like you can't see that.
Incidentally, Shoshanah and I have a wonderful, large kitchen with lots of pantry space and counters arranged for efficient separations of milchig, fleishig and pareve.
We have begun to stock up on pantry storable foods, taking the hint from the toilet paper, paper towel & cleanser crises. Venezuela may be coming.
Also increasing the percent of gold-related holdings in our liquid portfolio. Looks to me like the pros are accumulating.
Devaluation is not too far away. Not just from our enormous and skyrocketing debt, we have to have currency par with China.
Incidentally, the Democrats are now opposed to "feminism".
Their school lockdowns are forcing mothers to stay at home, away from hunting predators.
I wrote:
Prof (fake) Norman:
I wish that you and your (miserable) wife spend all your money on unnecessary foods, that will rot in your kitchen without use. Because at least in the 20th and 21st centuries, the US economy has done better under Democrats (FDR, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama), repairing it from the damages that Republicans have done (those before the above, respectively: Hoover, Nixon, Reagan, Bush1, Bush2).
At the beginning of the pandemic, Israel was short in toilet paper, Because stupid people like yourself bought tons of it, maybe for fear that Covid-19 makes people crap more than usual. It may have made the crap gone the wrong way to their heads - just like negative emotions did in your case.
Avner E.
February 12, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:
There is no reasoning with people of Avner’s ilk. Nor is there a way to communicate to these mentality stunted, retarded democrats aka liberals aka progressives nka socialists aka communists aka Islamists aka tyrants aka Marxists.
They ignore all facts.
These people who ignore Biden’s proven corruption are cancerous plagues.
If they cared for the rule of law they’d be pissed off at the election, pissed off at the first impeachment trial (Russia hoax), pissed off that Trump offered 10,000 troops on JAN 6th and that offer wasn’t taken, fbi knew off the Jan 6th issues and DID NOTHING, etc....etc.....
I’ve accepted their mental cancerous disorder and the plague they are.
I wrote:
Mr. Ryan,
Thank you too, for making my other points.
"Biden’s proven corruption" -
Go look up the word "proof" in the nearest dictionary.
Avner E.
February 12, 2021, Norman cohen <>:
Mr. Efendowicz,
Biden is on videotape violating federal law as Vice President, bribing the Ukraine.
That is more than evidence, that is "PROOF".
The corrupt FBI is hiding Hunter's laptop hard drive, under wraps, on which there is more PROOF. Not mere evidence, but PROOF.
But no matter in this immoral, corrupt and lawless country in which the people have lost the franchise.
I wrote:
You are as far from Emet as the most red-shifted galaxies are from here.
You guys have made this world Emet-less. You take this concept in Vain, to the extent of Blasphemy.
If investigated and taken to court, Biden MAY be found guilty.
But if what you mentioned was considered "proof", then Mr. Netanyahu would be in prison long ago. But he is not, and justly so.
And you pretend to be a Law school graduate...
Avner E.
February 13, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:
Actual it is proven bc he incriminated himself on video and that’s just one example.
Speaking of proof I bet you looked into those things I pointed out that you said weren’t facts to be actual facts and that’s why you ever got back to me. Typical of cancerous democrats aka liberals aka progressives nka socialists aka communists aka Islamists aka Marxists aka tyrants.
Trump’s economy was better than Obama’s. Simple/elementary research proves that.
Clinton and is derivatives, sub prime lending and deregulation is what created the crash. Democrats ignoring conservatives warnings even bush jr helped too. Clinton also created big government, was negligent with deal with Osama Bin Laden, totally enabled 9/11, gutted the fbi and cia, prevented the fbi and cia from sharing intel, soft on NK, also signed operation Iraqi freedom into law which started the 2nd Iraq war not bush jr... I’ll stop there. Oh yeah rapped women..... cheated while in office...... what a president Bill Clinton, I mean William Blythe was.
dems/Liberals are cancerous plagues.
I wrote:
Yeah. And the Earth is Flat.
Bottom line - Liberals WIN, Conservative aka (some of them) Judo-Nazis (Kahana supporters) - you LOSE.
Humanism WINS, Evil LOSES.
Over and Out.
Avner E.
February 13, 2021, Ryan Silver <>:
Humanism comes from being/living as g-dly as possible. Nothing supersedes faith and religion and that right there proves you and the dem aka liberal aka progressive aka socialist aka communists Islamists aka Marxists aka tyrants aka the cancerous plague is lost and evil.
Humanism doesn’t work with your enemies.
Humanism doesn’t work when it destroys your country’s economy and ways of life.
Humanism doesn’t work in war nor survival. You do that and you’re dead meat.
You have jack shit. Deflect, avoid facts and run away with your bullshit comments.
Judeo Christian values matter as that’s where salvation for mankind comes from.
Typical left douche bag.
I wrote:
I said: Over and Out.
I see that you never went past 2nd grade.
Humanism comes from "Human". Therefore it can't go against an enemy as an individual, who is human just like we are (relax, you are not). An enemy is one that attacks you, and you fight against, but they are still humans. If one is a humanist (not you, of course), then they will fight but treat their enemies as humans.
All is said, you guys are too stupid and uneducated to understand all this. It is written just for us, humanists who want to remain ones.
You guys are now directed to the Spam mail, where you belong.
Avner E.
February 14, 2021, james rizzolo <>:
Ryan continuing to pair Apples to Oranges 🍊
Jim Rizzolo
Uri Yosef <>:
Norman wrote:
"The election was stolen, Wolfensohn.
Only you and your ilk will move on.
Those of us who love justice will continue to seek it.
צדק צדק תרדוף"
Translation of the Hebrew phrase for those who cannot read or understand it:
"Justice, justice, shall you pursue" (Deuteronomy 16:20).
February 14, 2021, Kessel, I. Michael <>:
I am very surprised that a man of your intelligence would be sucked in by the use of that famous phrase by secular social justice warriors that have no idea of the source.
As you know Uri, the full quote is:
Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may live, and inherit the land which the Lord your God gives you.
So the purpose of that psuk is for Jews to set up a justice system so that they can live in Israel. Not so either you or I can bludgeon someone with the Bible because we don’t like their political views. Your message that those who take Trump’s side are violating the word of G-d is pompous and wrong.
I know a good amount of Democrats use this phrase to stand on a moral platform. Do they also realize that when they do so, they are encouraging Jews to return to Israel, the exact opposite of BDS?
I wrote:
So, Justice is good and suitable only as a means to living in Israel?
To us, Humanists, Justice is a value in itself, not a tool to use.
Plus, BDS doesn't oppose Jews living in Israel, only to the oppression of the Palestinians.
Avner E.
February 15, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <>:
Having resigned from the CFR Admiral Chester Ward stated:
"The most powerful clique in these ELITIST groups have one objective in common-- they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the National Independence of the United States"!!
Guess who is also a member of the CFR?-- The Senile bastard, and Israel hating --Joe Biden!
When a spokesman for him was asked : Are Israel and Saudi Arabia still allies of the USA? The spokes woman hemmed and threw smoke, with some nonsense about processes are ongoing, etc. play out etc. Would not answer.
Any Jew who supports this worthless Bastard Biden has as much sense as a Jew in Germany supporting Hitler. Hitler imposed boycotts and sanctions. So do the Liberal democrats (BDS) here support them. Israel will soon have to look elsewhere for Allies and for Armaments. Watch and see!!!
I have seen many a creature in my days on the Police. However the only creature that is sick, suicidal, delusional ,and a totally blind stooge to what he has brought on himself, and his people, is the Left Liberal Jew ,and his counterpart in Israel, with a copy of the Left wing Jerusalem Post under his arm!!
I wrote:
Israel will soon have to look elsewhere for Allies and for Armaments.
We wish.
Your words are very encouraging to me! I hope that soon Israel will start to recover from its long addiction to US weaponry aid. This will force us to make peace, Be'ezrat Hashem.
Avner E.
Uri Yosef <>:
You wrote,
"I am very surprised that a man of your intelligence would be sucked in by the use of that famous phrase by secular social justice warriors that have no idea of the source."
FYI, and with all due respect to you, the person who quoted that portion of the verse, Norman Cohen, is an Orthodox Jew who claims he "knows it all". I disagree with his politics, which isn't the problem. What I really disagree with him and some others on this list, excluding you, is their behavior on it: the nasty name-calling, the ad-hominem attacks, and their claim of piety when it is, in fact, false piety.
I know exactly what the entire verse means and can even provide extensive commentary on it, which is the reason I only quoted the phrase that was used by Mr. Cohen for the purpose of demonstrating the hypocrisy of using it.
Jack Zucker:
I notice Jerry didn't include Trump in his list of trusted presidential candidates. I. too. know many door men and cab drivers better suited to run the country than twice impeached Trump.
Jack Zucker
28 Illinois Street
Dix Hills, NY 11746