Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Lunatic Americans, vol. 2



Jan 27, 2021, Barry Wolfensohn <barrydwolf@gmail.com>:


J Street Pres says "Undoing  the terrible damage done by the Trump Administration starts with re-establishing  a working relationship with the Palestinian leadership and people"

 The thread said Biden would destroy Israel. Here we go?

Is that what will actually happen?

I say NO.



Jan 27, 2021, Norman cohen <ishahrofah@gmail.com>:

Spoken like a true idol worshiper.

         Der Demokratische Partei Uber Alles,

               richtig Herr Wolfensohn?



Jan 27, 2021, Ryan Silver <rls198011@gmail.com>:

Hey Barry, give Nazis money since you are ok with giving money to those who kill jews. Oh wait, NAZIS AND JIHADISTS were BUDDIES!  Hilter and the Grand Mufti.  Nazis and Turkey.........  You do not LEARN FROM HISTORY.

 Barry, you are truly a PUTZ!



January 27, 2021, Barry Wolfensohn <barrydwolf@gmail.com>:

You have to pick moron or putz, you do not get to call me both.



January 28, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <golub413@yahoo.com>:

If he wants to establish a "working relationship " with Moslem radicals then it is Biden's Business ! After all we all know the Arabs are honest, truthful, non violent, reasonable and cooperative. Just ask Abbas, Bin Laden  or in the past, Arafat! A nice friendly bunch the Arabs!!

 If in any way you doubt Biden's  Policy, just ask Adam Schitt for his opinion. After all Schitt always sees "The Evidence"!!


On Thursday, January 28, 2021, 07:40:38 AM GMT+2, Avner Efendowicz <avnerefe@yahoo.com> wrote:



I wrote:


 Just look at the Orthodox insurgents, burning a bus in Benei-Berak Israel, shuttering police patrol car, and police pulling out of the town.

 They have caused a mass destruction to Israel's economy, spreading the virus with their crowded weddings and "Torah studying" (a laundry name for evading work and military service), by directions from their stupid Rabbies who know better than science.

If you are blaming blacks of being lazy and violent just because their black - that's racism. I acknowledge that there is much black violence, but it has another reason.

Similarly, if you are saying that Arabs can't be trusted because they are Arabs, and give Arafat and Bin Laden as example - that's racism.


Avner E.



January 29, 2021, Ryan Silver <rls198011@gmail.com>:

The Democrats aka Liberals aka Progs nka Socialists aka Commis aka Marxists aka Tyrants KEEP THE AFRICAN AMERICANS in POVERTY with their policies and politics. 


The ghetto mentality destroyed and is destroying the African American community.


The fatherless household epidemic within the African American community is destroying and has destroyed their community.

Black on black CRIME/violence destroys the African American community.  What is the reason for that?

I will say COPS need to be better trained and have DEESCALATION training and there needs to be a better process of vetting police.

The African American community does have issues that are NOT their fault however it is always up to the individual to make good decisions.

Sadly when the majority of ANY GROUP gives the minority a bad reputation it is up to that group to fix the issue.  Sadly it is usually the minority that ruins it for the majority HOWEVER with the African American and Arab/ISLAMIC issue its the majority.


Ryan L. Silver



I wrote:

It's interesting how every email or post or comment coming from the Right - always fail to provide any type of rational arguments or reasoning. Instead, they focus on name-calling, empty slogans, what-about-ism etc.

Not a bit of logical and to-the-point response - just mud thrown back at you. Very typical.


Avner E.



Norman cohen <ishahrofah@gmail.com>:

That's a broad-brushed lie, Mr. Son-of-aTurkish-Nobleman.


When it comes to Arabs,

I would rather be a live "racist" than a dead fool.


As I explained, the fundamental meaning of a shook is not

a market in the middle-east.

      It means "be wary of the Arab merchant in the bazaar that

you negotiate with".  So you are not shaken-down.

Besides, Ishmael is my cousin so how could I be a "racist"?

                                       Good Shabbos,




STEPHEN GOLUB <golub413@yahoo.com>:

Sic  'em Left wing Avener! Your beloved Arabs surely have the same Party planned for you that they had for Daniel Pearl! Sweet people huh Avener !

Liberals- Sick ,suicidal , brainwashed ,delusional stooges!



February 1, 2021, STEPHEN GOLUB <golub413@yahoo.com>:

Liberals like the Nazis,  use Race as the most important, or one of the most important apects of their programs  and their Policies! They are as I have shown previously  virtually one in the same!



I wrote:

You have never shown anything. You are only good at talking nonsense.

Show me one little thing that you have "shown".


Avner E.



February 1, 2021, james rizzolo <brooklake@verizon.net>:

Sure, he’s shown he’s a bigot and a racist many times over.



February 2, 2021, Norman cohen <ishahrofah@gmail.com>:

1.  Racism was never taught by any of my rabbis.

          But it has been a staple of the Democrat Party going on 200 years.

2.  Nazi is an abbreviation of the German National Socialist Party.

          Democrat is the American National Socialist Party, now vying for a

          tyranny of its own.




I wrote:

I have explained to you 8 times already, what it takes for a claim that you make to be valid.

But you failed to understand.

You are way more Stupid than I though, even for an American Conservative.


Avner E.



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