Thursday, June 4, 2020

My Conversation with Tania, vol. 3

On Saturday, May 30, 2020, 11:56:25 PM GMT+3, T wrote:

My late sister Yael’s eldest, Ayala Fader, has just published a new book. And…

Sunday, May 31, Fordham will present a digital book launch of Ayala’s latest book, Hidden Heretics, at 4pm ET.

For the book launch, her interlocutor sounds equally impressive. 

Details on the book and launch:

Here is the Zoom link to join Ayala’s book launch webinar coming up on tomorrow, May 31, 4pm ET.

Password: Hidden


On 3 Jun 2020, at 8:36 AM, Avner Efendowicz wrote:

Impressive!! And the topic sounds interesting. Unfortunately I couldn't join the Zoom session.

And she's a beautiful woman too!... (does it matter?... well, it does a little, to me... I tend to melt in front of feminine beauty, as you know. Sorry for the digression...)

Avner E.

On Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 08:52:14 AM GMT+3, T wrote:

You want me to send you the recorded version? In the video, same beauty (inside/outside ;) We all melt in front of beauty, and if we don't we are probably dead in body or spirit. A tragic reality for billions across space and time.

I had to watch the video, too as so did many others (including A’s own family who were PISSED) because at the eleventh hour… her department chair uploaded an anti-Zoombombing app that she had not mentioned on the registration or confirmation messages she sent. Because this worthless app functioning as a machsom required doing something and no other organization I follow has required :) And you know, I live on Zoom — learning, birthday parties, bat mitzva ceremonies, even my bereaved cousin’s azkara for their son Noam killed in Lebanon 2 one of the utra pointless wars beyond PMs or General’s ego self stroking.…

Management often fucks over people, usually unintentionally, doing something often (always?) useless after falling for the latest gimmick app.

On 3 Jun 2020, at 8:59 AM, Avner Efendowicz wrote:

yeah, sure, email me the link.

BTW, I was ashamed for not remembering in all detail, the Mr. Wilhelm episode. So I filled the gaps now. And - you learn a new thing every day... "My name is Tania" is from P. Hearst abduction?... Hilarious.

Avner E.

On Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 10:08:41 AM GMT+3, T wrote:

OH THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY DAY! Indeed, Tania is Patty or was temporarily till her moneybags fam extracted her from the cult and arranged for her to get a mere token slap on the wrist (the kind given at best to criminal Israeli police, military, and “apartheid” courts, concerning especially you know which human beings.

You sure know USA references, codes.

the link to the beautiful Ayala

June 4, 2020:

Interesting, in a way...
I could not help feeling so much anger, towards religion in general, for those terrible effects on human lives. So much so, that I almost quit listening right at the beginning.

I didn't need this fascinating research to think what I think - I am a devout atheist (even anti-religion) for a few years now (I think that I stopped davening Shacharit ~ 5 years ago); but it reminded me again how much I blamed all religions for so much of the misery in this world...

("nobody has ever been killed in the name of Atheism")... Although some people think that Hitler and Stalin were Atheists - Stalin really was - but none of them has committed his crimes with Atheism in mind.

Avner E.

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